[Quest] Kunoichi

[Quest] Kunoichi

[Quest] Kunoichi

Chapter 1 by majus majus

The story is placed in manga/anime Naruto. The only difference from the story is that all characters start mature.

“Today the genin exam's will commence.” your teacher states. “Your exam starts now!”

Finally, after years of learning, you are about to earn your own forehead protector! Finally, you will stop playing ninja – you will be the real thing! All around you, your classmates think exactly the same – they can't hide their smiles and anticipation! Finally, you will be the proud genin of

[A1] Otogakure (Village Hidden by Sound)

[A2] Kusagakure (Village Hidden in the Grass)

[A3] Amegakure (Village Hidden by Rain)

[A4] Yukigakure (Village Hidden Among Snow)

[A5]write in

You look at the test sheet lying before you and smile as you quickly start filling it up.

[B1]The test is quite easy. (you are quite knowledgeable)

[B2]You have problems with it, but you manage. (you are quite smart)

[B3]The written part of the exam is quite difficult for you. (you concentrated on physical aspect of training)

Next part is a practical test during which your taijutsu (hand to hand combat), genjutsu (illusions) and ninjutsu (energy techniques) are evaluated. While you can perform the basic 3 academy jutsu without a problem (transformation, bunshin and substitution), you mastered one additional technique which you hid from the instructors.

[C1] dancer’s advance technique – a strong combo of three hand strikes, followed by two kicks (taijutsu)

[C2] sand spear technique – harden the sand in front of your feet and lunch it in forward direction in form of large spike (ninjutsu)

[C3] snap technique – a technique causes the victim to see a glint in the corner of her eye, diverting her attention for a moment, before deciding – in most civilian and low shinobi cases - it was just her imagination (genjutsu)

[C4] write in {low level technique}

Then your throwing skill was tested. While you performed alright, you excelled in throwing

[D1] kunai (knives)

[D2] shuriken (stars)

[D3] senbon (needles)

[D4] write in

After that part done you sit and wait for the last part of exam – seduction and sexual prowess. You lick your lips as you think on the subject. You have learned much of art of seduction, as well as countless sexual techniques – you are really looking forward to putting them into practice. But of course there is a darker side of this lesson - you and your classmates heard countless stories of captured kunoichi and shinobi changed respectively into breeding stock and sperm sacks – all to capture enemy's bloodlines. Hell you and your classmates even exchanged your fantasies of capturing or being captured by enemy.

Your main subject of your fantasies are



[E3]both, shinobi and kunoichi

In fantasies, in scenarios you are captured, you are

[F1] used sexually by enemy, until your mind and body breaks and

[F2] sexually interrogated and tortured, until you break and you betray all of the village secrets to the enemy and

[F3] bound and used as a breeder, for years giving birth to enemy, until your womb becomes barren and

[F4] write in

you are killed. Of course, you would prefer to survive, but betraying your village is not an option and escaping a group of enemy ninja has a low chance of success. So **** is the most probable outcome of this fantasies.

In scenarios were you captured enemy you

[G1] used them sexually, until their minds and bodies were broken, after which you

[G2] sexually interrogated and tortured them, until they broken and told you all their secrets, after which

[G3] bound them and used them as breeders for village, for years, until they bodies broken, after which

[G4] write in

you dispatched them. Through, in some scenarios you actually managed to turn an enemy to serve your village.

“Ok,” you turn to one of the examiners “The prospective shinobi follow me for the next part of the exam. The kunoichi will be taken for their part individually.”

You watch as boys get up and follow instructor out of the class.

“Why are you still here trash? You are not going to pass anyway.”

You look at the person who spoke.

Your classmate, Ishino Sumi, is an attractive blond. She keeps her hair in a loose bun, her face is subtlety covered with makeup, sans her lips, which are covered with bloody red lipstick. She wears a body mesh which covered her torso, her arms and her tights. She also wore a short, long sleeved gray battle kimono showing off plenty of her cleavage, which she has tied with a black obi. Her sandals are kunoichi's standard open-toed sandals with high heels. Her clothes done everything to emphasize her female features - her bountiful breasts, her grabbable ass, her attractive face. You were fighting with that bitch for last two years and sometimes it got really ugly. The source of your conflict is quite petty –

[H1] you used her as a one-night stand

[H2] she’s your former girlfriend

[H3] you slept with her boyfriend

[H4] write in

Now you hate each other with a passion. You

[I1] say nothing

[I2] sneer at her “Shut up!”

[I3] smile “I would worry about yourself, bitch.”

[I4] smile and say "What a coincidence! I was just about to ask you the exact same thing!"

[I5] write in.

and proceed to ignore her… but Ishino's words hurt you a little.

You are a

[J1] tall

[J2] of average height

[J3] short

[K1] voluptuous

[K2] slender

[K3] write in

woman with

[L1] shoulder long

[L2] waist long

[L3] knee long

[M1] blond {white in case of tanned skin}

[M2] black

[M3] write in

hair and

[N1] tanned

[N2] pink

[N3] creamy white

[N4] write in

skin. As majority of prospective kunoichi, you used chakra to enhance the growth of your breasts, leaving you with pair of

[O1] bountiful (D-cup)

[O2] big (E-cup)

[O3] enormous (F-cup)

globes of flesh. On your

[P1] naked

[P2] covered with mesh shirt

[P3] write in

torso you wear standard academy student’s short, long-sleeved, battle kimono (showing off your cleavage), tied with wide obi. While your lower body is

[Q1] covered with crotchless mesh covering your thighs

[Q2] covered with crotchless mesh covering your thighs and calves

[Q3] write in


[R1] wear thongs

[R2] wear loin clothes.

[R3] write in

On your feet, you wear standard open-toed, high-heeled,

[S1] ankle-strapped

[S2] knee-high

[S3] thigh-high


The girls are taken by instructors, one by one from the classroom. Finally, after two hours, one of the instructors calls you and leads you to an empty classroom with a single table inside, then turns to you.

“OK, one important duty of the ninja is to make sure that the bloodlines will stay in the village. Your ability to control yourself will be tested now. You will be tied to the table, blindfolded and gagged. This is to protect the identity of your tester - civilian man of the village. He will fuck you – your job is to last as long as possible and make your partner cum as much as possible. I don't have to say that getting pregnant, will result in you repeating the year. Now, get on the table!”

After you lie on your back on the desk, your hands and legs are quickly tied to the desk's legs. A blindfold is put over your eyes and a bit gag **** into your mouth.

It doesn't take a long time for you to feel a hand traveling over your chest. Your test has begun.

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