Demon Wife

Maybe demons aren't so bad right?

Chapter 1 by Kendra88 Kendra88

Chester was sitting at a bench at the park; his girlfriend of five years had just left him for a meathead with as much brain-power as Chester had brawn. He was now also broke because the only source of income he had was the job he lost last week, and, actually, that might have also played into the first one now that he thought about it. Things could not get much worse short of **** for the depressed 25 year old. He was just absent mindedly staring off into space when his friend Zak ran up to him from his car.

"Chester! I've been looking all over for you buddy! said Zak, excited. "You'll never guess what I just picked up at a yard sale."

Chester looked up at his friend and flatly stated, "I don't know what you've got there, but I'm sure it was a scam."

Zak was an avid follower of the occult, and he had a gothic streak in him stretching all the way back to when they met in high school. What he had with him today did not fail to disappoint in that regard.

"Dude it's a real book of hexes! Just look at this thing..." Zak trailed off describing it while Chester went back to chilling on the bench.

Chester sighed deeply before interrupting his friend with, "Look Zak, I know you like this stuff but I'm not exactly in the mood for it today."

"Come on, man. This could be what get's your blood flowing! Let's just try a spell at my place." said Zak with a big grin.

"Okay fine Zak. You win, let's do one," said Chester as he grabbed the old tome out of Zak's hands and started flipping through the pages. Most of the spells revolved around murdering or maiming people save for a few, one of which Chester just so happened to land on: summoning a demon.

"We're doing this one since it doesn't require us to stab anyone." said Chester getting progressively more annoyed by the minute. Zak looked over the spell carefully, taking in all the details.

Zak said, "Okay buddy, we'll summon a demon together. Oh this is gonna be so awesome!"

"Mmhm..." said Chester as he got up to follow Zak back to his apartment.

After only a couple of hours of prep work, the living room was cleared out; all the furniture except the couch was moved into adjacent rooms. In the middle of the room was a salt circle with black candles burning away in a pentagram formation. Chester and Zak sat down on the floor across from each other with the salt circle in the middle.

"Okay...that should have everything ready to go. I'll lead us into the incantation." said Zak, still very much excited.

*Raka craka otho juk*

*Raka craka gothe myuk*

The two men chanted several strange sayings and waited for about five minutes. Chester finally broke the silence,"See Zak? You might be able to recoup what you spent if you peddle it online."

Zak, looking defeated, said "I know...I know, but these things just get me excited. I'm really sorry for dragging you all the way here Chester."

"Ah don't worry about it. I needed something to pick me up after this week and at the very least this was interesting." said Chester.

"You down for a quick game of cards while I'm here?" asked Chester. A while back, Zak developed a game with a tarot deck, and it's been addicting for those two ever since.

"You know it! You're going down mate!" said Zak excitedly. While Zak was running into a closet for his tarot deck, the whole duplex started shaking.

"Wh-what's h-happening? T-there's not s-supposed to be e-earthquakes in this part of the country right?" asked Chester.

Before Zak could answer, a giant hole opened up on the floor. Chester got up from the couch and looked inside to find what looked like a pit of lava several stories below the floor. He could also hear a noise emanating from deep inside and getting closer. Then all at once, a girl flew up from the hole screaming, naked as the day she was born. She looked to be only slightly younger than Chester from her looks alone. She collapsed in front of the couch when the hole sealed back up like nothing had ever happened. The girl was now fast asleep on the floor. Chester, feeling dizzy after what just happened, noticed that his friend was very quiet in the other room.

"Zak are you oka-oh well I guess that answers that question." Chester said as he walked into the hall to find Zak knocked out and a shelf that was once full of books in the floor. Chester tried to pick him up to carry him to the chair in the living room but he was only strong enough to tote him to the threshold between the living room and hallway. He then picked the girl up, placed her on the couch and covered her up with Zak's blanket.

Let them sleep for now

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