Cheating with Chloe

Cheating with Chloe

Getting with the cheating MILF next door

Chapter 1 by goodson goodson

I moved in next door to the Graysons almost a year ago when work transferred me to the upstate New York office. At first I was **** to leave the hustle and bustle of the Washington office but finally decided to make the move. A quick online search and I had rented a small two bedroom house in a quiet neighborhood.

Moving day came fast and packing up my apartment didn't take too much time. It was with mixed emotions that I bid farewell to my life in Washington and climbed into the moving truck to drive to my new home. The drive went quickly, traffic being light mid-week and I'd started just late enough in the morning to avoid rush hour.

It was early evening as I maneuvered the moving truck down the small paved street, watching the mailboxes and house numbers for my new home. I was distracted by the sight of a young blond woman coming out of one of the houses followed by two young girls. The blonde was probably in her early thirties and in good shape, slender but with all the right curves, curves that were highlighted by the white summer dress she was wearing as she turned to say something to the two girls who were obviously her daughters. I was so busy admiring the young mother that I almost drove by my new house, which was right next door to the blonde's house. The screech of air brakes caused all three of them to stop and watch me with looks of concern on their faces as I tried to stop the truck before it overshot the driveway. With only a minimum of squealing tires, I managed to slow the truck enough to turn it into my driveway.

As it came to a stop, I hopped out of the cab, glancing over at the mother and daughters as they regarded me curiously from their yard. "Sorry about that," I smiled, nodding my head slightly towards them. "Didn't see the house number at first," I explained as I took a closer look at the attractive mother, trying not to be too open with my appraisal as I noticed the silver wedding ring on her finger. "I'm Seth," I introduced myself.

"Hi, I'm Chloe Grayson," the slender blonde tells me with a slight smile before turning to her daughters, rounding them up and ushering them towards the car. I took the opportunity to sneak a rather lingering glance at her round ass as she herded her kids across the yard. "Welcome to the neighborhood, Seth," she added, looking back over her shoulder at me, maybe catching me staring at her rear.

Does she catch me?

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