Bondage App

The Fun Begins

Chapter 1 by Grimm05 Grimm05

*So, enough people have requested that I make the Bondage App Chapter of my Celebrity Bondage Story into it’s own story so here it is. Writers are always welcome. I will be splitting my time between this story and Celebrity Bondage whenever I have the time. After all I have bills to pay and mouths to feed. Also you’ll notice a few of my stories have been deleted. This is because I realized I can combine the stories together.

Whether through magic or advanced technology, an act of God or the Devil, the Bondage App allows it’s users to snap a picture of a random person and place them in bondage. Where they go from there depends on the user of course but one misstep will result in their desire partner to escape, and they will not be available again unless it is of their own free will.

Careful though as the App being discovered or the arrest of a user will result in the immediate deletion of the App and all previous partners will be released.

Now in order to make one a permanent or even temporary partner certain “challenges” must be completed over the course of several sessions. They can however be done back-to-back but many users find it far more thrilling to perform these tasks over time.

As for the App itself, use is very simple- snap a proper picture of a random person and unlock abilities, traits, skill points, and most importantly their bondage gear. After which you may apply the bondage gear to them automatically or manually i.e., with your bare hands.

Now skill points can be allocated for additional equipment such as bondage gear or special items such as a Master Key, locations for your sessions, obedience, and additional abilities and traits that users simply cannot wait for. These abilities or traits are for either User or Partner in order to keep the App interesting.

For instance, Acceptance- Your Partner is willing to accept everything you say or ask so long as it does not break any of the App’s Rules. The User variation is anywhere you go people accept that you are meant to be there. This can in turn be enhanced with equipment such as the Psychic Paper which identifies the User as someone else depending on what the User wants them to see. A prime example being a User identifying themselves as a police officer and the potential partner will see a badge and ID on the paper. This in turn allows for easier restraints with zip-ties and handcuffs of course and a pat down as well.

Speaking of rules obviously all participants must be Eighteen Years or Older. No maiming, ****, or permanent bodily harm maybe allowed save for piercings and some tattoos. If caught or arrested the Bondage App will be removed from user’s phone unless special abilities or awards are utilized.

Simply not using the App will result in the program being automatically deleted from your phone in thirty days or one can simply transfer the App to another so long as it was done so willingly.

Of course, as an App there’s always the good old fashion pay to win in which Users can simply pay to unlock special abilities, equipment, and even specials utilizing real world currency or watching advertisements. After all, the App has to be paid for somehow.

As for those who found themselves a User of the App they can be anyone from your local high school senior to a powerful CEO to even those not of this world or this universe. You can be an Alien who found themselves on Earth looking for some fun or an Elf hidden from the world looking to enact vengeance upon the humans. You can be a character from an anime or a video game lucky enough to have found the App or even the phone if you live in a world without technology of course.

Your partner can be your sister, your parents, that sexy neighbor next door, your childhood crush, or even a celebrity. Hell, you can even journey to other universes such as the DC Universe or Marvel and have some fun with Wonder Woman or She-Hulk if you manage to unlock certain abilities or bring them to our world as powerless as can be.

The better control you have over the partner the more you can unlock such as weakening their strength, enhancing their libido, or even changing their appearance to an entirely different species or gender.

It is a world of possibilities now the only question is who shall we follow and what will they do with the App?

Who do we follow?

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