Gotta Catch Em' All

Pokegirls in Trouble

Chapter 1 by ignoremepleaseand ignoremepleaseand


You are Red, an 18 year old boy from Pallet Town. You are about to head off on you're own trainer adventure. You start by heading to the Professor's Labratoy. "Hello Red! First of all, I would like to tell you the basics of this world. Mainly, now that you're a trainer, you can "catch" girls using these collars *he hands you 5 collars with various colored wires sticking out*. Once caught, the girls must follow all of you're physical commands and cannot bring physical harm to you. If you have another girl, she will be transferred to your PC automatically. But how do you catch these girls, exactly? Well first, you must send out a girl to weaken the other girl. They will take turns using moves to try to either gross out, humiliate, or arouse the opponent. Once the opponent either A: Forfeits or B: Orgasms you can catch them. The next thing I would like to go over is your purpose as a trainer. The main five goals of all trainers are:

  1. Defeat and catch all 8 Gym Leaders and the Elite Four of the region.
  2. Catch all Legendary Girls in the region
  3. Stop the Evil Team of the region
  4. Complete all data in that region's Pokedex
  5. Explore all areas of that region

Speaking of which, here, have your Pokedex now. You may register girls and their level ups here, although to "complete" it some girls may need additional information added. Oh! I almost forgot. In order to begin, you'll certainly need a starter. Give me one moment........". The Professor comes back with a hot young girl, very clearly only 19 or 20. She has long brown hair, and a white hat with a red Pokeball on it. Besides that, a collar, and some shoes, she has nothing else on at all! You can see her extremly tiny, yet still cute titties, as well as her clean shaven sex. It is very clear she is putting up a struggle, though the collar stops her from doing anything meaningful. "Alright Red, I'm giving you control of her now." She grudgingly waddles over to you. "Let me go you fucking pervert!!!!" she yells. You just smile and smirk at her.

Your Pokedex leaps out and begins to recite: <You have acquired: Leaf; lvl 1. Entry: Leaf's titties are so tiny that all major underwear brands do not make bras small enough for her. She is very sensitive about this fact, and absolutley hates when anybody talks about it> "I'll fucking kill you, you robot piece of-". Quickly, you say: "Leaf, you can no longer say anything insulting unless I give you permission". She gives you a **** stare. "I'll say anything I want you- sexy, amazing master.... wait... what? That's not what I tried to say. I meant that I'd- hapilly suck your cock anytime, after all I have extremly tiny titties AHHHHHHH! Get out of my head you stupid fucking collar!".

"I think we're going to be great friends" you reply, laughing to yourself about just how fun this adventure was going to be.

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