Sex Shop of the New World

A New World Needs Sex Ed

Chapter 1 by ReaperofBalance ReaperofBalance

You've gotten the chance from deity, the universe, a supernatural ****, a demon, a creature, whatever you want to call it to go to a brand new world full of naïve people, specifically naïve in the ways of sex and all that goes along with it. All they know about sex is Missionary Position and impregnation, they know nothing else, never contemplated anything else, never attempted anything else, or even imagined or fantasized about anything else. Also, don't worry, you're "Equipped" to handle any woman that needs your guidance.

Your job is simple: You're going to educate the world about it and what better way than to open the first ever sex shop of the new world? Sell different toys and items for sex as well as teaching people how to use them. Now, if that means you only educate the women personally and leave the men to start using their imaginations or for the women to take advantage of the males for their own fun is entirely up to you. Take women under your wing to let them learn the pleasures they've been deprived.

The one who sent you will even give you some help in the form of some enhancements or powers that can make educating people easier (mind control, enhanced charisma, Speechcraft max level, etc etc).
You've even got a helper of your choice, they'll be your first and chief student, your assistant at the shop, and basically your dedicated servant and sex **** that will help you fulfill your goals, dreams, ambitions, and plans to the best of their ability.

Of course, you've also got two choices: Only Humans in the world or a variety of races and all of them ignorant to the ways of sex except for Missionary and Impregnation. Genies, Demons, Devils, Angels, Mermaids, Gargoyles, Elves, Dark Elves, Lamias, Nagas, Orcs, Draenei, any and all races that you could want in the world for you to educate and corrupt through sex.

Beyond corrupting the world through sex, you're free to do whatever you want.

(Note: All sexual instances can only be done that are ages 18 and up, due to the rules of the site)
(Note: This is a public story so feel free to start or add as you please)

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