My Hero Academia: Short Cut to Power

My Hero Academia: Short Cut to Power

A FMG focused story

Chapter 1 by Idontc1 Idontc1

"My baby is finally complete!" Mei shouted, altered by her newly completed magnum opus. She spent some time marvelling at it. To the untrained eye it simply looked like a large room with window in it (partial because it was that) but if looked carefully had a small hatch on the celling. Out of this hatch a small minichains arm with a needle on the arm stretched out. Creating that was of course easy for the genius engineer, but the hard part was what was inside the needle. It was loosely based off of a **** that boosted people's quirks only differences was that was permeant. A small amount of radiation was released alongside this to make sure the changes stuck.

Of course this was all theory, though it was completed it had yet to be tested. Well, some parts of it had been, a weaker form of the **** was used on a couple of people. It worked but only on women. Though this was quite the issue it could always be fixed later, since she needed to get this prototype to work to prove that the process was possible, for herself and for science. The same attuited also applied to side affects, though not out of malaise just out of necessity. It would be hard to convince anyone to take under go a mysterious process with unknown side affects, plus she believed in her work. Only reason she didn't use it her self was that her quirk couldn't really improve in any noticeable way. Anyways. worst case it would blow up.

Now she just needed to pick someone. She first thought about picking one of her classes mates but UA does have contact with lots of Pro Heroes maybe she could get one of them?

Who should she pick?

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