Anime Club Harem

Anime Club Harem

Build your own lesbian harem

Chapter 1 by CaptainAngel77 CaptainAngel77

All characters are 18 years old or over

18 year old Monica Smith has long brown hair that she keeps in a ponytail. She and her older sister Danni are the daughters of the president of SmithCorp. Their parents have always tried to groom them into running the family business, pushing them to perfection. Anything less than an A is grounds for serious punishment. The whole reason for all this was their parents simply wanting the prestige. They also **** Monica and Danni into the Debate Club.

The club was led by Ace White. That guy wanted to become a defence attorney which he was very passionate about. Despite this, his actual understanding of law was practical non-existent with Monica having to explain very basic legal concepts to him. He also had stupid hair. Monica didn't even want to run the family business. To escape the stress, she quit the Debate Club and founded the Anime Club. She knew she made the right choice.

Danni's hair ended up turning white from the stress. However she noticed that it was only boys who were joining her new club and well, she wanted to build a harem of cute girls she could have sex with. So that's it, Monica wants to pick up chicks. The biggest obstacle in her plans to build a lesbian harem was that most girls in the school are not lesbians. Monica really had to do some digging to find girls that would be attracted to her.

It turned out the school only had seven other known lesbians in it.

Who will Monica add to her harem first?

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