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Chapter 4 by ThomasCallahan ThomasCallahan

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Introduction: Page 4

Magic is hard. I don't get how people make it look so easy. After an entire day, I had only learned a couple of beginner-level spells from my spellbook. Of the 30 in total, I learned

Healing Touch, MageHand, Light, Shield, and Shocking Grasp.

Each spell felt so taxing though, I was sweating bullets after just a few spells. I slammed the book closed, frustration boiling over. A knock on the door pulled me from my studies.

"Come in."

The door opened, and Victoria stood in the doorway wearing a tailored 3 piece suit, with a dragon pendant pinned to her lapel. The standard outfit of Tormani's apprentices. I waved a hand over the book and it again turned into some kind of textbook.

"You're getting better. I couldn't do that when I started."

"You were also younger and didn't have any of Tormani's material."

Her brow furrowed and her nose wrinkled in mock jealousy.

"Lucky. Damian never let me near that thing. I guess he's gotten more negligent since then. Whatever, I'll get my own tomorrow."

"Well, I doubt Damian cares, seeing as how he's not evening joining the Guild."

She groaned in annoyance, rolling her eyes for added effect.

"I can't believe he was going to be the 2nd Valentine who wasn't going to join the Guild."

She and I both chuckled. It was strange. Like my older sister, Helen, Damian had done well as an apprentice, it seemed like he would go on to join the Guild. But last summer, after returning home from his 6 months with Tormani, he had announced that he was now going to be pursuing Psyball as a career, to the confusion of just about everyone.

"Hey, maybe he'll go pro. He's pretty good at Psyball."

She just shrugged. After all, it wasn’t impossible, but it was very unlikely.

"Anyway, they're announcing the Arch Mage's apprentices before the 2nd round of trials. I assume you'll be there?"

"Of course."

She nodded and pursed her lips.

"Are you sure about this, Lucas? If you're caught, shit hits the fan. For all of us."

I sighed, sitting back down on my bed.

"Vic, this is all I've ever wanted. You know that."

"I do. Anyway, how do I look? Am I forgetting anything?"

'No, sis, you look great."

"Good. Not put some shoes on, we're going on a walk.

She shut the door behind her, leaving me to get ready.

I took a look at myself in the mirror for the first time in probably 32 hours. I was pretty rough-looking. My hair was a mess, I was wearing my pajamas. Apparently spending all night walking through the woods and then locking yourself in your room for a day is bad for you.

One more thorough shower later, I stood naked in front of my mirror.

Despite how much I'd changed, I didn't look any different. I was still fairly thin, with a little muscle definition, but now without the usual faint wisps of facial hair on my cheeks and jaw. There were no devils horns hiding in my hair, nor did I have a tail, or a snake tongue, to my disappointment. A longer tongue would be interesting. The only visible difference was the tattoo located right above my cock. It was quite detailed, depicting 2 snakes entwined in the shape of a woman, from her hair to her hips, in a seductive pose.

(Something like this)
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I ran my fingers over the symbol, feeling the silky skin beneath it. It seems that Samara didn't want me looking too rough, because she had apparently removed all my body hair at some point. Whatever, you won't catch me complaining.

I threw on a fresh tee, some black jeans, and a pair of pointy "old-man shoes." (If you get that reference, you're cool.)

I wasn't quite as overdressed as Victoria was, but I looked nice enough, I think. Locking the door behind me, I joined my sister, now similarly dressed down, at the entrance to the woods behind our home.

"Vic, what's this about?"

"Just follow me."

She ran off, leaving me to follow after her.

When she came to a stop, we were in a small clearing, not unlike the one I had met Samara in.

"Learning magic from a book is about as efficient as learning Psyball from one. If you want to be a mage, you need to practice. Now, cast Shield."

"Oh boy."

I waved my hand, and a shimmering wall of magic appeared in front of me. She nodded.


Then she thrust her palm towards me, and a blast of blue magic shattered it and slammed into me, knocking me onto my ass.

"Get up, let's try again."

And that's what we did. Testing my various spells until the sunset and I was a useless sack of skin, bones, and muscle. I slept like a baby that night and woke up only incredibly sore.

Regardless, this was my first taste of real magic, and I was hungry for more.

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