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Chapter 8 by Wulfblade Wulfblade

Right, the knight on the square

Hold up now, you said something about a princess?

Ah yes, you did mention something about a princess. You’re not one to leave a captive audience hanging, so you recall the scene in vivid details…

“Please slow down princess! We be not yet due in Puremark for several days!” cried a voice posh and panicky in equal measure, as its owner held onto the front seat of the carriage for dear life. The young woman sitting beside him ignored his protests, pulling the reigns and sharply making the next turn, which caused the vehicle to very nearly lift off of two of its wheels. “Relax chamberlain, I know what I’m doing, I’ve driven faster than this before.” The stunning woman had golden blonde hair, braided and crowned with an equally gold circlet, and wore a tightly fitted embroidered gown of green and dark red. She giggled loudly as the chamberlain let out a sharp yelp as they hit a small bump in the road. “That’s what I’m afraAAaid of!” he shrieked. He was skinny and garbed in black, and palefaced… though that was not his usual complexion.

“What are you afraid of, that you’ll have any fun for once,” the princess replied without barely a glance, enraptured with seeing the road speed away beneath the carriage. “I’m afraid of >huurk!< violently crashing, or worse… drawing attention from the guard and getting a fine for speeding!” The princess rolled her eyes and scoffed with effect: “Don’t be afraid of attention, you can’t live in hiding all the time!” This appeared more like a commentary on the nature of her personal life and chafing under the strictures of courtly duties, but the chamberlain did not really appreciate the subtext, instead pointing a finger ahead and shouting: “Watch OUT!!”

The princess pulled hard on the reigns and the horses strained to contain the velocity of the carriage, which came to a stop just narrowly on time before you - who had just then been crossing the intersection - were crushed beneath it. You were thrown from feet at the suddenness of the near-collision though, and only your command of time and your catlike reflexes narrowly saved you from being hit. You jumped to your feet and shouted: “Hey, I’m walking over here, watch it!!”

The princess stood up on the front seat of the carriage and replied: “Watch when you’re crossing next time, you’re dealing with royalty here!” The chamberlain slid her way and remarked in a hush “The man did have right of way, princess, I suggest we offer apologies and observe the speed limits from now on” but the princess ignored the sound recommendation and put her hands on her hips: “I will not, as princess and fifth in line for the throne I can go where-ever I damn well please,” “- please don’t swear princess,” the skinny man interjected. “I’ll swear if I fucking feel like it, and in fact …this man should apologize for waylaying a princess.” She smugly folded her arms, as if she’d gotten the better of this argument.

You prepare yourself for where this seems to be heading, and take a couple forward to fully block the road and stand in front of the carriage. “Say sorry, milady.” The princess put a boot up on the footboard and stood tall: “You’ll address me as ‘princess’ or ‘your highness’. This crown should tell you everything about how far the dignity of my station is above a commoner like you, now apologize for inconveniencing your betters or I will in fact run you over because you’re starting to annoy me.”

You sighed wistfully, with a bit of a smile on your lips. “I guess you asked for it then.” A split second later the princess found herself removed from the front seat of the vehicle, and instead down on the street, eye-to-eye with you. As she blinked away the confusion you reached out and took the end of the sash tied around her waist like a belt, giving it a good sharp tug which sent her wildly spinning in circles (with a little bit of aid from you to accelerate). By the time the princess stopped spinning, her hair frazzled and messy, her appearance was markedly less regal: The young lady found herself relieved of her gown and practically all the garments beneath - you only deigned to leave her in possession of her riding boots and her thigh-high stockings for the sake of aesthetic, the clips of her garter flapping around from the motion. And you left her crown, of course. Once she’d shaken off the dizziness the princess gave a piercing shriek and clasped her bared crotch and breasts.

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Before she could run off you grasped her by the elbow and hauled her over to a large nearby rock, laying her down across your lap and delivering a royal spanking to ensure the lesson would stick. “Ow! Ow! Ow! Sorry! Sorry! Ow! Sorry!” She yelped, but you continued on a little longer until she was decidedly red-buttocked.

After letting her go the princess quickly scurried back to the carriage and vanished inside, while you went over to ask the befuddled chamberlain some questions about their destination. “We- uhm, we were due to visit Puremark in two days time.” You clapped your hands with glee: “Puremark, the prudest, most easily scandalized, top-gossiping town in all the fairlands? Perfect!” You gave the chamberlain some instructions, which you insisted he follow to the letter or else you’d know and wreak vengeance upon him with your evidently powerful sorcery. They would abandon the carriage and instead take two horses to continue on… and the princess would not be allowed to clothe herself until after arriving at their lodgings in Puremark. The princess needed a lesson in humility you see, and to his credit the chamberlain could not refute this.

After you went on your merry way to sell off the gown, the chamberlain and humbled princess continued their journey on horseback. “Please give me some clothes, sir,” she pleaded, hands clasped to her bosom, standing slightly in the stirrups as her ass could not yet bear sitting, “I can’t be seen in such an undignified state!” The chamberlain snorted in reply: “As you said your highness, one mustn't be afraid of drawing attention from time to time… and believe me, I’ve begun to appreciate the fun in it.”

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