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Chapter 4 by Blackskull Blackskull

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Going to class

I walked into the classroom, hoping to make it to my seat without being noticed. I didn't.

"Hey, Edward’s split his trousers!" I heard from behind me almost immediately.

"Nice boxers!" came another voice.

I walked faster, hurried to my seat and sat down, red-faced. Naomi took her usual seat next to me. Behind me was Charlotte, a girl who I had never got on with, and who I was certain would be taking photos of my split trousers in order to use them to get at me later.

Miss Riley entered the room,smiling at the class.

"Good morning, everyone." she announced, "I hope you all had a good weekend. Today we're going to continue our entymology studies, and as promised I did bring a rather interesting species in with me. Now, I need someone to come up and help me with this."

She looked around. I was definitely not going to be the one to walk to the front. But suddenly I felt a sharp jab under my arm, as if someone behind me had jabbed me with a pen. Which was exactly what had happened.

"Edward, thank you." Miss Riley said. I realised she had been looking directly at me as I involuntary lifted me arm from the jab. I looked behind me quickly, to see Charlotte smiling innocently, twirling a pen between her fingers.

I got up carefully, tried to move to the front while keeping my backside against the wall, which drew a lot of funny looks, including from Miss Riley. When I got to the front, turned and faced the class, she satisfied her curiosity by taking a look behind me.

"Oh dear, having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction this morning are we?" she said, causing my face to burn red again. "Now, in this box, I have a species of moth I was telling you about on Friday. I want you to open it very carefully, just the outer case, we don't want them to..."

She had been holding a wooden box as she said this, and now she attempted to hand it to me. I took hold of one side of it.

"No, not that bit!" she exclaimed. I let go of the side I had been holding, but did not realise she had also let go, and the box fell of the desk, cracking open.

I cloud of angry-looking moths swirled into the air.

"Oh, dear." Miss Riley muttered.

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