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Chapter 2 by DarthFett DarthFett

Who are you?

Gina, a girl at Nonami High who can't communicate

John is an ordinary student with normal looks and average height and weight, on his first day at Nonami High. He couldn't help but notice the beautiful girl with the flowing black hair who just entered his class. Her name was Gina, and she caught his eye with her striking appearance. She was wearing the standard school outfit of a white shirt and black tie, a short black skirt, and black shoes. She was the school idol and John was despised due to being assigned the desk next to hers. He decided to try and start a conversation with her during lunch break. He found her alone on the rooftop. As he approached her, he noticed her hands trembling slightly. She looked down at the ground, seemingly lost in thought. After a few moments of silence, she slowly raises her head and met his gaze.

"Hey, Gina, I know we just met and all, but I couldn't help but notice you this morning. You're really beautiful."

She froze for a moment, taken aback by his words. She turned to face him, her heart racing. Her eyes are filled with uncertainty but also a glimmer of hope. She opens her mouth as if to speak, but nothing came out. John felt a sense of discomfort as he saw her struggle to find the right words. You decide to take matters into your own hands and try to help her feel more at ease.

"You should write down what you want to say," John said.

Gina looked at him with a mixture of surprise and relief. She quickly pulled out a notebook from her bag and began scribbling furiously. After a few moments, she handed the notebook back to John.

"I-I'm sorry," she writes. "I didn't expect this to happen."

John took the notebook from her, reading her message.

"It's okay, Gina. Don't worry about it. Just take your time." He gently patted her shoulder, trying to reassure her. "So, what do you usually do during lunch break?"

Gina looked up at him, her eyes filled with gratitude.

"I... I usually come here to think," she wrote. "I find it calming."

"Well, if you want some company, I'm here for you," John offered.

She looked at John, her eyes wide with surprise.

"Really?" she wrote, clearly unsure of his intentions.

"Yeah, of course," John said with a smile. "We can just chat or not talk at all, it's up to you."

She nodded slowly, seeming to consider John's offer. Gina took a deep breath, her hands trembling slightly. After a moment, she looked up at John and smiled. It was small smile, but it was enough to make his heart race.

"Thank you," she wrote. "I would like that."

What's next?

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