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Chapter 2 by Bruce008 Bruce008

What World or character Jordan plays as in his new reality ?

Game of thrones. Danaerys Targaryen

In the heart of Winterfell, where snow-capped towers and ancient battlements stood tall, Danaerys Targaryen and Jon Snow had forged a life together as husband and wife. Their marriage had brought a warm unity to the cold North, as they blended their distinct worlds.

Winterfell, once known for its Stark traditions, had adapted to its new rulers. Dany had taken a keen interest in the northern way of life, learning to wear furs and ride horses through the vast snowy forests. Jon had shown her the beauty of the Wolfswood and the breathtaking vistas beyond the Wall.

One crisp winter morning, Danaerys watched as Jon practiced archery in the courtyard. Her silvery hair contrasted with the snow as she approached him. "Jon, your aim is as true as ever," she commented, a smile on her lips.

Jon lowered his bow and turned to her, his eyes meeting hers. "I've had the best teacher," he said, his gaze filled with affection.

She chuckled. "You flatter me, my lord."

Their love was evident to all who saw them together, a love that had grown strong despite the challenges of uniting their kingdoms. Danaerys had won the respect of the North by her willingness to embrace their way of life and protect the realm from threats beyond the



](http://Wall.As) the evening sun set the sky ablaze with orange and purple hues, they often retreated to the warmth of their private chambers, a sanctuary of love and companionship. Sitting by the hearth, they would share stories of their pasts, of dragons and direwolves, of the complexities of ruling a kingdom, and their dreams for a peaceful realm.

"Dany," Jon began one night, his voice low and earnest, "we have brought stability to Winterfell, but the realm still needs our guidance."

Danaerys nodded in agreement. "You're right, Jon. We must continue to lead by example and ensure that our united kingdoms thrive."

Their conversation would often delve into the finer details of governance and diplomacy, as they discussed strategies for maintaining peace in the Seven Kingdoms.

"You've been a true Northern lord, Jon," Danaerys said, her eyes filled with admiration. "Your people respect and love you."

Jon smiled, his hand finding hers. "And you, my queen, have become the heart of Winterfell. You've made this place home for both of us."

Late one night, as they lay together under furs, Danaerys traced a finger along Jon's chest, her voice soft and intimate. "Jon, do you ever think about what comes after all this? After the throne and the battles?"

Jon turned to her, his expression thoughtful. "I do, Dany. I think about a future where we can find peace, where we can build a family together."

Danaerys replied "A family, Jon. That's what I want too."

But despite saying that, she couldn't say what actually was on her mind. Danaerys had started to feel something changed in her. Between her and jon snow. Maybe was it the long time peace they built there was nothing more to do or lack of purpose that led to dullness in their marriage life or something else. Something forbidden. Something she couldn't tell Jon Snow. Xaro Xhoan Daxos had become an invaluable advisor in Jon and Danaerys's court, and Danaerys would often engage in conversations with him behind closed doors. Their discussions ranged from politics to personal matters. She was afraid to admit that she had started to develop feelings for him. Something she hated herself for. Maybe that was the reason For recent indifferent behaviour of Danaerys to Jon and the Kingdom . Or maybe all of that. Danaerys couldn't answer. But she didn't say that out loud. Not even to Jon snow. As it would hurt him hearing that Danaerys was losing interest. Danaerys did acknowledge that it wasn't Jon's fault. It was hers alone. She wanted to be queen. As a Targaryen, she wanted to gain back the respect a Targaryen deserved. Which she had been denied of in her early years. Years after dominating the lands with her dragons and becoming the Queen, she wondered what lies ahead. She always felt she'd be content after she earned the respect of people but now she didn't know anymore. Or maybe she just changed.

It was around 9 PM. Jon snow had been in his chamber. Danaerys wanted to get some air in the moonlight of the night that gave her a peace of mind and hopefully even the answer of what she wanted from her life. She took out a big bottle of wine and proceeded to go to the roof.

As she was taking in the view of moon, she saw another person. Last person she wanted to be with right now. It was Xaro. Danaerys hesitated for a moment before softly calling him out. He shown a slight surprise before joining her to view the full moon that was overlooking entire Kingdom and the deep secrets of heart that stood there together.

Danaerys gazing at the sky before looking at The dark man besides her, softly saying "Xaro, it's in these quiet moments that I feel most alive"

Xaro: His gaze locked onto hers "My queen, the night conceals many secrets, and sometimes, it reveals the truths we hide." Noticing his gaze, Danaerys flushed slightly, realising the hidden meaning in his words. It's not like Xaro was unaware of the intimacy and connection she felt towards him. The feeling was mutual.

Danaerys : Xaro, if you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

Xaro: I would wish for a world where peace and prosperity are not fleeting, but a constant for all people, my queen.

Danaerys felt disappointed at his reply. A reply she'd expect from Jon Snow. And the last thing she wanted to hear. Years of chasing after throne, and wanting peace and prosperity for people , she for once wanted to do something for herself. She hoped Xaro would be the only person who'd understand her without her telling him but his reply was the same

She decided to leave but Xaro grasped her hand and pulled her in his embrace for a moment before kneeling "forgive my rudeness My queen"

Danaerys was slightly taken back by his assertiveness that lasted for but a second. There was a hint of thrill in her but disappointment too for the moment was but short.

Danaerys - i didn't mind. You may stand up.

Xaro - was it something I did that offended you before ?

Danaerys - why you ask

Xaro - you just... decided to leave. I know how much you enjoy these full moon views.

Danaerys - i wish you'd stop being so pretentious and polite like you do in front of everyone. There's no one here but us

There was a hint of hidden meaning. Or so Xaro thought.

Xaro gave her a deep look before letting out a sigh - I understand the torment you feel. These emotions, they are a **** of nature, like a storm that rages within us.

Danaerys - i thought I asked you to stop being pretentious and overly polite

*Her voice had slight hint of anger but sadness too*

Xaro notices the wine she had bring with her. He says with a playful smile - Why don't we drink this together while we Converse, Dan

Danaerys felt a slight relief as she heard him call her by the nickname. It wasn't much but after entire day of court and kingdom affairs where everyone acted courteously towards her, she wanted someone to treat her without any of this formalities

They decided to go to chamber as the fear of being seen together at night might cause unnecessary problems. Something she couldn't deal with right now

In the dimly lit chamber, Danaerys and Xaro Xhoan Daxos sat in quiet contemplation, the air heavy with unspoken emotions. The flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls. Danaerys shared a cup of wine by candlelight to Xaro. Her eyes locked onto his "Xaro, have you ever wanted something so much it consumes your thoughts?"

Xaro gave her an intimate look that may have told her the answer she wanted to hear

Danaerys - Xaro, when we're alone like this, I can't help but imagine what could be.

Xaro's hand slowly inching up her thigh, his touch electrifying - You wanna find out ?

Does Danaerys give in to temptation ?

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