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Chapter 2 by bluekenpo bluekenpo

What is your first move?

Fire arrows!

At the queen's command, First Bowman Eilo orders his battalion into the the air and to let loose their bows, "Alright archers - into the air, lets pepper these devils!"

Thousands of arrows rained down into the thrashing abyss of tentacles pouring over the land towards the castle walls - many fall as the enchanted tips pierced their tough skin; many a rallying fairy cry was heard as a massive tentacle commander was felled.

Suddenly super fast darts of tentacle-sperm was launched through the air in retaliation - the fairies scattered but several were hit by the thick substance and fell from the air... each furiously masturbating as they descend, overwhelmed by the aphrodisiac power of their enemies' sperm.

"Spitters," bellowed Eilo as he watched several more fairies fall prey to the beasts' own form of archery. "Retreat to the walls!"

The brave captain attempted to cover the retreat with some expertly placed arrow shots, incapacitating more than a few Spitters before he himself was hit full in the face by a cum-shot, falling disgracefully to the ground, deliriously beating his erect penis before the tentacles ensnared him, pulling the once proud fairy into their writhing midst.

Fila closed her eyes in sadness as she watched her friend fall. His loss would be honored, the battle won for Eilo Ulieen, First Bowman of the Silver Division.

Locked inside her room, staring absentmindedly through the window, Princess Maylynn sighed, "I don't suppose I could convince you to let me out of here?"

Her guard startled, "Dear Maylynn, do you not see the battle just below your window? The Ternictus are obviously here for the princesses! You must stay here where its safe!"

"But its so dull in here," the princess whined. "You could at least make it more entertaining for me."

The guard sighed, stripping off her uniform to wrap her arms around Maylynn's nude body, "A princess is supposed to be innocent."

"A princess gets what she wants, Teli," Maylynn countered, stroking her companion's thighs.

And with that the two fairies locked lips.

Outside, the tentacles have reached the castle walls and laboriously begin to slither up towards the towers. Fila orders the Dragonfly Riders against them - swords and spears rake the flesh of the tentacles as they climb, knocking many off the walls before they again retaliate.

Tentacles with pus-filled bulbs tense up, bursting the pus out of their bodies into the air, blinding the fairies as hundreds of small tendrils erupt out of the wounds, entrapping several Riders before the remaining backed out of the obscuring cloud.

As the tentacles progressed above the pus cloud, Imadea fell to her knees in despair to see what the beast had done to the captured Riders.

They were plastered to the hides of the large, pus tentacles, being violated in every way imaginable in every hole possible.

Rider Delia struggled and cried as hundreds of tendrils restrained her to the sticky, smelling hide of the much larger tentacle beast - they wriggling around inside her womb, twisted up inside her rectum, pulled at her tongue, prodded her ears and tunneled up her nose.

A nearby tentacle seemed to take notice of her confinement and slithered over to her, pressing its large head against her violated vagina - the tendrils pulled her lover lips wide to allow the beast entry, it thundered up into the small fairy, distending her stomach obscenely as it began to fuck her.

Tears of mingled pain and pleasure poured from Delia's eyes as the tentacle beast erupted inside her - warm cum blasting powerfully out of her over-abused body.

What is Fila's next move? How does Eilo fare? Is Maylynn safe?

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