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Chapter 3 by Zaos Z Zaos Z

What's next?

Dave's Run

Dave found the strawberry blonde in front of the maternity store of all places. Absentmindedly admiring a row of female shaped mannequins with their plastic children.

As he drew near to the woman Dave called out. "Miss!"

When Cindy didn't immediately responded Dave shouted "Hay! Lady!"

"Um. Yes." Cindy sounded as if she was a thousand miles away.

"Can I have your Breeding Pass?" Dave asked.

"My what?"

"Your Breeding Pass." he replied. "The old man said he gave it to you."

"Oh. I don't have it." The distracted strawberry blond answered.

Trying to keep the frustration out of his voice Dave asked. "What happened to it?"

"Um... I don't remember?"

"Please this is really important to me?"

"I think... I left it in the photo booth?" Cindy replied. "I don't really remember."

"Thanks a lot lady." A frustrated Dave spat. His journey had started at the photo booth. Now he had to go all the way back to the other end of the mall.

Eager to retrieve the pass before anyone else discovered it Dave darted off in the direction he had just come from.

Just as the brash teen was about to disappear into the shuffling mall crowd he turned and shouted at the daydreaming Cindy. "You looked good naked! I hope the baby doesn't ruin your figure!"

Dozens of curious shoppers looked towards Dave with more than a far number glancing back in Cindy's direction. Infuriated at the public humiliation the strawberry blond turned a bright red.

Dave weaving and dogging through the slow moving mobs of shoppers as he retraced his path. Nearing his destination the running teen had to push through a particularly dense mob. What he found on the other side brought him skidding to a stop.

Standing in front of the photo booth was Chad. The Mall Dog stood tall and imposing holding a laminated card up to the light for closer scrutiny. A card Dave had a sinking suspicion was his Breeding Pass.

Chad slipped the card into his front pocket. Looking out into the crowd the unshaven mall cop locked eyes with Dave. He pointing right at the teen with two outstretched fingers and then back towards his own eyes. Dave got the menacing non-verbal message. 'I see you.'

Dave made the only logical choice his brain provided. He turned and ran in the other direction.

Chad was quick to follow. Showing remarkable agile for such a large man the Mall Dog weaved around groups of shoppers that Dave reckless bullied through. No matter how fast Dave ran or what shortcuts he took Chad maintained his pursuit. Never falling more than a half-dozen steps behind the panicked teen.

Pushing his way through a particular large group of shuffling elderly woman Dave threw caution to the wind. Using the short lived cover the shoppers provided to dodge into the nearest store entrance.

Inside the store Dave threw himself under the closest clothing rack. Knocking several dresses to the ground as he hastily scurried underneath. Tucking his legs in close Dave did his best to remain hidden. Though he found it hard to control his ragged breathing.

From his vantage point Dave watched as a pair of steel toed boots enter the store. Boots that he knew belonged to his pursuer. To Dave's growing horror the boots angled themselves in his direction and step by step advanced upon his position.

Dave knew he was caught. Even if he broke from cover now he could never outdistanced the agile Chad. It was all over.

As he cowered in his hiding place Dave heard a radio squawk to life. The Mall Dog's slow relentless strides came to a stop. "Chad." responded Dave's hunter.

The radio crackled back. "We got another report of rude behavior at the Hot Stop. Please respond."

"Copy. I'm on my way."

From cover Dave watched as Chad's booted feet turned away from him and made a quick retreat from the store.

Realizing he was safe Dave let out a sign of relief. The lucky teen gave himself a few moments to catch his breath before crawling out from under the rack.

What's next?

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