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Chapter 4 by Dogdog Dogdog

What now?

Continuing on with the day

Well, the house was, for sure, abandoned. Any doubt about that had been put out of the equation. It has the signature, overrun grass that goes snuggly with the dilapidated house built atop it. The road was coated with cracks, and vines spewed out through the breaks in the pavement.

"Mmhmm, this whole... Everything totally fits the aesthetic." Crystal took note of the large building in question while chewing on a wad of bubble gum. She pulled out her phone and snapped a picture.

Then, as if on cue, a trio of black-feathered birds flew away from the roof of the abandoned residence.

"Oooh, scary." She rolled her eyes and stepped forward. Intending to take another picture from a closer angle.

But as she lined the building up for another shot, her phone screen lit up blue unsettlingly fast and began playing its signature ring. The sudden sound startled her enough to stumble back and toss her phone into the air. She had to trust in her instincts to catch the device, and after three failed attempts to get her phone, she managed to snag it with the forth go.

"Shit..." She breathed and took a short moment to recuperate after that sudden rush. Sighing, she felt somewhat cross towards whoever had called her.

Huffing a strand a hair away from her vision, she pulled up her phone. "Shit!" It was Jaxon.

Crystal had unintentionally been ignoring him for the past three days. It sucks because his birthday had just passed and she had completely missed it. And her birthday was just a day after his, so they were going to hang out back to back. Each time she made an effort to meet up with him, something had to come up. Even today, they didn't get to meet in class because of the very mission she's on now.

It fucking sucks. Crystal had a whole thing planned for his birthday and specifically asked him not to prepare anything big since she wanted them to spend some time together. They were supposed to hang out at the arcade they first met in. It was gonna be great. Then they'd watch a movie, and go for ice cream after. It would have basically been a shared birthday.

But now he's probably pissed with her, and why wouldn't he be? When someone gets ignored by their best friend during their birthday no less... It's insulting and just... Not what friends should do.

Jaxon did message her during her own birthday, but as fate would have it, she couldn't respond.

The phone buzzed again, and Crystal bit her lip, the confliction she was struggling through apparent on her expression. She shouldn't answer.

Not during a mission...

But she also shouldn't be ignoring her best fucking friend.

"HMMMMM," Gritting her teeth, she shut her eyes and tapped the accept icon on her phone. Bringing it up to her ear, Crystal spoke before Jaxon could get a word out. "Jax! Hey I'm SOO sorry! But I can't really talk right now I'm like.. Hella busy. But I'll call you back as sooon as I can okay? Alright, bye-bye! I love you! Byyyeeee!!"

Her heart pounded as she hung up before the sound of his voice could tempt her into having a full-on discussion. She can't afford to talk when there's a mission to be done... But If the E.U.A. causes her to lose the connection she has with her best friend, she'll drop them in a millisecond.

Crystal made a mental note to call him back the moment she was done here. But to do that, she'd actually have to go through with her task, which means no more lollygagging.

Walking straight into the abandoned house in broad daylight would be a rookie's course of action. And while the neighboring houses appeared to be just as discarded, albeit not as rundown, there is still a chance that someone may be watching her.

Also, the sound of a car engine rolling through the neighborhood did help in giving pause to the forward approach. Crystal took a strict turn clockwise and headed behind a bush. There was once a time where she would have chosen to hide in the brush itself, but the shower she had to go through afterward was enough of a punishment to never do that again.

Right on cue, a police car began turning down the street. "Please..." Crystal removed a miniature silver-painted pipe from her back pocket. "Go away." She licked her lips casually and placed the tube-like item between her lips.

As the car closed near Crystal blew into the pipe, which created a soft *Thunk* sound across the street. A tiny peice of aluminum was stuck to the window of a house, further down.

Placing the pipe on the ground, Crystal tapped the side of her left ear. And a sound began to ring a few yards down from the device she had planted. It mimicked that of a siren alarm.

The sound increased in intensity, which prompted the police cruiser to drive down in the direction of the disturbance.

Crystal waited for the police to depart. And as she squatted in silence, she let her mind wander. Particularly to what she should do once done with this assignment. She'd call Jaxon, certainly. But should they meet up later? If so, she should definitely get him a gift. Something nice.. Or funny... It's been three days since his birthday, and like the amazing friend, she is she didn't do shit for him. Honestly, getting him anything would suffice.

Once the police were away from her general vicinity. Crystal brought her focus back to her task at hand. She kept low and dashed up to the side of the house. Having her ears out for any suspicious noises, she made her way to the back.

There was a disheveled back patio; the weeds did a number on the place just as they did to the front. It was obvious that she is the first to be here in a sure while, as many little bugs were hopping throughout the grass, clearly annoyed at being disturbed.

They would be pleased to know she didn't intend to stay in this grassy mess. A backdoor certainly was an option for her. But she had her goal set on the house's rooftop. From the photo she had of the satellite's birdseye view, there was an obvious hole in the roof. That's where she wanted to be.

Fortunately, she still had her school bag on her, which held a decent amount of tools that help in her everyday life. Such as a grappling gun. You'd be surprised at how useful it is.

She shot a line to the roof and pulled herself up.

Making sure to stay low, she didn't want anyone from down below to see a random girl shuffling about the roof of an abandoned house. It would bring up questions and attention that the E.U.A. would like to avoid.

But she didn't have to keep low for long as just a few moments after reaching the roof, she found the hole that appeared much bigger in person than it was from the satellite image.

"Jax! Hey I'm SOO sorry! But I can't really talk right now I'm like.. Hella busy. But I'll call you back as sooon as I can okay? Alright, bye-bye! I love you! Byyyeeee!!"


Jaxon stood in place, staring at his phone for a few prolonged seconds. A part of him hoped she'd call back, even though realistically, that wasn't going to happen; he was mostly just standing there to cope over what had happened. Or, more specifically, what Crystal had said.

Because it all happened really freaking fast.

There seriously is something going on with her. The multitude of times she had been late or failed even to show up. If that wasn't suspicious in and of itself, she completely missed his birthday. Granted, he didn't do much other than staying in and play videogames. But the whole time he had hoped she would come by eventually.

Instead, by the end of the day, Jaxon didn't get so much as a text from her.

Now, he's not implying that he has an entitlement that requires her to come by. Crystal can do whatever she wants. But it would be nice if she wanted to show up. Shoot a ''Happy Birthday'' text.


Jaxon made an attempt to do the same for her the day following since her birthday has always been after his. Still, no response to his text.

The current running theory is that Crystal has found someone else that she considers more important in her life. It has to be a boyfriend that Crystal's afraid or doesn't want to tell him about.

And this most recent series of events only serves to further that point home.

Now, how she came from under the tree without him noticing? Well, that's not too farfetched on its own; he had been very distracted daydreaming about attractive female coaches.

But she walked away from school quite swiftly. As if there was a place she had to be and be there fast.

Perhaps... A secret date?

He jumped down from his perch in the tree, after extracting the camera footage so he could save them to his computer's hard drive.

"Fuck." Jaxon spat upon landed on the ground.

He has no right to pry in on her personal life. For fuck's sake, he pervs on her just as much if not more than anyone else. If their relationship was solid enough, he should have had the guts to tell her how he felt. They would be dating by now, and he wouldn't have to steal pictures of her in appealing clothing.

Evidently, that's not how the cookie crumbled.

That whole ''Hey I'm SOO sorry! But I can't really talk right now I'm like.. Hella busy.'' Is something someone who is tired of being bothered by a person they are trying to ignore says while attempting to be polite.

If Crystal truly wishes to be left alone, then Jaxon would have to be the good friend and grant her that wish. Besides, he still has enough pictures to last him a long while.

Having no honest intention to regroup with the P.E. squad. Jaxon instead began to head home before school chose to let-out. It's not like Coach Miles would give any more than three singular shits.

And after a ten-minute walk. Jaxon made it back to his abode.

Abode is another word for home btw, just thought you wanted to know that.

"I'M HOME!" Upon entering through the front door, Jaxon called out. He only did so to annoy his older sister, who he's seventy-percent sure was currently in the house.

Riley's his older sister, who had graduated a year prior. And she has stuck around, showing no real intensions of moving out anytime soon. She spends most of her day in the house since she's an active streamer. A streamer that apparently makes enough money to live with her parents in a decked up room, built for her profession.

Well... he guesses he should say... Parent...

Since they had lost their father at a young age from a severe case of ''generic erotic story-itis.''


Please allow a moment of silence...


Okay, the moments over.

Jaxon usually doesn't bother his sister much, but there is that rare occasion when he has the urge to live up to the stigma that comes with being the younger sibling. Fortunately for her, this wasn't one of those occasions.

He passed Riley's bedroom door and heard the faint sounds of her talking with her Twitch audience, and he slowed to a stop. A soft smile formed on Jaxon's face. He appreciated his sister's familiar voice; it was crisp and fit her more outspoken personality.

Eventually, Jaxon moved on and went into his own room. It was a mess to put things lightly. But it was his mess. He knew exactly where everything is, and the sloppy surroundings even helped in hiding things. Mostly the usual shit, like porn mags, and flash drives containing his personal collection of candid media.

His mother wasn't about to stick her hands around his mess, and neither would Riley. So everything in his room serves as the perfect disguise.

But that could also just be an excuse for having an unkempt room; you come to your own conclusions with that one.

Jaxon's computer desk was perhaps one of the few places that's semi-neat. Sitting on his seat, he flicked on his computer.

You see, he has to save the footage his hidden cameras caught. And also, his sister's streaming, which means it's time for him to stroke off to her beautiful face live.

It's great having an attractive older sister, with nice tits and a hot frame, that also streams live constantly. Jaxon is sure that, without a doubt, other people are getting off to her, so why can't he? What? Because he's her brother? Bollocks!

Riley had that natural beauty that drew him in, her golden brown hair draped mostly over her back, and left shoulder. She had a black sweatshirt that looked dashing against her creamy white skin. It wasn't revealing as it came up to her neck. But the material was tight enough if one were to look closely, the outline of her bra could be made out.

And at that point, all that's needed is some imagination to see what's under there.

It also helps that Jaxon has the sibling advantage of having seen his sister in her bra before. From what was nothing more than an honest accident.

At least that's the lie he fabricated.

In the stream, Riley was playing some MMO game. A game company apparently found her popular enough to sponsore her channel. Riley was talking about receiving an email, but honestly, Jaxon didn't believe her.

She rarely plays games for one thing. It's usually art or casual chill streams. But hey, if they're paying her, then fuck yea girl, you play the shit out of that MMO.

"Snow_Razer49! Thanks for the subscription!" Riley's tame voice switched to one of dazzling delight. She always tends to whip out that side of her every time someone gives her money.

Certainly not what Jaxon is used to hearing.

But... "Gotta keep the guys crawling." Is what she said to him once.

Unbeknownst to her, he's one of those guys.

"This is bull fucking shit." Crystal kicked a can, that was but one item in the endless collection of trash. The entirety of this empty house was nothing more than a horde of scrambled scraps, waste, and mold. The wood creaked everywhere she stepped, and a thin sheen of dust coated the interior of everything.

All her efforts served to do nothing other than kick up the settled dust into a cough inducing mist of dry musk.

Now that shit's lodged in her throat, and she could do for something to drink. Her backpack has a lot of useful tools, but a bottle of water? Nah, fuck that shit, right?

There was an apparent hole in the roof that something substantial had created. But whatever it was... Whatever space-bound piece of crap decided to crash land on earth.

It was not here.

Crystal had moved away from the attic, and other than the general unsettlingness the house's rotten-down interior created. She found that after the creep factor swept away, there was no point in her staying at this forgotten place.

Every passing moment drove that point home with a heavy-duty hammer. Nothing was getting accomplished with her wandering around a shit-reeking house, looking for something that had probably been stolen. Someone else must've noticed something crash down from the sky.

The discarded cans of soda and empty bags containing **** at one point were ample indications that people had recently used this house.

One thing that had kept Crystal around longer was her natural intrigue towards what truly caused the massive hole in the ceiling. She went back up to the attic so that she could examen it again.

She snapped a few pictures and sighed.

Whatever caused this shit isn't here. On the floor scattered around her was nothing of use. Junk and junk... Oh, wait!

More junk.

The sun's setting light cascaded through the roof; sparkling beams passed over her as she crouched to her knees.

There were a few old-timey magazines—a notebook. Underneath the book was a set of earrings. One golden, the other silver, each had the letter ''N'' plastered on it. But they both appeared fake as hell, and even felt like plastic.

Most of these items were all cluttered up in the same general vicinity. Honestly, if they were all bunched up together into some sort of ball-like clump, it could've crashed through the roof of a building!

Crystal chuckled at that thought, "Yeah... Sure..." She took a step back then almost slipped. There was something hard underneath her feet. And upon further inspection, she spotted a cleanly chiseled stone; it looked almost like a pearl.

And below that was a calendar. It was covered in dust, but so was everything up here, so not like that was any notable news.

"Okay," Crystal tapped the side of her left ear with a sigh. And relayed a pre-recorded message to send to the E.U.A. "So... Everything up here would fall under the trash category." A kick upon the laid down calendar caused it to flip open. "It's all just stupid junk that would make a crappy gift for... Some... One..."

Her eyes widened upon being hit with such a ridiculous idea.

"Uhhh, yes!" She gulped. "I'm going to post this mission as postponed indefinitely. If you require a follow-up, please assign another agent to the task. Thank you."

She ended her message with a passive-aggressive tone, that should hopefully press whoever listens to it into not bothering her again.

Because now that her assigned mission had successfully wasted her time. She has to make sure her longest-running friendship stays intact.

Homework? Or masturbation?



Both offer appealing positives in the long run.

Homework would be boring, tedious, and all the other words that appropriately describe something someone doesn't wish to do. But! It would also mean less work for later, and a happy group of teachers to talk to in the morning.

Now, masturbation... The good ol' wank technique is a tradition, one could say. It gives pleasure and stimulation to those who master the arts. And while those moments of bliss are momentary... The few seconds of eventual release always proves to be worth it.

Doing both simultaneously is an option at hand.

Multitasking is usually a great skill to have in most instances. But even the most skillful of individuals may have trouble combining the two previously mentioned acts into one fully-functional performance.

Jaxon looked on at Riley's stream, as he mulled over his thoughts. He had her on silent but kept a close, leerful eye on her soft lips. The way they grazed and pressed against each other with each word she uttered.

At that point, it was decided. He'd jack off, and set aside the homework for later. And if anyone was at fault, it was his sister.

She just had to tease him in such an innocently casual way.

After confirming that the door was locked, Jaxon had his pants down and was back at his monitor. He could have used any source of material to help edge him on. The internet is a vast beast if ''appropriately'' used.

Porn was just a few clicks away. And, hell, if he wanted something more real. He had hours of candid footage of the hot-girl soccer team.

But watching Riley's stream set him in a much darker mood. An incestual one.

It's forbidden... By laws and moral fucking code.

He could and should use anything else to masturbate to.

Though, he couldn't find it in him to be bothered by the disgusting nature of it enough to care. There was something about being a few doors down, stroking with full impulse. While his older sister is live, playing a video game, and talking to her online fandom.

Riley focused on the game. Oblivious to the fact that her flesh and blood-related sibling is pleasing himself to the thought of her.

It is entirely possible for him to march into her bedroom while she's broadcasting to the world. And shoot a load of freshly-pumped spunk right into her brown locks.

He'd never fucking do that. But he could.

And that was so hot.

The visual, but very imaginary, images of the many things he would do to his sister if given the opportunity, sturred him on enough to an anticipated release. If he didn't pay so much for his computer monitor, there would have been spunk splattered across her face.

Through the screen of course...

But regrettably, there wasn't spunk anywhere since the sound of his mother's voice shocked him away from his perverted stooper.

"Honey, could you help me with the groceries?" His mother's calm voice spoke from behind the door.

Fucking bitch

Is what he thought and definitely didn't say. Her timing was impeccably abhorrent.

Instead, he seethed through his teeth and responded with an, "Okay, mom!"

"Thank you."

Jaxon held his breath and detected the soft sounds of his mother walking away. Which prompted him to let out an annoyed sigh once he was sure she was out of earshot.

He loved his mother. Genuinely, he did. She had been and currently is a great parent. Even after his father died, she took it upon herself to provide for the family, and Jaxon will always be grateful for her.

But with that being said.

Goddam! Can she be a pain sometimes... Her constant nosey nature had almost ended with him being caught on multiple occasions. And boy does that woman yearn to gossip. He is confident that if his mother caught wind of his perverted tendencies, it would only be a short moment before the rest of his elongated family is made aware.

She loves her son and wouldn't stop caring about him if she learned that her boy was a perv. But still, she'd ruin his life is she figured out, intentionally or not.

Well, he had to postpone his impromptu masturbation sesh. Since trying to yank out a quicky would most likely end with his mother knocking on his door again, in a less polite manner, asking what's taking him so long.

Or she'd leave him alone and be pissed about the lack of assistance with putting away the groceries later.

Regardless, all the outcomes would be negative in nature if he didn't go out and help his mother.

Jaxon entered the kitchen and was greeted with quite the sight. And, more specifically, quite the ass.

From his position at the kitchen's entrance, there were many other things Jaxon could have chose to look at; there were a decent amount of grocery bags littered about the countertop, a lovely view of the backyard through the window...

But his mother's ass drew his attention to her like a moth to a flame.

There were so many prevalent reasons why he shouldn't be appreciating the view that his mother was preventing. But resisting his natural urges to appreciate a beautiful, well-shaped buttocks, regardless of who's it was, wasn't worth the struggle.

If he had his phone on him, he would have definitely snapped a photo of this moment. His mother had quite the figure, that she developed over her years of hard work. She couldn't afford to not be in shape. Apparently, before the loss of her husband, she used to be in a less well-kept state, since she didn't have to work herself as hard.

Instead of being depressed, letting herself go, and choosing to drown away her sorrows in beer. She instead took care of both herself and her family, and it fucking showed.

She had the distinctions of a supple hourglass figure, with the general fat she gained from being a mother placed in the perfect spots. That being her jiggly rump and ample bosom.

Currently, she was bent forward in her attempt to reach something in the cabinet below the countertop, which left her aforementioned ass jutting out in my direction. Her spandex yoga bottom pressed out extremely tight against her backside, which had the outline of her panties and even a hint of her snatch visible through the skintight material.

Oh yeah! She worked as one of the lead coaches at the town's local gym.

That could have been discussed before when explaining how she managed to keep such good care of herself. It kinda comes with the profession.

It also makes it a strain not to perv at his mother when she gets off work. Really, it's a fucking challenge that Jaxon had long since given up on.

His secretive lifestyle had kept her oblivious to his leering, so she doesn't find the need to cover herself up around him. He used that to his advantage to get some wank material from his mother. The incestual guilt doesn't affect him anymore.

She's his mother, the person who gave birth and brought him up. Therefore, it could be argued that out of all the others, she would know him the best. Basically, her ignorance of the perversion her son has towards her is not the fault of anyone but herself.

Jaxon stayed there, appreciating the sight of his mother's black yoga pants-covered ass. Though, after getting his eye-full and taking a few mental pictures, that he'd definitely jack-off to as a form of **** for her interrupting him earlier.

He approached her. "Hey mom," Jaxon said, making sure not to be looking at her ass just in case if she were to turn her head back him. "Do you need help?"

"Oh, yes dear." She addressed him with only her words and extended a slender hand outward. "Pass me two of those plastic containers."

"Hmmm?" Jaxon looked up to the counter, not seeing what she was referring to. "I don't see~"

"It's the bag right here." Tapping the countertop above her head, she gestured to the bag that situated on it.

"Ohh," Jaxon took note of what she meant. There was a brown bag that held a bunch of plastic containers stacked in each other.

"Yeah, I had to buy some more because you two love tossing them away after you're done."

Jaxon sighed as he passed her one of the containers. "Mmmhmm, sorry about that." He had his gaze set on her butt again. She was now right beside him, so her ass was basically begging for someone to slap it. Or at least graze their hand against it.

The temptation was real.

But instead, he just gave her another container. She loved to keep them organized, which was probably why she had taken this task upon herself instead of getting Riley or him to do it.

By the time they finished, Jaxon had a hard-on aimed directly towards his mother. His thoughts shifted from her ass to how her breasts must be hanging from the weight of gravity. Sure, her sports bra should have been doing a great job at keeping her ample bosom in place. But there would still be a great deal of cleavage to enjoy if he could see the angle from inside the cabinet.

When we finished, she backed up and rose to her full height. She let out a cute moan as she stretched her back, which had the pleasing effect of jutting her tits outwards.

"Thank's Jaxon." She breathed and smiled at him, not noticing the erection that her son was doing well in hiding. Sure, if she looked directly at his crotch for a bit, she would have seen something. But why would she stare at her son's crotch?

Jaxon liked to wear jeans just for that very reason. They're not comfortable, but they do help in hiding erections. And with a few leg movements, it becomes much harder to spot for those who aren't actively seeking it.

"I dunno mom," Jaxon said. "It doesn't look good for you not being able to bend up and down and get them yourself."

She smerked. "Are you calling me old? I think it's sadder that I'm healthier than you at age forty. What are you going to do when you're my age?"

"Fucking die." Jaxon chuckled but stopped when he noticed his mother's frown.

"Watch your language young man, and don't talk say that about yourself." His mother sighed and placed both hands on her side and cocked her hip. "If I need to, I will start taking you with me or give you some personal work out sessions."

Jaxon wasn't totally against that, especially now looking at her beautiful milf figure held within her tight work-out clothing. He could probably convince her to record it willingly so that he'd have more shit to add to his masturbation collection.

"I don't think I need that..." He responded halfheartedly. Fully knowing that his mother wouldn't buy it.

"No," She held her frown. "If I can help people I don't know live healthy lives, I would be failing as a mother if I don't set my son on the right track."

Jaxon hid his smirk and changed the topic. "Look, lets just finish with these groceries."

"Sure," His mother crossed her arms below her chest and pushed her tits up enough to show more cleavage through her sports-bra.

Jaxon gulped.

"But we'll talk about this later." She said before moving to deal with the other bags splayed around the kitchen.

After a few minutes, they had finished, and everything was squared away in their proper places. Jaxon had multitasked the entire time, switching between putting things up and setting his gaze on his mother's figure as she moved things.

He appreciated the simple things. Such as a slight jiggle herp tits cause as walked around. The sports-bra did a decent job at stopping more than half of the potential bounce her breasts can produce. But it couldn't prevent it all.

And nothing was in the way to reduce the jiggle from her juicy peach-shaped bottom that bounced with each step she took. Jaxon couldn't be the only one who takes note of his mother's figure. He'd bet money that a quarter of the dudes that attend her gym only do so to spend time with her fully-developed body.

"Alright, next time. Can you ask Riley for help?" Jaxon said with a mouth full of banana.

His mother sat at the kitchen table, and was chewing on her own banana. She took a few seconds to respond. "Don't talk with your mouth full." She said after gulping down. "But maybe, your sister was streaming, so I didn't want to bother her."

"Hmmmm.." Jaxon muttered.

He was beginning to be transfixed on how his mother's plush lips wrapped around the tip of her banana. They were soft and pillowlike. It fit the many fantasies he had of her giving him a blowjob and until he shoots a load down her throat. And just as she swallowed the fruit in her hands. She would gulp down his seed and let it sit in her stomach.

*Ding* *Dong*

Jaxon shook his head, and his mother turned to look past him.

"Who could that be?" She leaned forward to get up, and Jaxon's eyes bulged as he was greeted to an arousing glance of the darkness that was a downblouse right into her sports bra.

"I'll get it!" Jaxon more than blurted then dashed to get away. He had spent the last thirty minutes, eye-**** his unaware mother. If he stayed in that room, he would have imagined her spread out on the kitchen floor as he rode her curvy body and slapped his dick in and out the hole he was birthed from.

Whoever was at the door, he intended to shoo away so that he could get back to the safety of his bedroom and jack off to the thought of what he'd do to his mother in a fantasy world.

"JAXON!" Crystal wrapped her arms around her best friend and locked him in a tight hug.

Jaxon winced at just how strong she was; he could even feel his bones crunch. Though, that was possibly due to him not being too notably strong. Perhaps he should consider his mom's offer a bit more beyond the perv factor.

"Look," She pulled back and stared into him with her emerald green eyes. "I am SO sorry I haven't been responding, I've just been swamped with crap and... And I missed your birthday, I'm sorry..."

Frowning, Jaxon sighed. It was a sigh more because he didn't feel her pert boobs press into his chest anymore. But the thought of her hiding the truth from him also factored into his sigh.

It was clear that she had been seeing someone else, which isn't the problem. Crystal can choose to date whoever she wants. And if Jaxon wanted to make a move, he would have. It's more because she wants to hide it that gives him mixed feelings.

But he didn't want to ruin what he had with her. So he offered a half-smile. "It's no biggie,"

That's when she noticed his look and frowned. "You don't believe me? Godammit..." She mumbled the last bit.

Jaxon noticed her fist clench and wondered what was going through her head.

"Look, I just didn't expect company. My room's a mess."

"Nah!" Crystal turned and collapsed onto a pile of his clothes. "I've known you for sixteen years now. Your junk is comforting! I'd be worried about you if the room was clean!"


Crystal eyed him up for a few seconds, and pursed her lips. "Speaking of junk, I got you something." Gesturing to her backpack that she had slung atop Jaxon's desk, she added. "I really am sorry... But I hope you like what I grabbed for you."

Now that piqued his interest. And he moved his attention to her bag.

It sagged against his computer, and seemed somewhat ominous.

He had never been in her bag before, stepping up to it. He grazed his fingers on the zipper and looked back at her.

Crystal frowned and pressed on. "Go ahead! Don't make this such a big deal." She pulled out her phone and began tapping on it in a way that showed she didn't really care what he did.

So Jaxon unzipped her bag, upon reaching in he found...

A really nice looking pen. It was tainted with a bar of reflective silver, and had pink stips streaking across its surface.

Crystal looked up from her phone, only to **** on seemingly nothing. "Wait not tha-"

"Huh?" Jaxon looked back and rubbed his thumb against the side of it, which then caused a stream of light-blue gas to shoot out from the tip. The beam collided with his calendar that was left against the wall, and it froze in an instant. Leaving it covered in an icy crystal that was affected to where it was.

"What... The fuck?"

"Shiiiit!" Crystal sprang up with athletic speed and swiped the pen from Jaxon's hand. "I should've been watching you." She muttered and pulled her phone up to his face before saying. "So sorry about this~"

A flash enveloped the room and blinded him. Crystal had her eyes shut, she immediately spun around and tapped something else on her pen, which shot out a red beam that caused the frozen calendar to glow with orange heat before it exploded and shattered across the floor with melting crystals.

"Uhh..." Jaxon blinked and stepped back. "Fuuu Uh... What did you say?"

"YES!" She spun around and smiled, making sure to keep the pen hidden behind her back. "I got you some cool stuff! Check it out." Crystal slipped the pen into her pocket and unzipped the appropriate compartment.

Jaxon raised an eyebrow at her behavior but then moved his gaze to her bag. The curious nature in him winning out.

What he found in her bag, surprised him.

What did Crystal get him?

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