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Chapter 3 by TheFastAndTheCurious TheFastAndTheCurious

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Class Conflict (Part 2)

As time went by my classmates began to get more and more daring with how they picked on me. I don't know if it was because of my outfit or because I was poor or because I got good grades. Probably some combination of the three because they all made me want to draw as little attention to myself as possible, and putting up a fight or complaining would do exactly that, so accepting their name calling and their pranks was the easiest option. It started with name-calling before moving on to "accidentally" bumping into me int he hallway, probably hoping that my penis will fall out of my shorts. But nothing was quite so daring was why they did one day.

Our entire class was in the library doing research for a paper. This was nice for me was I couldn't afford to own any books of my own, but for the other students it was considered a real waste of time. Despite this, most of them, except for those sat at the computers on the far side, sat quietly around the tables the center trying to get some work done. People were getting up and walking around, pulling books of the shelve and returning them. I don't remember where the teacher was exactly at this moment, other than he wasn't there, probably off talking to one of the librarians.

I got up from my seat and went over to the computer to look up a book I needed, and when I found it I walked over to the shelf to locate it. The shelf wasn't fa. In fact, it was right next to the tables where everyone was sitting. As I started walking towards that direction, I noticed that Marcus, one of my classmates, was walking in the same direction. He was carrying a large stack of books in his hands, which was unusually considering he never seemed like the type that worked very hard in school, but I didn't think much of it though. Perhaps he was finally taking an interest in his studies, good for him, or maybe he was carrying them for some friends. When we got nearer, it seemed like we were going to the same place, but when we go right next to each other he turned as though he was going to walk right past me. Suddenly, he tripped, over what I don't know, but all of the books when flying out of his hands and on to the floor. He reached out to balance himself with the first thing he could reach out and grab, which apparently happened to be me, specifically my shorts.

Honestly I am surprised they didn't just rip right then and there, so I guess I owe whoever sewed them an apology for everything I said before. They didn't tear, instead they slid right down my legs, and of course the commotion of the books falling drew everyone's attention to the sight of my penis. My penis had been seen before, from the times that it occasionally slipped out and I had to readjust, but never like this. My whole cock and balls could be seen, as well as my thighs and also my ass if I turned around. It had never been that a bad before, but that was something else.

My first instinct was, of course, to cover up, but Marcus, once he got up off the floor, insisted on making big deal of showing his appreciation by grabbing onto me forearms and thanking me profusely, which also drew quite a bit of attention. In fact, we were like this when our teacher, Mr. Manning, finally made his way back to his class, just in time to see me with by shorts around my ankles and my genitalia on full display.

"Oh my god, that was so scary," said Marcus. "Thank you, Richard!"

At least he had called me Richard. I didn't think anyone would ever call me anything other than "Dick" for as long as I lived.

"Okay, don't mention it," I said.

"What is going on here?" asked Mr. Manning.

"Oh Mr. Manning, Richard over here saved me. I tripped and fell. My hands were full of books and I couldn't stop myself. But Richard over here stopped my fall."

"By losing his shorts? Richard cover yourself please, this is a school."

I blushed, if I was capable of blushing any more than I already was, and bent over to pull my tiny shorts back up over my crotch which everyone had already gotten a good view of.

"His shorts fell down when he stopped me from falling. If it weren't for him I would have fallen on my face."

"Well Richard, I suppose that you did a good job then, but why aren't you wearing any underwear?"

It was embarrassing that he chose to talk about that right then and there, in full earshot of everyone around us.

"I don't own any," I mumbled.

"What was that? Louder please."

"I don't own any!" I said, probably too loud.

"You don't own any underwear, at all?"

I shook my head.

"Alright then, Marcus, pickup your books, and then both of you get back to your seats. And let this be a lesson to everyone," he turned and said to everyone, "don't... um... carry too many books in your arms, as you might trip and fall and not be able to catch your self."

And with that he walked back to where he came from.

For a moment there I thought he was going to remind everyone to wear underwear, and I was grateful that he didn't. I didn't think I could bear any more humiliation. It wasn't as though everything was over, I still had the rest of the day to get through before I could be separated from everyone who just saw me most private parts, completely exposed unlike before. I even had to get up and retrieve that book I was looking for, and I could feel everyone's eyes on me, on my body. And then I would have to go to school tomorrow to face all of them again, knowing that I am no longer as safe as I thought I was. They just proved that they could strip me anywhere in the school, in front of the teacher even, and get away with it.

"I just wanted to say thanks again," Marcus said to me as we exited the library and walked back to our classroom.

“Don’t mention it,” I said.

"I mean it, Dick, that meant a lot to me."

His reinstatement of my nickname dismissed all doubts about whether or not any of that was incidental, and I knew that only more could lay ahead in the future.

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