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Chapter 2 by ldnldn ldnldn

Who is getting stripped?

Claire, a maid working on a giant mansion.

“Whoof, all done.” Claire cleaned the sweat off her forehead. The floors were shining, and not a speck of dust was in sight. She dropped herself onto the gigantic couch and sank into its fluffy material. Her job was seemingly over.

Well, almost. Claire still had to do some gardening. Ugh, but the garden was massive! And the sun was shining so strongly that she was liable to melt under its rays, her uniform would end up drenched in sweat! There was no rush, better to check around and see if she missed anything.

Yeah, time to give the place a once over and make sure everything was clean. Claire sprang to her feet and took a look around the gigantic living room. She inspected the bar, the shining marble floor, the grand piano, and even the cinema screen that her boss called a TV.

Everything shined so much that she could see her pretty reflection on it; Claire had done a tremendous job keeping the place clean. Right, onto the next room, the art room.

Claire opened the door to a room full of colors, beauty, and masterpieces. Landscapes adorned the wall and classic statues flexed their marble muscles on the corners. The main exhibits were two portraits, they depicted a couple of refined women with chocolate skin, sharp features, and straight hair. They were remarkably similar, although the woman on the left was noticeably younger, and had a mischievous glint on her eyes… the painter was good.

As fun as it was to admire a painting of her boss and her daughter, it was time to move on. Claire kept going on her tour of the mansion. She inspected the orchestra worth’s of instruments at the music studio; walked around the gigantic dining table; checked the creepy study room; sauntered next to the Jacuzzi; gazed upon the Olympic pool, and finally reached the master bedroom. Everything was still as tidy as she left it.

“Well, I guess I have to start…” Claire looked outside, at the scorching sun burning over the garden. Ugh, she hated to sweat on her uniform. “… going home! Yep. Job’s finished for the day.”

It was kind of a shame. Such a great house, so many amenities… and no one to enjoy them. Claire’s boss was out on a work trip, and her daughter was touring with her band, or so she told her mother.

Saunas, empress-sized beds, silk sheets, a giant TV, it all went unused. Meanwhile, Claire had to go back to her empty flat, lie on the mattress on her floor and try to find another rich gal in need of a house cleaning or some other part-time job. It was so unfair!

“Hold on... The boss is still in another country....” Claire made the realization right between the pool and the Jacuzzi. “And I’m the only one here…” She eyed the chlorinated water. It was a hot day, and she had sweated quite a bit while she cleaned the place up. She could use a dip.

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