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Chapter 2 by panzerman panzerman

What's next?

Chapter 1

David woke to the sound of long heels clicking on the stone floor. To his surprise, he awoke atop a large, soft bed. He'd been given a bath and a shave while he was out - something that he hadn't had for a long time. As he shook off the drowsiness, he wiped the sleep from his eyes. There stood in front of him, a tall blonde woman in a suit, with long, luxurious legs, and ample breasts he'd guess were about a D cup. She wore her hair high and tight, in a bun. Her relatively short bangs came down to frame her bespectacled face perfectly. Clearly, she put a lot of effort into her look. But more than anything else, what struck David was her piercing blue eyes. He'd seen blue eyes before, but never quite as clear and dangerous as hers. "Are we finally awake now, Mr. ...?" the enigmatic blonde asked. "Thomas. David Thomas. And I am, but I don't know about you, Miss...?" he trailed off. "Arin." she stated, bluntly. "Well then, now that you're well awake, it's about time I introduce you to the program." David's blood began to run cold. Were they going to experiment on him? Arin, reading his apprehension, said "You have nothing to fear, Mr. Thomas, assuming you can follow the rules." in stone-cold seriousness. That didn't alleviate any of his concerns, but he decided it would be best for his health to do what he was told. She turned and deftly entered a code into a small keypad by the thick steel door, unlocking it with a sharp clank. She swung the door open wide, and stepped out into a hallway lined with several similar doors. "Mr. Thomas, allow me to introduce you to Haven." she began, "Simply put, we have established a veritable utopia here. We want not for water, food, or... other pleasures."

That last part intrigued David more than a little, but he decided to set it aside for the time being. "So what exactly is it that you do want for?" he questioned. "Frankly?" she replied, "Fertile men." The shock on David's face must have been apparent, because for the first time, Arin looked amused. She motioned for him to follow her out of the compartment. "Come with me, and I'll explain in detail." Her long heels clacked on the floor as she walked down a hallway lined with large steel doors similar to the one on the room they had exited. As they walked down the long corridor, Arin explained "We have paradise, or as near to it as can be achieved on this godforsaken rock. Food, water, entertainment, comfort. We had it all, for many generations, segregated from the surface, living in peace." she shook her head. "Ultimately, it was the segregating part that was our downfall. Not enough genetic diversity led to sterile citizens. Of course, many of our women are still fertile, but many of our men will live knowing they'll never pass on their lineage. " "Thousands of years and hundreds of ancestors, all to end on something that isn't their fault. Fate's a bitch, ain't it?" he replied. She nodded, "Now that you understand why you're here, we'll get to what you can do about it. More than likely, you've already worked out that we need your seed. I trust that won't be much of a problem." He shrugged, "I suppose not. Did that really necessitate shooting me up, though?" "Don't be childish. You were an armed and wild-looking man poking around where you didn't belong. Neutralizing you was a priority. Luckily, you hit many of the genetic markers we need." she said. As they reached the end of the hall, Arin once again entered a code into a keypad to open an even larger metal door. She stood between David and the keypad, so he couldn't see the code. The door hissed and slowly swung open with a quiet swish.

Behind the door, many people bustled about what appeared to be some mix of a cafeteria and a common room. "Hungry, Mr. Thomas?" Arin asked. "Now that you mention it, I'd say I'm quite starving. How long was I out?" he replied. "Only 12 hours, give or take some." she said. 12 hours? That was longer than he thought. No wonder he was so hungry. She lead him towards the left side of the room, which was set up with various tables, most of which had many men sitting about, eating and chatting. Arin lead him to one of the less busy tables, which had 4 other men sitting around it. "Gentlemen! I'd like you to meet Mr. Thomas. He'll be staying with us for the time being." She motioned to one of the uniformed women -- all women, David noticed -- who bustled about, serving food. Arin whispered something in the server's ear and she nodded and walked through a door that said "staff only." The men sitting around the table began introducing themselves. "Got another newbie, Arin? That must make a record this month. My name's Eric, by the way." The tall one with the dirty blond hair said, offering his hand. David shook the proffered hand, then turned to the others at the table. The shorter, stockier man with jet black hair waved from the opposite side of the table. "And I'm Damon. You and I'll be roommates, I reckon." "You can call me Murr." said the first of the two sitting across from Damon and Eric, who were playing a card game that David did not recognize. He was a man of average build and height, but had peculiar pale skin and red hair, as well as an accent that was foreign to David. That would be quite noticeable if not for the man sitting adjacent to him: A younger man with messy neon green hair, and more than a few piercings. He wore a thick leather jacket studded on the shoulders with metal, and his bare arms were lined with tattoos. "You can call me slayer." he said. Murr chuckled and said "This asshole's name is Martin." "And I suppose that makes me David." said David.

The server returned with a plate of meat and potatoes. David didn't bother trying to identify it - he was hungry enough that it just didn't matter. He took the time to utter a "thanks" before digging in and devouring it. "Woah lad," said Murr, "Don't you think you'd like to use some utensils? Have you starved this boy, Arin?" "Utensils aren't exactly a priority when you're trying to eat a fresh kill before animals hunt you down." replied David. "Luckily for you, Mr. Thomas, you no longer need to worry about such things." said Arin, "Now that I've seen to your well-being, I've got a program to run. Mr. Blackwell, would you mind showing our new friend around?" Damon nodded. "Excellent. I'll take my leave, then." She smoothed her skirt then began walking towards another "Staff Only" door. All of the men at the table admired her rear as she left.

"Well then" said Damon, "did she tell you anything about how this place runs?" "Nothing in particular, though I gather we're something like breeding stock to them." David said. Eric seemed amused by this notion. "Well, that's not so far off, though I'd say we have it a bit nicer than that." "Basically, it works like this:" said Damon, "First you have your mandatory breedings. We call those 'scheduled fucks' or 'SF'. Those will be on a chart you'll find in your room, and may have more detailed instructions with them. The other kind is less formal. We call those OFs, or 'optional fucks.' There's always a list of women 'seeking breeding' you should be able to find in your room, alongside the sf list. You can make a few extra credits by doing those, but the amount varies based on who's looking and what their requirements are. Oh, and, credits are what you use on various other activities that might interest you, outside of the whole 'sex' thing. Aside from that, you can buy extra water and food rations if you've got the credits. Does that all make sense?" "Yeah, well enough I suppose." replied David "Is this all really as good as it sounds?" "Aye," said Murr, "it's a bit lacking on the freedom side of things, but when you've plenty of food, plenty of drink, plenty of women, and plenty of leisure, who really cares?" A rousing "hear hear!" was shouted from all men around the table. David wasn't sure he agreed, but kept it to himself.

Damon stood up from the table, excused himself, and motioned for David to follow. They exited through a large steel door opposite the one he'd come through earlier, but this one was permanently open. The corridor on this side was wider, and many of the large metal doors on either side hung open, revealing dormitories within. The insides of them seemed largely the same, though many were decorated with various personal items, and each appeared to have two rooms at the rear of them. When they reached Damon's dormitory, David learned that these rooms were a bathroom and a kitchen. To call it a kitchen might be something of a misnomer - it pulled from the wall, and while it contained many different utilities for cooking, an actual, well-prepared meal would only come from a larger, fuller kitchen. The bathroom contained within was also small, though still significantly larger. It contained a small shower, a toilet, and a sink. "Home sweet home" Damon said, "Welcome to your new room. I sleep on the right side" he motioned to where various personal items were lain about on the bed and desk that sat on the right side of the room, "and you get the left." he motioned to the largely barren left bed and desk, which contained only basic sheets, a pillow, and a lamp. "In case of dire need of privacy," Damon explained, "there's a divider that can be brought down the center of the room. Additionally, there are a few settings for the door you should be aware of. This dial here," he pointed to a multicolored dial on the inside of the door, "can be set to several different colors to display on the outside. Red means 'we're fucking, don't come in,' blue means 'we're fucking, but company is welcome,' and green means 'no fucking, company welcome.' Usually if we want to display the latter, we simply leave the door open. It tends to make the room cooler anyway." "What if I wanna say I'm not fucking, but fuck off anyway?" David asked. Damon chuckled, "Well, there's only 2 people that've ever asked me that question, and Martin's the other one. You'll just have to turn it to red, though the bosses don't like that."

"Now then, that's out of the way, I'll explain the list in a bit more detail, as well as what you can do with credits. I believe I mentioned earlier about the list. If you haven't one in your desk yet, I'm sure Arin will send Eliza around with it shortly. The list will have the time and date of all of your SF appointments on it, and the second page will contain a list of OF offers and how to go about contacting the client. Personally, I'd suggest trying an OF before your first SF. The OFs are usually easier, assuming you don't pick a complicated one. Some of them don't even require actual sex." David raised an eyebrow at that, but didn't judge. If some lonely wealthy woman was looking for cuddles, he could understand that desire. On the Outside, he'd go for months alone at a time, and he was in one hell of a dry spell at the moment. More than a few lonely nights under the stars were spent with warm thoughts of old flames. "You'll get a small amount of credits for each SF, and a varying amount for each OF." Damon continued, "you can trade your credits for a variety of things, just get in contact with Eliza, Arin, or one of the lovely ladies working in the common room. Aside from that, you'll get 21 meal tokens and 60 water tokens each week. The water tokens are only good for a minute of heated water each, so use them sparingly, and use them efficiently." David took a minute to absorb it all. It was a lot to take in. His deep thoughts were interrupted by a new face at the door.

"Speak of the devil!" said Damon, "here comes Eliza now. She's our resident supervisor and general dorm mom." A surprisingly young woman to be called "dorm mom," Eliza was a bright-faced redhead with a burst of freckles across her face and a petite frame. Eliza was a different kind of attractive than Arin. Whereas Arin was blazing hot, Eliza was more like cute and cuddly. David reckoned she couldn't be a day over 25. "Hello!" she said cheerfully, popping her head through the door, "This the newbie, Blackwell?" "The 'newbie' can introduce himself." said David. "Sorry!" Eliza said, apologizing fervently. "Didn't mean to be rude." "It's fine. I was only teasing anyway" said David, "I'm told you've a few items for me." "That I do! I've got your List as well as some personal amenities I thought you might want. I've also got your meal and water tokens, and a few credits to get you started off." She handed him the bundle of items, then someone called for her somewhere further down the hallway. "Enjoy! I've got to run... actually... let me see your List again." She tabbed at the tablet a few times, then handed it back to him. Afterwards, she proceeded to rush down the hallway with surprising speed for someone that small. After she was out of earshot, Damon spoke with a grin, "You know, for all the fuss you made about introducing yourself, you never told her your name." David chuckled, but said nothing in return. He considered taking a shower with his newfound water tokens, as it had been several months since his last bathing, but since they appeared to have cleaned him while he was , he decided to save them instead.

Damon waved to him as he departed from the room. "I've got an SF appointment to go to. See you around roomie." David contemplated his options for some time, after giving the SF list a rundown and not finding any pressing appointments. He double-checked the clock on Damon's desk to be sure, but he found his original guess was near correct. Instead of returning to the common room, he decided to give the OF list a rundown.

What caught his eye?

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