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Chapter 2 by DungeonDaphne DungeonDaphne

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February 1983

It was never your intention to live a life of adventure nor had you ever anticipated such an occurrence in your otherwise mundane existence. It was only by pure chance that you were thrown into this elaborate mess of questionable employment and illicit activity. It all started when you happened to receive a small inheritance, mostly consisting of a small collection of antiques, from a deceased relative. No one seemed to know or care about the strange items therefore they were handed over with little quarrel. Intrigued by the decrepit pieces, you decided to make it a personal goal to discover their origins. Unfortunately, this endeavor was not nearly as easy as you had envisioned. Eventually, after scouring the most obscure books and resources you found a lead. A single photograph of a similar looking item mentioned in an article from about ten years back. It seems the owner of the item believed it to be a piece of one larger object. Although what that object might be was unknown but highly speculated.

With your interest increasingly peaked, you quickly return home with this new information. It was certainly no easy endeavor piecing the objects back together, as you initially couldn't possibly fathom how they'd all intertwine. However, your stubborn pride fueled your refusal to give up and you continued obsessing over it for weeks. Finally, just as you were ready to call it quits you came upon the realization that some of the individual pieces were not in their original state. After toying around with one for a few hours, you learned how to carefully move their slightly over-expanded components. Once you figured this out, it was only a matter of time before you were able to successfully reassemble the item. Initially you were still slightly confused at what the cylindrically shaped box might be. After a few minutes of examining it, you brought it over to the window to get a better look. Once the sunlight hit its surface its purpose was quickly revealed.

To your surprise, it appeared all the assumptions about the object were incorrect. Rather than some calendar or even compass, you were quite certain it was actually a sundial. Even with the final missing piece, you were able to make out the distinct shadow lining up with one of the many notches carved along the surface's circumference. Using the information from the article, you decided to send a letter to the owner of the last piece along with some photos of the items before and after reassembly. You figured if it was worthless, perhaps he'd be willing to just give you the final piece. If not, then perhaps he'd be able to offer you a decent price for those that you possess. While your Uncle had been one of your last living relatives, you hadn't been particularly close to him. Therefore, you felt little sentimental attachment to the object. Not to mention, you could certainly could have used any money you might have been able to gain for the object. Unfortunately, weeks passed by without a response and eventually you all but forgot about the item. Using it now as an ornamental decoration on your mantel.

It wasn't until one day when you arrived home from work that everything changed. As you approach your home you notice a sleek, black car pulled up along the sidewalk in front of your house. Frowning as you don't recognize the vehicle, you cautiously pull into your driveway. Hesitating for a moment, you trepidatiously exit the car and began heading to the walkway.

"Miss Jones." You heard a voice from behind you call your name.

Pausing, you somewhat reluctantly turn to face its speaker. You're a bit taken aback by the figure who stands a few yards away from you, having just exited the expensive car. A tall, attractive man dressed in a nice suit stands at the end of the yard. Pale blond hair is slicked back, standing out against his slightly tanned skin. Dark shades cover his eyes that seem to accentuate his angular face.

"She's not home." You quickly lie and begin fumbling around in your bag for your keys as you walk up the steps of the porch. "Can I help you?"

You've had your fair share of run-ins with debt collectors, however, none were ever as put together as this one. The man's suit alone probably costs more than your monthly wage. Finally at your door, you hurry to try to unlock it.

"Do you know when she'll be back?" The man inquires as he joins you on the step. "It's important I speak with her."

"I'm really not sure." You continue to lie, finally able to get the key into the lock. "I'll give her a message."

"Yes, please." The man nods, appearing surprisingly un-pushy for the debt collector. "Tell her it's about her correspondence with us."

"Correspondence?" You pause halfway in between the doors. "So you're not a debt collector?"

"No, I'm here about the meso-american artifacts." He quickly explains, frowning slightly before his expression clears to realization. "I take it you're Miss Jones?"

"Yes, sorry." You blush slightly before gesturing for the man to follow you inside.

You might not typically invite a stranger in like this, however, your momentary embarrassment overrides your common sense. Feeling too awkward to turn back now you lead him into your modest living room.

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding." You begin apologizing again before quickly adding. "But I had expected you to write back first or-"

"Is that it?" The man cuts you off, swiftly moving over to the mantle. "It's really intact."

"Oh, yes, that was quite the challenge." You continue chatting, hoping to avoid any further awkwardness. "I hope I reassembled it correctly. Some of the pieces were so difficult to turn and I didn't want to break anything."

"The pieces turn?" The man inquires, looking back at you for a moment before gingerly picking up the item. "We didn't try moving ours much for fear of breaking it."

"I didn't catch your name." You interject, grateful the man is turned away so he can't see the blush that has returned to your cheeks.

"It's Alexander." He replies while continuing to examine the object. "You're quite the resourceful one, aren't you, Miss Jones. What is it you do for work?"

"I'm an office clerk." You answer carefully while watching as the man sets the object back down.

"Fascinating." His remarks in a disinterested tone before turning to face you. "Are you interested in a career change by chance?"

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