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Chapter 3 by Coriander12 Coriander12

How does Cremia end up naked?

Beach trip gone wrong

The great bay in the middle of the summer was a very popular tourist destination. And now that the moon in the sky had stopped coming towards Termina and clock town, everyone was in the mood for a celebratory feast in the bay.

Cremia however was feeling down, Anju having come back from her honeymoon with Kafei was reminding her about how lonely she was out at her farm. But Anju's invitation to accompany her to the beach did sound fun at least.

What Cremia had not expected as she and Romani had headed to the beach was how crowded it was as a bunch of stalls had needed to be set up for changing and showering.

"It's so crowded Anju" Cremia complained as she and Romani followed her redheaded friend to the constructed womens changing room stalls as she helped her younger sister change into her schoolgirls swimsuit, and then with some difficulty stretched herself into her own old black schoolgirls swimsuit.

"Damn my boobs, why did they have to get so large" she could only complain as she could feel her swimsuit stretching out, aware that if it got any tighter her womanhood would be visible through the fabric. But with her financial situation, she couldn't buy another swimsuit. And as Cremia and Romani stepped out, she was immediately aware of the stares in her direction from a bunch of men and women from clock town.

Cremia liked a low skirt and a high v-neck, she was that kind of girl who tried her best to show as little of her body as possible, but her purple skirt didn't hide her wide hips, and her white shirt didn't keep most men in town from noticing the bulging tits she had developed in the final years of her teenage life.

So even with the other girls on the beach in their two-piece suits, every mans eyes were instead following her bare feet up her pale calves to her thick muscular thighs, a sensation which left Cremia feeling incredibly uneasy, particularly as her boobs felt like they could burst out of her swimsuit if the fabric didn't hold up any longer.

The wolf-whistles really left her blushing even as she gripped her arms over her breasts subconsciously and turned to find Anju in a two piece blue bikini.

"Cremia, I told you to bring something sexy!" Anju stated with disappointment as Cremia frowned.

"I don't feel comfortable in bikinis" she stated truthfully as Anju noticed her friend was clearly uneasy with all the young men and women staring at her and looked at Romani with a smile.

"You have friends here right Romani? Can you go find them?|" she asked as Romani scurried off to look for Link or her other friends as Anju smirked.

"So what do we do now?" she asked Cremia as Cremia frowned.

"Didn't we come here to swim?" she asked as Anju smirked.

"Oh please, there's a bunch of hot guys around Cremia! We should go get a drink and see if we can find one for you" Anju stated as Cremia scowled.

"Anju, I'm not flirting with anyone in a bikini. It would be too embarrassing" she stated as she grabbed her friend by the arm. "Now let's go swim" she stated as she dragged Anju out into the great bays waters.

What she didn't realise, was there was no peace to be had in the ocean. For every single young person in the whole great bay was in the water, and if there was one thing more attractive than a female in a swimsuit, it was a female in a tight and wet swimsuit as Cremia couldn't shake off guys and girls stares, instead finding her and Anju were being constantly watched as they would surface from below the waves or splash one another.

And everytime a guy would approach them, Cremia would grab Anju and bring her northwards, too embarrassed and uncomfortable in her swimsuit to talk with guys.

But the waves grew more intense the farther she and Anju headed as eventually they found themselves alone. And though they got to play around in the water for a few minutes in peace, the next thing they knew, Cremia and Anju were caught in a wave, and the riptide suddenly tore them away from the shore.

In that moment Cremia thought she could die, and even as she and Anju kept struggling as the ocean took them out further, she begged for some zora to hear their cries for help. Yet none came however as she and Anju seemed doomed to her dismay.

Only for a ship to rear out from behind the headland, and then a net to close around the two girls as they were dragged out of the water to her shock and relief. And a minute later the two girls were dropped spluttering and kicking onto the deck of a ship as they looked up at their saviours.

"Thank you, thank you!" Cremia could only mercifully declare as she looked at the attractive brown skinned women before them as Anju agreed.

"You saved our lives!" Anju agreed as Cremia looked at the scantily clad women with their red hair and their bare midriffs and felt her heart sink.

"Anju... wait" she realised all too suddenly that these weren't some beneficial sailors, but the great bay pirates.

"It's no problem girls, we were just in the area and weren't going to let some poor helpless women die after all" the woman before them with green baggy trousers and an ornate bra stated as she smirked down at them as Cremia frowned uncomfortably.

"Thank you for your service, but if you don't mind letting us off now closer to the beach, we'd be happy to be out of your care and not bothering you" Cremia stated as the woman before her smiled at the amassing group of women behind her.

"We'd be delighted to bring you girls back closer to shore, so let's get going" she stated as Cremia felt uneasy.

"Anju, these are pirates" she warned her friend who looked back at her with shock.

"They are?" she asked as Cremia nodded.

"We need to get off" she stated as Anju frowned and shifted uneasily.

"But we're in dangerous waters, we can't get home without their help" she stated as Cremia knew that was true as she and Anju just sat uncomfortably as the pirates brought them closer towards the shore again.

The entire way though, she could see the female pirates upon the ship glancing continuously towards Anju and her. But despite her mistrust, the pirates indeed brought her and Anju back to the safer waters of the great bay as Cremia looked out at the dry shore, relieved they hadnt instead been taken to their dungeons.

"Finally, we're safe again" she thought with relief as she and Anju stood up then and she looked at the pirates gratefully.

"Umm... thank you for saving our lives" she stated as she and Anju prepared to dive back into the water, only to suddenly feel her heart stop as she felt a hand grab her swimsuit and pull her back, as did Anju as her bikini bottom and her top were yanked back.

"Leaving us so soon?" the pirate chief asked as Cremia and Anju were already struggling as they were thrown into the middle of the ship deck and surrounded.

"What are you doing?!" Anju demanded as the pirate chief smirked.

"You two girls owe us a fair for your rescue and transport after all" the pirate chief stated as Cremia frowned.

"Okay fine, we'll pay you back I promise. I'm not rich, but i can compensate you for your effort" Cremia stated as Anju nodded eagerly, but the pirate chief smirked at that happily.

"I'm sorry girls, but we pirates make a lot of gold every day raiding and stealing. So as you. can imagine, we need something more from you two. For while we aren't going to let some pretty young women drown, the pirates of the great bay have a reputation to uphold, which means while you two may keep your lives, we need to show the great bay we aren't your friends and we don't do charity work" the pirates stated as she smirked at the two girls as Cremia felt her heart racing in anxiety.

"What do you want then? I'm a farmer, i make really good milk and beef, I can give you a years worth of the finest milk in termina if you want" she suggesed as the pirate chief smirked.

"We aren't really milk drinkers my dear girl, we much prefer beer and rum than lily-livered drinks like milk" she stated as Cremia was growing more desparate.

"Well then what do you want?" she had to ask in dismay as the pirate chief smirked then.

"It's simple really, all we require from you two to let you go is a mere article of clothing" she stated then as Cremia felt her jaw drop.

"You want what?" she demanded as the pirate chief frowned.

"I said one measly piece of fabric from each of you, nothing more" she stated as Anju and Cremia looked down with horror upon their outfits.

"But... but we don't have any other clothes than the ones we're wearing!" Cremia could only state in horror as Anju nodded with dumbfounded agreement as the pirates and their chief giggled and smirked at the two young women's growing panic.

"Oh really, isn't that a shame then?" the pirate chief leered as she pulled out a sword then to Cremia's dismay and poked its tip gently on Cremia's abdomen. "But without an article of clothing from each of you, we cant let you two go, we might have to bring you back to the dungeon and wait for a ransom if you won't meet our very reasonable service price for saving your lives" the pirate chief stated as Cremia fell to her knees in horror.

"One article... but all I have is this... i cant take this off! I didn't bring any underwear underneath this so I'll be... I'll be naked!" she protested in anguish as the pirates all giggled at her as Anju glared.

"And I'll be topless" Anju stated as the pirate chief smirked.

"Wow tiny tits, I thought you'd rather go bottomless given you've nothing going on up there to be proud of showing off!" the chief joked as Anju glared at her as she laughed as Cremia scowled.

"Can I at least take her top then if I give you my swimsuit! Surely its worth more than her top alone?" she begged as the pirate chiefs face sunk in fury.

"We great bay pirates believe a womans midriff is her pride. Our muscles and slim bellies define us! Yet you would try to convince us that disgrace of a swimsuit you are wearing is worth anything? That something that covers our abs has any value?" she remarked with disgust at Cremia and shook her head. "No. For as soon as you remove it, we will fly it as a flag of disdain for bashful women like yourself who feign modesty over pride in their stomachs, whether fat, skinny or muscular!" she stated with fury as she smiled at Anju.

"Redhead here at least is showing her skinny tummy with pride in her swimsuit, which is why fate smiles on her today unlike you miss farmer!" she stated with disdain towards Cremia as she sat down then with her hands on her face smugly.

"So girls, you can either give us your payment right now, or we may need to take a detour back to our fortress and you can spend possibly a few nights more in our company" the chief stated as Anju and Cremia were still shellshocked as the chief held out her hand.

"Now, our payment ladies" she stated as Cremia was on the verge of tears.

"My sisters on the beach, theres so many people there. Have you no mercy?" Cremia begged as the pirate chief grinned.

"That'll mean all the more eyes will be there to see that the great bay pirates dont appreciate pretty little city and country girls in our waters unless they're willing to forego their dignity" the chief stated as Cremia felt every eye once again ogling her as she and Anju looked at each other with shame, Anju barely able to look at Cremia as to Cremias shock Anju quickly tugged at the strings on her bikini top and it fell away as she gripped her hand over her small bosom immediately and handed the top over to the chief who smirked.

"Word of advice little miss redhead, you might as well not wear a bikini top if your tits are that small!" she joked as Anju just shifted uncomfortably as Cremia looked at her friend bare chest with horror as the chief was now smirking at her and gently swishing her sword.

"I can cut it off you in only a few seconds pretty girl, but I don't wanna risk scarring those jugs and hips of yours if I can avoid it" she threatened jokingly as Cremia looked at the pirate captain desperately, but there was no signs of sympathy as with a squeal of dismay, Cremia slid the straps of her swimsuit off her shoulders, only to kneel down into a ball of shame as all the pirates were starting to holler and mock her.

"No, this is too humiliating! This must be a dream!" Cremia could only think with horror as the pirate captain was enjoying this very much.

"You have ten seconds to hand it over girl, otherwise we may have a problem" she stated as Cremia couldn't even stand up she was so ashamed, but still gripped the sides of her swimsuit, still curled up in her squat as she yanked the swimsuit down then, her exposed breasts still hidden by her knees as her buttocks by comparison were laid bare as the swimsuit rested just below her hips, centimetres from the ground as she desperately wormed the swimsuit back up her legs with great effort, tears of embarrassment in her eyes as the pirates were still unable to get a clear view on her boobs even as she brought her swimsuit over her knees and dragged it down her shins with her pussy hidden behind her still locked legs. The pirates behind her however were all too happily enjoying the view of her ass, complimenting her buns as Cremia desperately shifted her feet inches off the ground one at a time then as she stepped out of her swimsuit even still scrunched up like a ball.

"Nice birthday suit!" she heart one pirate scream initially then, alongside a myriad of other catcalls and derisive leering as the wind on her wet skin made her all the more aware of how compromising and exposed her position was even as the pirate chief made her way over to the bare girl still covering herself in shame.

"Now my dear, your swimsuit" she stated as Cremia just sobbed and held up her one piece to the chief who took the black bathing suit and held it up.

"Im shocked a woman with hips and tits like yours could fit in this old thing" she stated as she stared down at Cremia who was holding her legs up against her bosom, but her cleavage was still very viewable from a standing view as Anju who had been covering her own tits in shame had enough of seeing her best friend being humiliated.

"She's given you the swimsuit, now stop teasing her and let us go!" Anju pleaded as the pirate chief smirked then.

"Us go? I don't recall mentioning i would let you both go, just miss bareskin here!" the pirate chief stated as Anju was shocked as was Cremia.

"What are you saying?!" she demanded as the pirate chief grinned.

"We pirates do not release our prisoners without a significant payment you see. And i dont think you two girls have the money we want, hence you made a payment instead for a chance to join our crew on a technicality, for we pirates may release a prisoner if one of our own, or a woman we respect demands it" she explained as she reached for Cremia's trembling chin and pulled it up so Cremia was staring at her taunters sardonic smirk.

"Now my dear, open your legs" she demanded as Cremia shook her head.

"No! I wanna go home! I don't want to be here!" she begged as the pirate chief just rubbed the nude auburn haired girls hair and then pushed her onto her back as Cremia still had her legs held tight, but now to her dismay her closed pussy and more humiliatingly her asshole were visible to everyone in front of her, including Anju who just screamed in embarrassment at her best friends predicament, covering her face in empathetic shame that Cremia's nethers were being shown to so many other women. And this was made all the worse by the fact for the first time in her life Cremia had shaved away her brown pubes for the beach, leaving her pussy all the more visible as she was still in tears as the pirate chief to her horror ran her finger down the farmers inner thigh strokingly as Cremia let out a startled moan.

"Oh my, you're quite sensitive aren't you?" the chief smirked as she put her hands between Cremias legs and although the strong farmer girl resisted, the chief was too strong as her legs spread apart and for the first time in her adult life her womanhood was displayed to another person.

"Oh god, why is this happening to me?!" she could only think in dismay as the pirate chief smirked.

"I knew it. She's a total virgin!" the pirate chief declared with a smirk as Cremia for the first time uncovered her tits, if only to hide her face of shame at that fact, her hymen still intact as she had never been penetrated, nor done anything strenuous enough to tear it either. And if there was one thing she was more humiliated by possessing than her huge cow tits that usually attracted all the wrong kind of men to her, it was her virginity at nineteen years of age, she having wanted to have sex since she had first seen a cow being ridden by a bull and realised people could do that to one another as well, but her fathers and her debts had left her very much unable to have a night out in clock town and find a nice guy to rail her till the morning, especially with her responsibilities towards her younger sister.

So to be called out for her lack of sexual intercourse was leaving her redfaced even as she groaned as she felt two hands on her tits and looked at the pirate chief grining as she groped the young womans bosom.

"A virgin with these huge lumps of fat on your chest? How does that happen?" she mocked Cremia as to Cremia's dismay she ran her hand down along her abdomen and then a second later a womans hand was upon Cremia's pussies lips, rubbing them teasingly before withdrawing her hand as Cremia's legs instinctively closed up again and her hands shot across her boobs protectively as Anju was angry now.

"Stop molesting my friend!" she demanded as the pirate chief just ignored her and smirked at Cremia.

"Don't worry virgin girl, thats something you won't be by the end of today!" she stated then gleefully as Cremia was in dismay.

"No, I'm not into women, I don't want to lose my virginity to a woman!" she pleaded as the pirate chief frowned.

"Nor do we! For we pirates may be an all women crew, but we still crave manhood from time to time!" she stated as she and the other pirates giggled.

"And when we pirates want sex, we get sex" she stated as she stared at Cremia's hand lodged between her thighs, her palm covering her butthole and her pussy from everyones sight as she grinned.

"So, if you want to join our crew temporarily and let your friend here loose little miss nice jugs, you're going to go back onto that beach and find you a man to fuck your brains out!" she stated as Cremia couldn't believe what she was being asked.

"You want me to have sex... on the beach... in front of everyone?" she could only ask in horror as the pirate chief grinned.

"Oh yes, theres an amusement park currently in operation back in clock town from what we hear, so all the children will be gone, and just like we pirates, you're going to have sex in public, for we pirates take whatever men we want and fuck them wherever, be there spectators or not!" the pirate chief declared as Anju was furious even as Cremia was stunned into silence.

"You can't make her do this! She's got enough on her plate without you trying to make her ruin her whole reputation!" she begged as Cremia nodded desperately as the pirate chief smirked.

"Oh yes we can't make her do this i agree, for once we leave her off this ship, she very much can just beg for an article of clothing like an undignified ashamed little girl and hope some nice boy or girl ends her nudity ordeal, but if she doesn't have the balls to get some balls deep inside her from a guy she finds cute or strong, a poor little topless redhead like yourself will be spending the next few weeks with her tits out in a damp dungeon" she stated as Cremia just stared with doe eyes at her best friend.

"Anju... I don't want to leave you here! But what they're asking me to do is denigrate myself before everyone, to ruin the rest of my life by doing the sluttiest thing imaginable" she could only think with dismay as the pirate chief smirked.

"Alright, our little stark naked girl here is about to be sent ashore, but before that girls, you all know what to do!" she stated as to Cremia's horror the pirates swarmed around her and grabbed her by her limbs, hoisting her up into the air as her legs were pulled apart again and though she squirmed, their hands were too strong as the pirate chief smirked at Cremia's plight.

"What are you doing to me?!" she begged as the pirate chief grinned.

"We pirates have a blessing we give to one of our own whos going looking for manhood, one I think you'll appreciate" she stated before to Cremia's horror she watched the chief kneel only a foot from her and lean in towards her womanhood.

"No! Please don't" she could only think, but watching the hook nosed pirates face come within an inch of her nethers, Cremia could only squeal in shame as the chief quickly brought her lips to either of her inner thighs, and then let out a groan of embarrassment as suddenly she felt two wet lips nestle upon her stretched vulva as for the first time in her life her vagina was penetrated to her shame, and by a womans tongue no less that briskly dipped inside the canal, but then the chief pulled back, dragging her tongues tip over Cremia's clitoris before she stood back up, looking at the panting panicked girl.

"You have my blessing to go get some cock girl, good luck" she stated as she reached under Cremia then and pinched the farmers large buttocks.

"Now everyone else gets a turn" she stated as Anju could barely keep her eyes open as Cremia had chosen to stop struggling and instead just bear through this humiliating ritual as twenty pirates all took their turns giving her pussy a kiss, some taking suspiciously longer as they really lay in upon her clitoris, battering it as Cremia to her horror felt herself moments away from getting properly wet as her stimulated pelvic floor was quivering and her glands getting ready to rid themselves excitedly of mucus for an incoming throbbing orgasm.

"Oh god. I can't orgasm here, not in front of everyone!" she thought with horror, but to her relief the pirate chief declared every pirate had taken their turn licking her womanhood.

"However, one more remains" the chief declared then as to Cremia's horror Anju was grabbed and dragged forward towards her naked friend, her topless tits erect from the cold by now and her whole body shivering in horror at what she was about to do.

"Please don't make me do this! This isn't right!" Anju begged as she was pushed down to her knees a few inches from Cremia's labial folds that to Cremia's horror were starting to twitch and the inside of her canal starting to fill with her mucosal fluids.

"Anju... I'm sorry" she apologised with horror as Anju shook her head.

"No Cremia, I'm sorry! I don't want to do this to you!" she stated as the chief grabbed Anjus shoulders then with a smirk.

"Come on, its just a quick smooch on her lips. Not a full on fuck" she stated as Cremia was almost faint with indignity, but her friends quivering eyes of horror staring down at her opened vagina was almost worse than the thought of her smooching it.

"Anju, its fine... just do it... I'll forgive you" Cremia could only moan as Anjus wide-eyed terrified eyes and forehead were all she could see as Anju took a deep breath and then with a squeal of horror, she placed the rims of her mouth upon the entrance to Cremia's orifice to Cremia's groan of horrified guilty pleasure as she shared a glance of horrified embarrassment with Anju, but then the moment passed and Anju pulled her head away as Cremia's pussy was still throbbing, but her stimulation was thankfully not enough to be left wailing from an orgasm.

Anju however had realised something as she wiped a sticky fluid off her lips, spreading it between her two fingers with stunned disbelief.

"Cremia, did you just...?" she stated in horror, but that was cut short as the pirate chief frowned.

"Not even some tongue, how mean" she stated with annoyance before to Cremia's horror she pushed Anju's face back between Cremia's thighs and Cremia's fate was doomed, for even as Anju struggled, her nose and mouth shaking and trembling upon Cremia's womanhood, Cremia's clitoris was given the push over the edge as Anju suddenly found her nose and mouth were covered in her best friends juices. And around her the pirates all heard Cremia's sudden wails of pleasure and shame as they finally let her back on the ground as she curled up in a ball of horror as Anju watched her best friend quivering in pleasure, her vagina glistening in the sunshine now even as Cremia covered it in tears of shame but also immeasurable sexual delight, feeling her own secretions upon her hands which for the first time hadnt been let loose in her own bed at night, but by the works of others.

"I'll never be able to get married now" she could only think in embarrassment before she felt Anju hugging her.

"Cremia, I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd... that you'd" Anju swore before the pirate chief pulled her away and stared at Cremia with a smirk.

"Alright dearie, all the girls have given you their blessing, so all thats is one final send off" she joked as to Cremia's horror the pirate chief scooped her up in her arms and marched her over to the side of the ship as Cremia was still too embarrassed to even resist as the pirate chief smiled at her.

"Alright little miss, there are only two options now for you to take!" she cheerfully stated as she let Cremia down beside a plank of wood that the other pirates quickly folded outwards.

"You can walk the plank with dignity and dive like a swan, or we can throw you into the sea" she stated threateningly as she stroked Cremia's buttocks.

"And we sure would hate to see a naked beauty like you go, but we also would love to watch you leave" she stated as Cremia sobbingly to her own dismay stood up as even having stripped and climaxed in front of these perverted tormentors, their leers and derisory smirks still left her covering her wet pussy and large bosoms as she looked at Anju desperately.

"I'll get you free... i promise" she just about swore as she turned then, blushing even still as her large buttocks and bare back were revealed to everyone on board the ship as eveyrone watched the bare beauties buttocks swaying up to the edge of the plank, even a starstruck and disbelieving Anju as Cremia took one final glance over her bare shoulder at her topless best friend.

"I can't believe I have to do this, how did this beach trip turn into a beach strip" she could only think then with humiliation as the pirates all swooned then as the farmer jumped twice on the board, her huge breasts bobbing up and down before she suddenly swan dove forward into the water. Or at least that would have happened if she could swan dive as instead to her redfaced horror the freckled farmer girl in the buff instead fell flailing down into the water as she was now in the water again but one whole schoolgirl swimsuit worse off than she was, only about fifty metres from the nearest group of people, and about one hundred from the shoreline itself as Cremia as she was about to surface could only feel dread in her heart for what she was about to do next, whether she would follow through with their request, or let Anju remain in a dungeon until whatever demands the pirates would make would be met.

How does her beach strip adventure continue?

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