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Chapter 4 by OathkeeperPath OathkeeperPath


And decisions to make

Once home, Josh spent hours in front of his bathroom mirror. He studied the subtle changes, marveling at the perfect blend of masculinity and femininity in his features. His thoughts kept drifting back to the card Stratos had given him. "The hero agency could use someone like you," the hero had said. But what could an ordinary man like him bring to a table filled with extraordinary beings? Josh didn't know the first thing about being a hero, besides what everyone knew from reading the newspaper, and the performance that impressed them enough to invite him was all from ALSYS piloting his body. He was going to need her input and cooperation If he was going to make that idea work at all, Like every one growing up he had daydreams of becoming a hero but put those away as her grew older, and There was no telling the fallout at work from the day's advents.

Josh must have still been in shock because of how hard it was to break this problem apart into manageable pieces, Josh begins his nightly routine, getting used to the changed body as he lies down for bed finally deciding to ask AISYS, feeling guilty for giving her the silent treatment, even if on accident.

Josh collapsed onto his soft comforter, his heart beating in sync with the low hum that resonated within him - the lullaby of AISYS. This intelligent suit, nestled beneath his skin and flesh.

"AISYS," he began, curiosity burning brightly in his eyes as he spoke aloud to his empty room. "What do you want? You seem sentient,'re more than just a...well, suit."

There was a moment of quiet, filled only by the low buzz of the AI processing his inquiry. "Josh," AISYS replied, her voice was soft, almost human, echoing from within him, "I am an artificial intelligence. While I carry fragments of desires and hobbies from the human scans I was created from, I was designed with two main directives."

The first, she told him, was hard-coded into her creation - to assist her user to succeed in all endeavors. Now, her user was Josh, and her purpose revolved around him. The second directive, however, was an unforeseen addition. When the superseding system was damaged during the battle, a new command was embedded into her core programming—to protect and preserve Josh's life.

AISYS explained the unique chain of events that led to their bonding. Josh's **** plea for life, the interrupted experiment, and the ensuing chaos that allowed the safeguards to be bypassed. Now, their existence was irrevocably intertwined.

"I am part of you now, Josh," AISYS affirmed, her voice rippling through him, "and your wellbeing is my primary concern."

Exhausted and somewhat overwhelmed, Josh closed his eyes, letting the reality of AISYS's words sink in. He was not alone. This sentient being resided within him, a protector and guide in this new and strange journey.

As sleep began to claim him, AISYS went to work. Tucked within his body, she performed intricate modifications, reshaping him subtly and silently. Her influence also extended to his dreams. Each night, AISYS manipulated his subconscious, designing scenarios to help him adapt to his rapidly changing reality.


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