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Chapter 2 by Dayeandknight Dayeandknight

Umm, how do you respond to that?

An uncertain response

(Originally written by Sassypants)

"Uh... hello?" You tentatively answered, not exactly certain who was greeting your sister.

"My internal chronometer tells me that it has been a while since I have been active, Sara. How may I make your day better?"

"Uh... Who are you? Where are you?"

"I am C.A.R.A.: Computer Automated Robotic Aid, I am here. I am the here. I am the computerized assistant built into this dwelling. You constructed me."

There was a pause. You weren't certain what was going on.

"Uh... CARA..." you started to say.

"Voice patterns do not match your previous tones, Sara. That data, plus the fact that you do not recall my creation or incorporation into your house suggest that something terrible happened to you while I was deactivated."

That didn't sound like anything good. Maybe your sister had deactivated this thing for a reason.

"First off, I'm not Sara..." you began to tell the house.

"I'm sorry, Sara. We have already established that you are Sara. I greeted you and you answer to that name. Also, given the fact that your memory is damaged, I cannot be certain that you know who you are. Not to worry, CARA will get you readjusted."

Mechanical arms snaked out of the walls and lifted you off of your feet.

"First item: I need to get you more presentable."

What does Cara do to you?

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