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Chapter 2 by TheNextGamer TheNextGamer

What will you do now?

Alternate Introduction (TheNextGamer)

*Warning: Slightly morbid intro about suicide. Please do not emulate. If you are having suicidal thoughts, I urge you to contact loved ones, or find someone to talk to on a suicide hotline in your country.*

You threw the noose up on your ceiling support and nearly tied it's end on a your bed, more than heavy enough to support your weight.

With a humorless smile, you look on proudly at your work. This moment filled you with anticipation for the last two years now.

You've written your suicide note. You said goodbye to anyone who even remotely had any sort of positive relationship with you. You made sure that your will listed who would get which one of your belongings, as you were sure as hell not gonna be needing anything after this.

You're sick in the head. Normal people don't look forward to suicide. Not like you. You should probably be asking for medical and professional help instead of resorting to something like this, but you'd figure it would be a waste of time and resources.

Besides, in your own honest opinion, you were a sack of shit who wasn't good for anything anyway. You were probably doing the world a favor by not burdening it with your existencr. Sooooo, win-win in your book.

The only thing you regret right now, is the inconvenience to anyone who finds you and the people who will have to deal with cleaning your stupid corpse.

Good thing you wrote in your will that you'll leave whoever found the body first to get fifty dollars from your wallet. Hopefully, that'll cover the cost.

"Well, no time like the present. I'm not just going to kill myself, after all." You chuckled, "Oh wait! I am!"

Ha ha, what a joke you are. An absolute complete joke.


Wrapping the noose around your neck, you closed your eyes and got ready for your greatest accomplishment in your entire life.

You jump. You heard a snap. Everything went black.




"Alice, honey? Wake up dear! It's time for breakfast?"

Mmm... Ugh...

You slowly open your eyes.

What... What just happened?

Rubbing your eyes awake, you calmly rose from your bed and stretched your arms up, before yawning daintily.

The last thing you remembered was... your suicide attempt.

Just a dream...

Did it not work?

You feel sort of relieved/disappointed at this revelation. Though you don't know why you would feel so conflicted about it right now considering...

It was just a dream.

I was looking forward to it.

Wait... Are you sure it was just a dream? It seemed so real though.

Well... Of course it had to be a dream. You're alive after all. And in your dream, you were a man in depression. Obviously it's a dream since you were actually...

A girl.

A man.

Wait, are you still dreaming?

Or is this the after life?

Something is wrong. Something weird is going on and you don't know how to explain it.

When you stepped out of bed, you realize you were wearing a sleeping gown. A sleeping gown you definitely didn't own/had since last year.

You clutch your head in confusion.

Why are your memories so conflicted and weird?

A familiar voice of a woman you never heard before called out, "Alice? Did you wake up yet?"

Out on instinct, you replied, "Yes Mom!"

Wait... That doesn't sound anything like your mother...

But it was definitely Mom though. That's how she always sounded.

But your mom was a smoker though. Her voice was more gravelly than this.

Which didn't make any sense considering she never once smoked a day in her life.

Okay, this is weird now.

You notice a mirror in the corner of your room, a mirror you never owned/had since you were a baby.

Out of curiousity, you stood up and stumbled your way towards it to see your reflection.

What you saw next... Well...

You were shocked by it.

Same ol' face. Same ol' life.

What in the world is going on right now?

You were blonde. You were young.

You were pretty cute.

You were pretty gross.

You moved around a lot, testing to see if it was your actual reflection. It came as no shock to you that it was though.

This is you.

This is not you.

"Alice! Hurry before your breakfast grows cold!" Your stranger mom person called out to you again.

"Mom, my name is Alex! Stop pronouncing it wrong!" You yelled back with a bit of annoyance.

Wait... What?

"What do you mean? I've always pronounced it as Alice!"

"Yeah, that's what I mean! My name is Alice!" You corrected her. Or you correct yourself.

What's going on with you?

Holding a hand up to your heart, you slowly spoke out loud, "My name is Alice Grimshaw."

You shook your head. That ain't right.

"My name is Alex Bellarose."

No, that's not your name.

Alice Bellarose.

Alex Grimshaw.

There we go. That's your name.


No, just name. One name. A non-plural adjective.

You reached your hand out against the mirror, looking at your reflection with confusion.

"Why am I a girl?" You asked.

"What do you mean? You've always been a girl." You answered back.

"But I've always been a guy..." You argued.

Memories of a boy named Alex Grimshaw flashes in your head. A young boy who recently graduated his bachelor's in Literature, unable to find a job and unable to connect with people. All of his friends rarely ever hang out with him. He realized how worthless his life was and decided it would be best to just end it all so that he wouldn't worry anyone.

"What the hell?" You winced at the memory. "But that's not right... "

Memories of a girl named Alice Bellarose emerged now. A young girl, in her senior year of high school. She's about to graduate soon and thought about applying for her dream college across the country to get a Computer Science degree. Her life was only about to begin. She has no reason to commit suicide, much less any reason to want to.

You clutch your head in pain. It was like... two lifesworth of memories flowing through your head, jumbling together and confusing you, contradicting every aspect of your entire life.

"Why do I have memories of some guy in my head? Or should I be asking, why am I suddenly in the body of a random teenaged girl?" You said to yourself.

This situation didn't really make any sense to you. You're not sure who you are anymore.

"It's like... I'm a combination of two people... But yet... I'm still not. Like, I'm still disconnected somehow. Enough to notice the disconnection at least."

So what does that make you?

It's like you can feel and hear the voices of two people in your head. And they notice each other, trying to figure out what's going on. But instead of communicating to each other, they're only talking to themselves. Because that's what they are. They're you.

Assimilated, but not enough to connected properly.

"How is this possible?" You asked yourself.

"I don't know." You responded back.

This was so weird... It's not like you were having a conversation between two people. It felt more like you were talking to yourself alone, even though you weren't alone.

Out of curiousity, you tugged your gown a but to look at your breasts.

They were sizable. C cup. Maybe even reaching D cup, the potential was there.

You felt... embarrassed, looking at yourself like this. Like you were naked in front of a stranger, even though there's no one else here but you. Yet, you were also sort of aroused from this. Aroused by looking at your own breasts.

Perky, plumpy. An impressive body.

You were blushing. Blushing by... your own compliments?

You have no idea which "you" your mind belongs to. Are you the girl, trying to make sense out of why you suddenly have twenty five years of memories from some random guy, or are you the guy trying to make sense why he's suddenly in a girl's body along with all her memories attached.

Is it a combination of both?


"This is gonna take some getting used to." You decided.

Where in the world is Carmen Sandiago?

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