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Chapter 3 by Nemo of Utopia Nemo of Utopia

What tools come to hand?

A Broken Branch And My Steely Thews...

Looking over my gear I find the following assets...

I have a Broadsword in a sheath belted at my waist; Main-Gauche sheathed at the other hip; and a dagger in my left boot. My coin purse and a few other pouches are tied to a sturdy leather belt, containing things such as a set of faintly glowing knuckle bones scrimshawed with runes; a shaving razor, sliver of soap, steel mirror, and lather brush; a set of knife, fork, and spoon in black iron; 26 Gil in loose change, made up of 111 Copper, 36 Silver, 2 Gold and 2 Platinum Coins; and a small semi-precious gem stone that I recognize as a Blood Stone. There is a leather backpack holding 50' of hemp rope; a wooden bowl, cup, and plate; some packets of pemmican; three water skins, only 2 of them full; two torches, their pitch soaked heads sealed with waxed cloth; and a flint and steel. I am wearing tough traveling clothes including a cloak and separate hood, both made of dark green wool, with a tunic and trews over drawstring boxer shorts, all brown and made of thick cotton, and tough leather boots. I also have two more sets of clothes, minus my cloak and hood, in my backpack.

Nothing here screams "get the tree off the woman" to me so I examine other options.

As I begin to re-accustom to my own body I get the sense that I am strong. Not only "strong" but downright "mighty"... What I can see of my physical form, mostly my arms and chest visible through the front gap in my leather jerkin, speaks of a lot of hard exercise and a natural propensity to brawn anyway: though I don't know the source of the quote I find myself thinking: "My muscles' muscles have muscles..." and a plan starts to take shape. Seizing a stout branch I trim it down with a few swipes of my boot dagger and then turn to the captive woman.

"I think I have a plan Miss: I am going to use this branch to leaver the tree up off of you, but you have to be ready to wriggle free as soon as I do, because I don't know how long I can keep the tree raised or the branch will hold out. Does that make sense to you Miss:" and suddenly I realize I have not gotten her name, "what is your name Miss?" I ask, trying to sound polite.

She looks confused for a second and then gulps hard. "I, I don't know," she admits timidly.

"Well, I seem to remember that where I come from, when a woman's name is unknown she is called 'Jane Doe', will that do for now?" I ask as kindly as I can.

"Sure, but just get this tree off me?!" She asks imploringly.

"Sure thing!" I declare and proceed to wedge the branch under the tree and lift with a mighty heave.

No sooner is Jane no longer pinned than she is out from under the tree entirely and scrambling away like some kind of crab as fast as she can. Good thing too because after only another 10th of a second there is a mighty :CRACK!: and the branch I used as a lever gives way under the weight of the trunk.

"Thank you so much, um, what's your name?" Jane asks.

"Nemo of Utopia," I reply, smiling and extending a hand.

"Well 'Nemo' I am glad to be out from under that tree, but I still don't know where I am or in point of fact WHO I am. I mean, you did give me a name, and I suppose it's as good as any, but what do I do now?" Jane asks, clearly confused by the whole situation and feeling a little panicked.

"Well, by the standards of some cultures you now owe me a 'life debt', and besides there is 'safety in numbers' right? So why don't you come with me and we will figure out this whole 'amnesia' thing together?" I ask, hopeful that she will agree.

What is Jane's answer?

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