Supergirl's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Supergirl's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Supergirl investigates an uptick in human trafficking, it goes... not as planned

Chapter 1 by mlod mlod


I enjoy seeing what ideas other people come up with based on this, anyone is welcome to add chapters.

I'm going to be focusing my writing on continuing the chapters that get the most likes, as a minimum chapters with 5+ likes get a sequel, chapters with 10+ likes get two and so on.
Chapters with the most likes get updated first!


"30 girls in the last two months Alex, that we know of!" Kara can't help but look at her sister again, hoping for a different answer.

Turning away and shaking her head, Alex moves towards the door "They were all human Kara, it's horrible yes, but it's a matter for the police or FBI, not the DEO".

As Alex finishes putting on her jacket and grabs the door she doesn't react to Karas last plea "Well I never put a limit on who I'd protect, so I'm going to investigate and find out what's happening."

It is 5 minutes later that J'onn receives a text:

Agent Danvers: "Kara is going after them, we need to increase our efforts to track that missing shipment"

"Does she know we suspect them of stealing that shipment of Kryptonite?" :Director Henshaw

Agent Danvers: "You know damn well she doesn't know we still have any Kryptonite at all, much less that some has gone missing"
Agent Danvers: "Besides, the clubs and gangs at the dock is an interconnected nightmare, there's no telling what any of them are up to without a lot of surveillance"

"Which we have tried for weeks now without getting anywhere" :Director Henshaw
"She might help us out, her attempts at subtle tend to be a bit like a bull in a China shop" :Director Henshaw

Agent Danvers: "That's what I'm worried about, put Winn on surveillance full time and I'll prep some agents she doesn't know to go undercover and keep an eye on her if she tries to imitate Lois"

Looking through her wardrobe, Kara ponders what to do "Flyover with super sight and hearing, or the investigative reporter bread and butter, undercover work?"

Does she investigate as Supergirl or Kara, ace (undercover) reporter?

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