New world order (2)

New world order (2)


Chapter 1 by Rasun Rasun

(Scene 0: The Rise of the Nub Virus)

Narrator: In the world of "Black Order," a once peaceful existence was shattered by the arrival of a mysterious meteorite carrying a devastating payload - the Nub Virus. This insidious plague spread like wildfire, targeting one specific demographic with ruthless precision - white males.

As the virus took hold, its effects were catastrophic. White males found themselves stripped of their masculinity, rendered impotent by an unseen ****. Overnight, the balance of power shifted, as those who once held dominion over others now found themselves at the mercy of a new order. The whites, who had long enjoyed privilege and supremacy, now became the subjects of their former subordinates - the blacks.

The impact of the Nub Virus was profound and far-reaching. Not only did it rob white males of their virility, but it also inflicted a heavy toll on white females, many of whom succumbed to the virus's deadly embrace. The once proud and mighty whites were reduced to a shadow of their former selves, their bodies weakened and their spirits broken.

But perhaps the most astonishing twist of fate was yet to come. As if to add insult to injury, the virus bestowed upon the whites a strange and unsettling gift - the ability to conceive and bear children. Overnight, the tables were turned, as the former overlords found themselves grappling with a newfound vulnerability, **** to confront the very essence of their identity.

Faced with the prospect of extinction, the great white leaders had **** but to surrender themselves to the mercy of their black counterparts. Their once proud civilization now lay in ruins, as they struggled to come to terms with their new reality. In a world turned upside down by the ravages of the Nub Virus, the black order reigned supreme, with the whites relegated to the status of second-class citizens in their own land.

And so, the stage was set for a dramatic showdown between the forces of light and dark, as the fate of humanity hung in the balance. But amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one thing remained clear - in the world of "Black Order," nothing would ever be the same again.

What's next?

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