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Chapter 2 by Rasun Rasun

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Charlie household

(Scene 1: The Household of Charlie)

Setting: The household of Charlie is a somber and oppressive environment, characterized by its stark contrast between the white and black inhabitants. The atmosphere is tense, with an undercurrent of simmering resentment and inequality hanging heavy in the air. The house itself is grand and imposing, a symbol of the power and privilege that the black overlord, David, wields over his white subjects.


  • David: The black overlord and patriarch of the household. He is a formidable figure, commanding respect and fear in equal measure. Despite his outward veneer of authority, there is a hint of cruelty in his eyes, a reminder of the power he holds over his white slaves.

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  • Code, Luke, and Thon: The three white males who serve as slaves in David's household. They are broken and defeated, shadows of their former selves, resigned to their fate as second-class citizens in their own home.

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  • Rika, Mike, Chan, and Theo: The four white boys born to the white males and black males in the household. Despite their mixed heritage, they are treated no better than their white fathers, **** to endure the same indignities and injustices.

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  • Zian: The brown-skinned twin of Theo, born to the same parents but spared the fate of slavery due to his darker complexion. He serves as Rio's servant and protector, a constant reminder of the arbitrary nature of their society's hierarchy.

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  • Rio: The youngest boy in the household and the heir to David and Charlie's legacy. Despite his youth, he carries himself with an air of entitlement, secure in the knowledge of his privileged position as the son of a black overlord and a member of the royal family.

In the once grand and imposing household of Charlie, the oppressive weight of societal hierarchy hung heavy in the air like a shroud of darkness. Once a respected white patriarch, Charlie now stood a mere shadow of his former self, his authority usurped by the dominant black overlord, David. The house itself stood as a stark reflection of the world outside its walls – a world where the color of one's skin determined their fate, where whites now found themselves relegated to a position of subservience, serving as little more than slaves to their black counterparts.

The atmosphere within the household was suffused with tension, a palpable undercurrent of resentment simmering just beneath the surface. The once-proud white males, including Charlie, Code, Luke, and Thon, now emasculated and impotent due to the Nub Virus, found themselves at the mercy of their black overlords. Meanwhile, the black family members – led by the imposing figure of David – wielded their power with ruthless efficiency, enforcing their dominance over their white subjects without remorse.

The physical setting of the household mirrored the stark reality of the new societal order. The opulent furnishings and lavish decor remained, but they now served as a harsh reminder of the stark divide that had been imposed upon the inhabitants. The white members of the household were housed in meager quarters, their living conditions a stark contrast to the luxurious chambers occupied by their black counterparts. Everywhere one looked, the visual cues of power and submission were starkly evident, reinforcing the deeply entrenched hierarchy that governed every aspect of life within those walls.

Within this fraught environment, the characters moved like pieces on a dark and twisted chessboard, each with their own struggles and motivations. David, the black male overlord, exuded an aura of authority that brooked no dissent, his word law within the confines of the household. Charlie, once the proud head of the family, now navigated a precarious existence, clinging to the vestiges of his former power even as they slipped through his fingers like grains of sand.

Code, Luke, and Thon huddled together in their meager dwelling, their faces etched with weariness and resignation. The three white males, stripped of their masculinity and agency by the cruel machinations of the Nub Virus, toiled endlessly under the watchful eyes of their black overlords, their lives a never-ending struggle for survival in a world that had turned against them.

Amidst this sea of turmoil, the mixed-race boys – Rika, Mike, Chan, Theo, and Zian – found themselves caught in a liminal space, neither fully accepted by their black family members nor belonging to the same lowly strata as their white counterparts. They existed on the fringes, their identities a source of constant internal conflict and external scrutiny.

At the heart of this tangled web of power dynamics stood Rio, the youngest son of David and heir to the household. Raised in a world where privilege and dominance were synonymous with his black skin, Rio moved through life with an air of entitlement that bordered on arrogance, his every whim indulged by his white and mixed-race siblings.

As the new day dawned, the scene unfolded in a flurry of activity and tension. The white boys, roused from their fitful slumber by the harsh commands of their black overlords, found themselves dragged unceremoniously from their beds and thrust into the cold light of day. The servants' contemptuous sneers echoed through the room, a chilling reminder of the powerlessness that now defined their existence.

Rio, cocooned in a world of luxury and privilege, slept soundly, oblivious to the turmoil unfolding around him. The stark contrast between his comfort and the suffering of his white and mixed-race siblings served as a stark indictment of the world they now inhabited, a world where the color of one's skin dictated every aspect of their lives.

As the white boys reluctantly made their way towards Rio's chambers, a sense of bitter resignation settled over them like a heavy fog. Once masters of their own fate, they were now little more than pawns in a cruel and unforgiving game. The rules had changed, the balance of power irrevocably shifted, and the concept of equality had become nothing more than a distant memory, a faded echo of a world that existed beyond the walls of the household.

And so, the scene was set for another day in the household of Charlie, where power and privilege were determined by the color of one's skin, and where the once-proud white patriarch now stood as a mere shadow of his former self, a living testament to the cruel whims of fate and the capricious nature of power.

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