Jason, God of Domination

He is the strongest

Chapter 1 by 222weirdshit 222weirdshit

Set after the events of Blood of Olympus:

Tapping his foot impatiently, Jason's scowl deepens as he still stands alone. He has never been the most patient person; when he was praetor, anyone who wasted his time was sentenced to latrine duty. Alas, right now, he can do nothing but wait. The man he is supposed to have met an hour ago is his father. Jupiter. Or Zeus, if one was feeling Greek. The king of the gods and the god of sky, lightning, and thunder. Can't exactly send him off to the latrines with a spoon. Jason lets out a sigh, glancing at his watch again.

"At least, I have a nice view," Jason thought.

He was sitting on the steps of his father's temple on Olympus. Down the hill, the temples of all the other gods lined up in a neat row. All under the shadow of his father's temple. In the far left was the throne room of the Gods. It's where his father was right now. The Olympians were meeting, discussing the end of the war with the Giants and other logistics. Being the temple lied a beautiful meadow, where nymphs in skimpy clothing frolicked and gossiped.

"Now, that would be a nice view. Too bad, old dad told me to meet him on the steps. Can't disobey his orders even though he was supposed to be here ages ago," Jason mutters to himself.

"What was that, son?" a steely voice from behind Jason calls out.

Jason swallows hard, and turns around. His father stood three feet away from him with his hard eyes and pursed lips.

"Nothing, dad-er, I mean my Lord." Jason quickly claims.

His father's expression does not change until his stern look breaks into a giggle. His shoulders soon starts shaking as he can't stop snickering.

"You should look at your face," Zeus bellows in between laughs. He wipes a tear, and his laughs subside into small chuckles. "I'm just messing around, son. I apologize for being late; there were some disagreements during the council meeting," Zeus explains. "Hey, have you seen the nymphs behind this temple. I banged all of em, " Zeus boasts. "One of them. She did this thing with her..."

Jason was shocked. His dad making jokes. Impossible. He is supposed to be stern, unyielding, above everyone else. The king of gods. Right now, he was acting like a drunk 40-year-old at a bar trying to relate to a young stud, talking about all the pussy he gets. Pathetic behavior his dad was displaying, to be honest. He even apologized to Jason. A king doesn't apologize. No wonder, they almost lost these two wars. A leader must be strong and reserved at all times, not like this ultra douche wannabe old man frat boy persona his father was displaying.

"Oh, if you think the first two chicks were wild, lemme tell you about this one—" Zeus continued.

"My Lord, why did you call me here," Jason cut him off before he began another story.

"Oh well, to reward you my boy, " Zeus exclaims. "That's what me and other gods were discussing for so long. See, I wanted to make you a full-fledged god, but the others disagreed. After all, the last one who got this offer offended us by rejecting it."

Percy Jackson. Of course, he rejected it. That idiot has no idea what he passed up on. Now, it's gonna cost him his godhood. What are the rest of the Olympians thinking? He deserves a throne in that room. Perhaps, even the biggest one, seeing as the king is acting like a surfer and the rest of the gods can't see potential if it hit them in the face. Clearly, he is superior over Jackson. Although if the idiot really gave it up for something as dumb as love, at least he chose the right one. Annabeth was a walking wet dream. With her platinum blond hair, juicy tits, and bubble butt, she was every camper's prime spank bank recall. What he would do to her, if Percy didn't exist.

"Anyways, long story short, I found another way to make you a God," Zeus proudly states. "This is a bit more sneaky, though. I talked to the Fates, and I learned asked them to let you become a God. They agreed to a trial run, sort of. You are to see how much impact you can make in your domains: Domination and Authority. You have until your 50th birthday."

"Uhhh, what does that mean? How am I supposed to do that? How would I even—" Jason began.

"Oh well, will you look at the time? I gotta go, kiddo. The fates said I can only tell you this much. You are a smart kid. You will figure something out. Good luck." Zeus wished as he flashed out there.

"Wait! Fuck! Useless fucking idiot!" Jason grumbles. "Oh well, at least I can still become a god. Just gotta figure something out. Oh well, I got 30 somewhat years left, anyway. Tonight, I am going to go celebrate my future godhood." With that, Jason shoves his hands in his pockets and begins to walk down the hill, whistling a jaunty tune as he thinks about what being a God would be like.

Next day

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