Hogwarts G.A.M.E.S

Anyone can challenge anyone, and the results can be life-changing.

Chapter 1 by Opolarhero666 Opolarhero666


Hogwarts Wizarding college, the pinnacle of education for the European wizarding communities. The staff mostly consisting of the cream of the crop of magical educators, (although there were definitely several sub par professors). However with the funding and decision making being done by the ministry of magic, and most politicians of the last couple hundred years being very similar to the current minister: Cornelius Fudge, the support staff of the school were undermanned and of much lower quality than the professors.

After all, the professors would boost the prestige of the school, and therefore the ministry and those in charge there. The support staff would not have such an effect, and were therefore not worth spending more than the bare minimum on.

As poorly thought out as the staff was, a long time ago some high ranking ministry official had wanted to make a name for them self. So in addition to being the highest level of magical institution for teaching, the decision was made to train the students the intricacies and hazards of how magical oaths worked.

Instead of using actual oaths (because not even the idiots running the ministry were stupid enough to think that would work), an advanced piece of magic was performed over the grounds of the entire school, and nearby Hogsmede village, where most of the schools supplies came from, and where students could buy stuff for themselves. This spell allowed anyone on the grounds to challenge any else on the grounds to a Wager. Wagers work relatively simply, two people agree to a competition and set the stakes for the loser.

Most wagers were fairly mundane, getting on the outcome of a quidditch match, chess game, or round of exploding snaps, or the like. But there was no limit on what a Wager could be, or what the stakes could be, and wagers were binding. Once made they could not be broken easily, even if the price was ****.

The only slight saving grace, was that the magic ended at the boundary of the school property. So most punishments could not last longer than 3 years at most. The exception to that was that the magic could not undo significant effects. So if someone found themselves badly injured, pregnant or Merlin forbid, dead. There was nothing that could be done, and as long as whatever happened, happened within the rules of an active wager, it was completely legal and the uninjured party could not be held responsible.

Just a little bit of explanation now:

This wizarding world progressed differently, there was no Voldemort so there was no big war. But the pureblood prejudice is still around, and the people are not much different than their book/ movie versions. (Other than differences caused by no war)

They also did not develop their medical field nearly as far, (cannot replace missing limbs etc) but some muggle inventions have crossed over to be common use in the Wizarding world. (Honestly the most common "muggle item" is going to be condoms. This is a story focused on sex after all.)

And the vast majority of characters will be able to appear in this story, basically everyone at school ages during those seven years will be squashed into the 18-20 age group, and this school takes students from all of europe.

The idea for this story was heavily inspire by the story Shoubu University here on CHYOA.

Where to start?

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