Delacour Revival

Delacour Revival

Fleur takes her obligation very seriously

Chapter 1 by adstyle22 adstyle22

'Fleur looks devilishly radiant' I heard some wedding guest tell another. The emphasis was clearly meant for effect, but he's more accurate than he thinks. My exterior is all friendly smiles and politeness, but inside I'm smirking like a demon, waiting.

Today I will conquer my first conquest, the plan I rendered foolproof will ensure the beginning of the Delacour dominance. Just like centuries ago.

The Delacour clan was in its hundreds in the time of my grandmother's great great grandmother. The biggest Veela clan in Europe, if not the world. Full-blooded Veela dominated our numbers, but more often than not their mates were human. The Veela genetics became more diluted as it was passed down a generation, and being hunted for our hair (or simply the loathing of our nature) didn't help matters either.

By the twentieth century the clan had been reduced to just sixty and only a quarter of those were full-blooded Veela. My grandmother was one of them.

The mayhem that Gellert Grindelwald caused took a large toll, mainly through the family at war with each other. Half the Delacour's bought into Grindelwald's promise of magical equality, and an end to human-on-veela hostility. I was glad to never see the days where my family fought each other to the ****, when they'd otherwise fight to the **** for them.

As I understand it, my grandmother was conflicted that her mate was human. She's always desired that there would be at least one full-blooded veela in the family, her sisters all produced half-blooded Veelas. It was simple maths, you can't make a full veela with half blood or less.

But as my grandmother always told my mother, your veela has only got one real connection in this world, you can't choose for it. So I was born and then Gabby years later, all, my aunts have sadly passed and their children produced only quarter-veelas.

The Veela in my family is dying out, my grandmother has acknowledged that and accepted it. As long as the bloodline continues there will always be Veela in the family, even if its a mere percentage.

As long as...

Until just recently that in itself was in jeopardy. My cousins were all boys, my sister positive that her mate was a girl and as for me...I was happily married to Bill Weasley and trying for a family. Then the vaginal pains started and St. Mungo's revealed the worst news to me. Our marriage suffered and a painful divorce ensued.

Husband-less and unable to bear children, I fell into depression. I moved back to France, staying in the Delacour Manor with my family. My mother cried with me and spoilt me with care and attention, my father supported me and advised me back to a good state of health.

But my grandmother, with her firm hand and tough love, used a method that has changed me and my purpose forever.


"Grand-mère, qu'est-ce qu'on fait ici?" 'what are we doing down here' I asked her. She was dragging me by my arm, her grip like an iron clamp. We had delved into the old Delacour library, without an explanation for it.

"Silencieux Fleur Isabella" she ordered, she was waving a flame torch around dangerously in search of a very dusty, very old book.

My grandmother found the right section, meaning I at least regained full control of my feet as she stood panning from book to book. She passed me the torch, her eyes never leaving the spine of a huge tome three shelves up.

With both hands she pulled the book off the shelf and dumped it on its back on the nearest table. I could barely read the title from over my grandmother's shoulder, the dust too thick in the ridges the lettering made on the leather cover. Thankfully she blew at the dust, dispersing it enough to read:

'Un Guide Pour La Survie: Veela'

"Survie? Grandmere, pourquoi?"

"Because needs must my grandchild" when my grandmother spoke English, you listened. "Would you be a dear and open it for me?"

I did so immediately, flicking to the contents page. "Now, I believe its page 394 you're looking for. Continue Fleur."

I turned a huge chunk of the books pages, then swiftly swiped each page finally landing on the page my grandmother wanted.

'Reproduction émergente' I read clearly subtitled halfway down the page.

I became immediately angered, was she trying to mock me or shame me. "Pourquoi tu me montres ça?"

"Because I'm trying to save my legacy, I want my bloodline to continue. A Delacour woman has to provide the next generation, this family has suffered too many lost numbers."

Switching into English I responded "but you know it's impossible for me. Gabrielle is a girl and could bear children one day."

"Gabrielle is mated to a female"

"New magic is being invented everyday, it's the twenty-first century now Grandmere. Times change." I'm echoing mainly what Gabrielle tells me.

"An artificial child is against the veela nature. And your cousins are male, therefore not compatible to properly pass on the veela bloodline."

"C'est Impossible!" I angrily remind her.

"In fact, it is very much possible. This book tells us how." Her look was strange, almost like she was going to enjoy what she was about to present me with.

"Can you fix me? Can you make me fertile?" I ask, unable to keep the hope out of my voice.

"Yes, you could say I can make you virile. With this book I can help you produce the next Veela generation, perhaps repopulate our clan to its former glory. But you will need to be ruthless, cold. You will need to be able to destroy lives in order to create new life. Can you do that?"

I definitely didn't think so at the time, not that I had a choice either way. My desire to have children grew fierce and obsessive despite the large disappointment that ruined my marriage. I soon learnt what she was asking of me. I need concubines and lots of them, I will need to break hearts to do that. A conscience is just going to hold me back.

We quickly performed a ritual I initially had reservations with. I think my words were "how disgusting", but they quickly disappeared once the ritual was complete.

I never told my parents of this change, nor my sister. Meanwhile my grandmother taught me how to properly seduce, coerce without the thrall to help me, how to harden up on my feelings and morals. She even helped me plan once this wedding was announced. And I gradually began to like who I am...

Forget that, I came to love who I am now. I couldn't wait to put all my lessons into practice, picturing all my targets and fantasizing about them. Jerking off seemed to really help.

And soon the wedding day came and I was ready to begin.


And here I stand, brushing the hair of the beautiful bride I intend to breed. I have the time, I have the setting, I have the equipment eager and ready to pounce. The Delacour revival starts today.

"Fleur, I think I'm ready for the Sleakeasy now."

"Of course Hermione, coming right up."

The first conquest

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