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Chapter 2 by adstyle22 adstyle22

The first conquest

An Unwanted Wedding Present

Molly Weasley and Hermione's mother were helping my target into an admittedly gorgeous dress. I mean it almost seemed wrong to take it off, but off it would come soon.

That Lavender girl, another target I will be taking further down the line, putting colour and definition to Hermione's pretty face. It's also a shame that it'll have a smudged look when I'm through with her.

I did debate whether I should act before or after the wedding. But ultimately it had to be before. In a way I was saving her special day for another occasion, with a different fiancé. Me.

Grandmaster said it's very likely Hermione would have no other choice than to walk into the arms of the Delacours. What I plan on doing will not be ****, Hermione will be willing. She may protest, she may cry in shame even during sex, but Hermione was going to enjoy that sex. Sex with a veela, even if only quarter, was an experience no human can beat.

Perhaps a siren, but not a human.

And if it is willing Hermione could not explain it away, it will be betrayal. The likes of the Gryffindors she is closest too, it is evident that loyalty is a sacred oath. There was no coming back after this came out.

Hermione would hate it but she'll need people around her with a baby on the way. Single, and likely homeless. She had her parents but they were muggles, could she pen in all her magic around them?

Being the mum to a veela baby, even if only partially, was going to be an even more hormonal mess than your average pregnancy. And there is the veela genetics she has no clue how to deal with. Hermione didn't even know what those traits were, so she had no idea what to expect.

The irony of Hermione wanting nothing to do with the Delacours afterwards, but knowing she needed them. What a pill that will be to swallow.

And I will one day marry Hermione, and a good number of my concubines, for custodial reasons mainly. But also the strength of the Delacours family tree after marriage will make them strong. In blood AND in name.

But back to the wedding, the other reason it was to be done before the ceremony is the opportunities were slimmer, and there was a possibility that Hermione could get pregnant on her honeymoon with Ron. I would need to rush things, and Hermione could swear blind the baby was Ron's if the timings came so close. Far too many risks that way.

Not only did I have to do the act before the wedding, but it had to be crashed also. If Hermione didn't come out and reveal the truth, I would. I didn't care, my reputation as a sexual being will be lived up to, big whoop. Hermione had far more to lose, which is what needed to happen for my plan to be perfect.

Of course I wasn't going to reveal who she had sex with. I did think initially sex between girls is plausible, but how would I explain the pregnancy, few would even believe it if I told them. Hermione was smart and would realise the same.

So my secret cat stays in the bag, and my first offspring will be on its way. I can't lose.

I received a friendly tap on my shoulder that brought me out my reverie. It was a happy Molly who had been so nice to me despite the divorce. It was hard to believe we once both disliked each other with a passion. If only she knew what I had planned.

"You did a marvelous job on her hair Fleur."

I smiled confidently "if there's one thing a Delacours is an expert on it's hair. It was a pleasure."

"Oh Sweetheart!" Hermione's mother gasped, **** on the pride she felt towards her daughter. I take it back...Hermione looked breathtaking. I felt gobsmacked myself, it even brought a tickle of guilt with it.

No. That's not welcome here.

Hermione pirouetted like a princess, smiling angelically. Ron was so unlucky, he was about to lose this treasure before me. So near but so far Ronald.

Hermione's mother erupted into sniffles and her voice catches "I-I can't tell you how...I can't describe how much this... I'm dying in happiness".

"I think it's supposed to be the other way round mum." Then Hermione sighs dreamily "which it is."

Ok. This was going to be harder than I thought. Keep it together Delacour.

Finally the impetus to my plan was revealed. Molly pours a glass of brandy for the five of the women in the room. Liquid luck, **** version. I knew this was coming because it happened before my wedding to Bill, and in Molly and Arthur's apparently. It settles the nerves, composes everyone and was a nice treat in general.

And in my scheming, it should be an ideal way to dose her with hyper-fertility.

They greatest thing about this was that I wasn't even involved in this part, so I was under no suspicion whatsoever.

Hermione took a tentative sip and put the glass on the dresser, I watch this very closely. Now to clear the room of witnesses without raising concerns. Fortunately Hermione came up with that for me. She was staring into the mirror happily one second, and the next she was breaking into nervous sobs.

"Oh god, don't screw this up now" Hermione tells herself.

"Hermione, darling you haven't screwed up anything. Everything is going perfectly." Molly you really do know how to say the right things, curse you.

"After. I don't want to have this moment only for it to be ruined. Something this special deserves to followed by something special, always. I don't want to screw that up."

Shut up, shut up, shut up. I don't think I was able to hide my discomfort, but I don't think any eyes were on me either.

Lavender excused herself, the moment far too tender for her to be present. I rightfully should be following her, I had less license to be in this moment than Molly...and Hermione's mum especially. But I wasn't asked to leave, which is something.

The harder task was getting the mum and former-future mother-in-law out of the room. That part of the plan was waiting just outside.

As the two matriarchs consoled and encouraged Hermione, I was discreetly withdrawing a vial from the heel of my stiletto. I'm not gonna lie, that felt uncomfortable against my achilles but sacrifices.

In my palm I approached the dresser, improvising by clearing up the brushes and make-up bits. I moved Hermione's brandy glass under the pretence of avoiding spillages as I 'cleaned'.

I put the small vial in my left hand, making sure it was hidden. Then I kept my eyes on the mirror, I was able to see if any of the three sets of eyes shifted my way.

A tip of the wrist, three seconds, vial back into my hand, move away.

Almost immediately after I had dosed Hermione's drink rather stealthily, the door opened and a blundering Neville stuck his head through the gap. "We have a-Blimey Hermione! You look incredible!"

She smiled at him, her emotions under control momentarily "thank you Neville. What was it you wanted?"

As if almost forgetting he replied "Oh yeah, we have a situation out here. Ron is...Ron is...Ron is in a bit of bother."

"What? Why? Where is he? What's happened? What situation?" Hermione was beside herself in worry and confusion.

"He's...a bit stuck." Less vague, more urgency please Neville. What oh what is Ron stuck to?

"What do you mean he's stuck Neville? What happened?" Molly enquires firmly and a lot more composed than Hermione.

"He's stuck to his dressing room door and we can't get him free. It's not a sticking jinx, there's no products involved, it wasn't George, but Ron still cannot let go off the handle." And he won't for a little while at least.

Molly sighed. "Of all days. Lead the way Neville. You women alright to stay?"

"I'm coming too" Hermione was almost stopped before she lifted an inch off her chair. Her mother was physically restraining her and warned "Oh no missy, you're not going nowhere until it's time. It's bad luck to see the groom before the wedding."

"Superstition mum, a load of rubbish"

"We once thought the same about magic, yet here we are."

Molly had gone, following Neville to the unfortunate scene on the other side of the house. Neither she nor anyone else will be able to free him, only myself and my grandmother. Veela magic not even my parents or Gabby knew about.

The charm wasn't on the door handle itself, but the room in general. At a certain time the charm activates, keeping Ron in the room at all cost. Nothing and no-one without the counter charm can free him from the rooms grasp, not at least until the time limit on the charm subsides.

Giving me fifteen minutes exactly. Enough to complete the job comfortably and short enough that nobody would think twice about it. Although it was admittedly only twelve minutes at this point, I needed to get a move on.

My presence was apparently forgotten I realise as I tentatively tell the mother Granger. "I could go if you want but the waiting guests do need to know about the delay though. But I reckon I've got the magical means to keep her here, I'll make sure she doesn't leave."

"Since when have I become a prisoner to guard" Hermione objected but she's ignored.

"You're right. I'll go let them know..."she turns to Hermione one last time "...if Fleur reports that you even moved a stitching in that dress whilst I'm gone..."

Oh I intend to move a whole lot more than just her stitching.

Finally my last witness had gone. Finally I was alone with Hermione.

I made sure she saw me lock the door, as she'd clearly think I'm just being overdramatic about keeping her here. I'd say it's absolutely crucial that she stays here, and even more crucial that nobody can interfere.

With a pleasant smile I said to her "drink your brandy, it really does help, believe me."

All it took her was a warm smile and an advisory remark and my plan was all but complete. We'd passed the point of no return but the chances of failing had left with her three other helpers. I had Hermione in my trap.

As Hermione began to drain her glass I began my routine. "You know, what you said earlier about this being special, and not wanting to waste it. You can avoid that you know?"

Hermione was just plain confused "how?"

"I thought the same as you before I married Bill" I lied "that something that special had to stay special, if it wasn't going to how could I waste such a special day on it. I forgot about it and went through with it. And all it got me was divorce and depression."

This was the last thing Hermione wanted to hear. "Is this supposed to make me feel better?"

"No. I just want to know if this is truly what you want."

"Of course it is. I love Ron" she told me firmly, as if I was doubting that.

"You love him now, he loves you now. But when things go wrong, what happens then? Things go wrong in marriage, and the marriages that survive them are the marriages we're looking for. They're special. Do you think you and Ron are strong enough to work through the problems?"

She thinks about this intensely "we've worked through major problems already, and we're stronger than ever."

"Life-threatening situations always bring the ones you love closer, that's why Ron came back when he ran away from you and Harry. But life problems are actually far more difficult to handle. You've not experienced them."

"It was hard when we mourned for Fred, Ron was quite rotten at times. But he never meant any of it, it was grief talking."

"That was Ron. My point was YOU haven't experienced those problems. You have no idea when these problems can crop up. They can happen far off into the future...or they can happen right here in this room with me." Hermione never noticed the tone difference in my voice, nor my movements. So mentally sidetracked with taking my words into account like words of wisdom; she was completely unable to read into them as suggestive ones.

I now stood directly behind her, my secret appendage cloaked behind the flap of my dress. If Hermione looked directly at her reflection in the mirror instead of down to the side, she would easily see the bulge that pushed the dress out a few inches beside her right ear. "So how do you face those problems?"

I chuckled once before replying "you can start by turning your head so I can get to that lovely mouth of yours".

As quickly as she can frown and swivel her neck round, I hiked up my dress and laid my cock out bare on her shoulder. Her eyes nearly popped out their sockets and her body went stiff.

She was motionless and speechless for a good few moments, but my patience wore thin. I rubbed my shaft over her nose and mouth, moistening it with saliva and lip gloss. I kept my rod directly below her nostrils, knowing full well she could only breathe in the scent.

I could smell the scent from here, that warm aroma riddled with the smell of fresh natural lubricant and pheromones. To her nose it must be like a fish on a hook, the more she followed it the closer she got to getting caught.

Hermione got to the stage where I could do anything and she'd only stay in a shellshock state. So with her mouth parted and all, how could I not.

I changed the angle so the head of my cock slipped between her lips and kept it there. I felt lubricant dripping out of my tiny slit and rolling onto her tongue. Even her mouth hadn't moved, so all my pre-juice just slid further into her mouth and down her throat.

I decided to give her a bit more, sliding the entire head of my cock in her mouth. It was like I was ball-gagging her with a tennis ball, my girth billowed her cheeks out. I finally got a reaction, an impulsive flinch back. Then her hand came up and pushed tamely against my pelvis, she was trying to push me away but was so stunned that she couldn't find any physical strength to do so.

Meanwhile she was tasting the entire head of my cock, the salty-sweaty taste surely becoming that ever more enjoyable. I could stand here for hours waiting for her to succumb to my cock just by purely enjoying its taste, but I was pushed for time.

I was aware that if I pulled out I might not get back in, so I instead started rocking my cock. A centimetre forward and back, gradually getting stronger and quicker. This earned another reaction, but again it was weak. Her tongue I knew was lazily trying to battle the huge obstruction but all it achieved was pleasure it. And soon the battling tongue gave up all pretense and she enthusiastically started suckling and guzzling on my cock.

I braved thrusts now and I was gladly accepted with continuous mouth massages. I felt a climax coming already, but I was wasting no valuable ingredients today. I had one shot, and I wanted it point blank range at her cervix.

I pulled out her mouth and quickly removed my dress. Then I pulled her up onto her feet and removed her dress, magically. I admired her lingerie salaciously, this was meant for Ron's eyes but he'll never get to see it. Fleur was more than willing to remove them though.

She did so by hand, she'd be slower by time was of the essence. I did however take time to run my hands through her pussy folds as I dispatched her thong. It was like putting your hand in wet latex glove that's been dumped in a hot tub. Hermione was ready for me certainly.

With everything revealed, I take a moment to appreciate it. A wonderful couple of breasts that fit perfectly in the hands, a body of excellent shape and definition, wide hips and a wonderful arse. She's definitely getting a more thorough session in the future, mark my words.

I surprise her with some strength picking her up by the thighs and securing the long legs around my naked waist. We mesh our breasts together, I stare in her pleading eyes. To stop or continue, I don't even think she knows. But she's only getting one, and as soon as she realised it she tears up.

Kissing her teary cheek tenderly I separate my waist from hers to line my cock against her pussy entrance. Gravity let it slip an inch of my bulbous head inside but the rest awaited the penetrating ****.

I looked into her eyes, she looked back into mine, I let her know nothing was going to stop this and she accepted her fate by clinging onto my neck and hiding her face to where it laid on my shoulder.

With sudden **** and finality, my cock surged deep inside her. And when I felt a barrier tear I was legitimately shocked. I had buried myself to the hilt and found myself looking down between where our privates met.

There was blood.

"You... you've never had sex"

Hermione's response was to clutch tighter to me. But I had to ask "Why?"

Hermione was silent a few more moments before weakly answering "I was saving myself, for Ron on my wedding night".

Did I feel bad? Was this the big regret that was too much for me to stomach?

Not on your life.

In fact, it made me incredibly proud. This meant she will always belong to me, she'll experience pleasure from no other. I own her virtue, her body and soon her future.

But of course it was very insensitive to reveal all that right now. So my only option is to pretend sympathy and get on with it.

"Oh Hermione, I did not know."

Hermione muttered bitterly "just get on with it."

So I did. Gripping her arse I lifted her slowly up and impaled her on my cock again, then I repeated the process with consistent regularity. I carried her over to the bed and dropped her on it. My cock never left her depths as I climbed on top of her.

I pushed my thighs either side of her waist, which lifted her bum up. With her hips at the right angle I laid over her, my thighs pinned her legs up to her ribs and it achieved my goal of thrusting down into her.

With increasing vigour I thrust into her. At this angle I reached the entrance to her womb on every thrust. I savoured every meaty slap of flesh, every barrage her uterus took, and before long even she couldn't contain the moans and the way her pelvis rose to meet my thrusts admitted her true surrender.

My ping pong ball testicles (had I mentioned that i've got them, I have now) kissed her arse cheeks on every thrust and as they tightened I sped up. She was now yelling wildly and took me by surprise with a heated tongue kiss.

I was close, really close. But, in ways that I was grateful for, she beat me to climax. I slowed as she gasped and dug her nails. Sweat dripped off of her, and me. Her walls clenched my cock as I slowly thrust down.

She finally managed to steady her breathing, thank god for the silencing charms put on the room to stop the boys from eavesdropping. I was very aware and grateful for that.

It was she who reacted first after her orgasm, rocking her hips encouragingly. You don't need to ask me once. I built the thrusts up again, once the rhythm was established again I put all my energy into jackhammering her pussy into submission.

I look into her eyes again, telling her exactly what I intend to do.

"No" she pleaded "please don't. That's too much, please pull out you can't."

I was tired of acting, she would know the truth soon enough anyway. This whole thing was made possible for the very thing I am about to do inside her. Without even faltering in my fast rutts deep inside her I tell her.

"You're my salvation. I lost my chance to have a family once, so I've got a lot of work to do to make up for that. After today, from this very moment, you are mine. You will not marry Ron, you will come stay with me in France, and you will bear my children. But first you are going to take my seed and like it, deep inside your womb."

Hermione stared at me aghast "who are you?"

"I'm. Fleur. Isabelle. Delacour. And you are mine now."

I began to batter Hermione so intensely that she had no option than to hook her feet at the base of my spine and ride along. The heat began to flow up my shaft and I immediately planted myself as deep inside her pussy as I could go.

Like a fire hose, my fertile thick semen blasted Hermione's uterus and filled her womb. Hermione stared at me blankly, and overcome with pleasure if I'm not mistaken. I smile back in a sort of comfortingly smug way, my cock continuing to pump her hyperfertilised womb with my potent seed.

Streams of it tried leaking out around the base of my cock, but the angle meant the only way to go was down. I meanwhile stayed inside her until every last drop escaped me, and stayed in longer until my cock began to soften.

With my job done, the only thing left to do was pull out, redress and get on with the inevitable non-wedding.

I was redressed before Hermione had even moved. I cleaned her up (externally), redressed her and she looked just as she did as she was when her mother left. Except no signs of a smile.

"Cheer up Hermione, there's worse things than living with me, having sex with me and having children with me."

Hermione coldly replied with a scowl "yeah, what is that?"

"You could be doing all that with Ronald Weasley."

Well, I'm glad I crashed the wedding

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