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Chapter 3 by 11kestrels 11kestrels

Which club does she go to

What in Blaze's?

Kara is certain the place to start is Blaze's. That's where the most girls seem to have disappeared from. She looks at Zatana. "I think the place to start is Blaze's" she says.

Zatana smiles at her. "Could you use a wing woman? I'd be happy to go with you."

Kara thinks about Zatana's offer for a few moments. "Well, why not?" she beams at Zatana. "We'll act like two hot, single women looking for a good time. That might get us more answers than if I went alone."

"I was hoping you would think that way. Plus there's safety in numbers." Zatana looks deep into Kara's eyes. "I've also been wanting to go out with you. I really like you Kara. We might have something together. That is if you have a mind to try?"

Kara looked warmly into Zatana's eyes. "I've noticed the way you look at me. I wasn't sure if it was my imagination, or not. I'm happy it wasn't my imagination. Zatana, I like you too. I think we might be worth a try."

Zatana prances and giggles like a schoolgirl. "This is going to be a night to remember!" she exclaims. "Now let's see. You're wearing black, so I think something in red would suit me just fine." She snaps her fingers, and her magical outfit is quickly transformed into a sexy red lace mini dress.

Kara's jaw drops a mile. "Wow!" she exclaims. "You look sensational!"

"Thank you" the giddy Zatana answers. "Shall we go?" she asks, offering Kara her hand.

"By all means" Kara replies with a smile while she takes her hand.

They walk out of Zatana's building, and are lucky enough to find a cab parked right outside. They climb into the cab and it speeds them away to their fateful destination. little do they know what awaits them at Blaze's.

After a twenty minute ride, the cab finally stops in front of the club. The two girls get out and look around. It's a very busy night at the club, and the long line is proof of it.

"It looks like we're going to be here a while" Zatana says. But then she spots someone near the front of the line she knows pretty well. "Maybe we won't have to wait that long after all." She takes Kara's hand and the two head for the person at the front of the line. "Why hello there stranger" she says as they approach the man.

The man looks up and gives Zatana a smile. "Well, Zatana, what brings you here?"

"I'm just out having some fun with my girlfriend" she beams.

"I must say, both of you are looking very hot tonight. Why don't you join me here as my guests?"

"We'd love to" smiles Zatana. "Kara, this is my friend Hannibal Hayensworth. He's actually part owner of this club, and another club in town that caters to people with certain needs and fetishes. f you've ever heard of The Gilded Cage, that's the other club."

Kara stands in utter amazement. She had lucked out without even knowing it, thanks to Zatana. She offers her hand in greeting to Hannibal. Hannibal smiles, takes her hand, and kisses it. "Never before have I been fortunate enough to have two such beautiful women for company. Neither of you will be paying for anything tonight. It's all on me."

The bouncer, who was also the official greeter, finally came out of the club to let everyone in line know the club was now open. He spots Hannibal with the two lovely super heroines. "Sir, please go ahead. Sorry to keep you waiting for so long. Are these two lovely ladies your guests this evening?"

"In fact they are" Hannibal answers with a smile.

"Please go right on in. Your table is ready and waiting, sir."

The three go in to Blaze's, followed by the line of others outside the door. Hannibal leads the two women to his special table, which is on the upper floor of the club, looking down over the dance floor. Sexy waitresses are flitting about all over the place, welcoming customers and showing them to tables and booths.

The three take their seats at Hannibal's reserved table. Hannibal starts the conversation. "So you two are seeing each other?" he inquires.

"Not officially" Zatana quickly admits. "This is our first date."

"Well, I will do everything in my power to make it a memorable one" Hannibal smiles. "You two look very good together."

The two girls look at each other and giggle. "Why, thank you, Hannibal" Zatana says. "Flattery will get you everywhere."

Hannibal laughs. "I was hoping you would say that. I take it both of you are bisexual?"

"There's only one way to find out" Kara answers. "But if you will excuse me for a moment, I must use the ladies room."

"Don't be too long, love" Zatana says. "Our long night has just begun." She knew exactly why Kara is getting up. She's going to snoop around. but if Kara doesn't return after a certain amount of time, Zatana knows she'll have to go after her.

Kara takes her leave at the table and heads for the ladies room. She pushes open the door, and is suddenly shocked by what she sees.

What does Kara see?

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