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Chapter 3 by mlod mlod

Which club does she go to

Sate her curiosity at The Gilded Cage

"I guess starting with the place with the cages makes sense, jupp, it's definitively the sensible place to start" Even as she thinks that she can sense the niggling curiosity at the back of her head that she's been studiously ignoring ever since the time she used x-ray vision to check if it was a good time to visit and saw her sister in fuzzy hand-cuffs and a bright red ball-gag with Maggie standing over her.

Unlike when just subjected to green kryptonite, the mix on the bracelet didn't make her feel sick, and as it clicked closed and all the crystals pressed against her skin she instead felt more alive, more aware of what she was wearing and feeling, yet much less aware of anything further away than her apartment walls.

"Oh dang, I should really try this on the next time I feel like, um, going on a roller coaster" Her blushing makes it pretty clear she had other things in mind, but the borderline a-sexual culture of Krypton had made her at once both untroubled by nudity and intensely embarrassed by anything sexual.

Ordering an uber and heading out, she finds the car waiting on the curb by the time the infuriatingly slow elevator has gone down the 4 floors.

"Where too ma'am?"

"The Gilded Cage, it's at the docks, though I don't actually know the address, usually I just fly.. on a bus"

"Uh, ok, and no worries ma'am, I think I know where that is, I didn't know any bus routes went there from around here though. The Gilded Cage huh? I hear it's quite something, you go there often?"

"Oh, no, this will be my first time, I just heard about the place and thought I'd have a look-see"

"Do you know what sort of place it is? I can wait by the entrance if you want, in case it's not for you?"

Thinking that's both sweet and a bit patronizing, Kara shakes her head "No, that won't be necessary, I know exactly what I'm going to"

The driver just nods and hums and drives on in silence until he drops her of at the club "Good luck, hope you get what you're after."

Entering the club, Kara heads over to a broad shouldered and dark haired man in a suit over at a reception desk just inside the room. The decor of the club seems more 'club for stuffy British nobility' than 'den of sex and villainy', but she wasn't entirely sure how that would look anyway, so maybe this is fitting.

The tall man looks at her, waits for a few seconds before putting on a professional smile "Your first time miss?"

"Um, yes.." Kara tries to look confident but instead just ends up chuckling a bit awkwardly "I guess it's obvious, huh?"

"Not at all miss"

Looking around at closed doors and stairs leading both up and down, Kara puts on her sunny-Danvers smile as she faces the... receptionist... bouncer? "So how does this work? Do I just pick a direction or?"

"I take it you know what this place is, but that you're not familiar with the read-me on our website?"

"Oh, no, I mean yes, I mean I know of this place and I've seen the website but I guess I missed the read-me?"

The man, probably named Mark judging by the little sign on the desk, shakes his head a bit and sighs "I told them putting that in the 'member' section was stupid, even if it is the open first page of it"

He reaches over to a container and picks up a small green mask, it looks like silk and would cover about half her face "I'll start with the the parts that don't require a membership, this mask signifies that you are here to watch and watch only, you will only be permitted into the public common areas, plus as an observer of the rooms designed for that purpose, or by express invitation. No one will ever ask you to do anything besides watching, and if they do I'd like you to report that to me at your first convenience. If you arrive with someone or have a session with someone here you are of course free to do whatever you want with them."

Kara is starting to blush quite a bit but nods at the information.

"Now, if you want to do a bit more than that we've got this." He holds up a silk choker with a blueish, purplish gem on it "This signifies that you'd like to be watched, and if someone asks if you want to play they'll mean, or at least they should mean that they'd like to direct your actions while they watch. It will give you access to a few more rooms, including some you can only look into with the mask, for those who want to be seen without seeing their watchers."

"In addition to this periwinkle gem there are other colors and additions that signify other things, but all variations of interactions from light touch or restraint up to free use and humiliation are for members only."

Kara's nodding has slowed as her cheeks turn a steadily darker shade of red and she can feel it moving into a full-body blush, blaming the bracelet for how warm the blushing is making her feel.

"There's also a ring for those members who dominate, and if any of them talk to you while you are here, you should always refer to them as Sir or Ma'am unless you become a ring-bearing member yourself."

"Now, becoming a member requires a background check from Willis & sons and a clean bill of health, the latter is not required for a membership, but for anyone who wants to do anything besides the two 'see and be seen' modes of play. For just a visit though the price is quite reasonable, though non-members are required to leave a verified piece of ID here in case anything untoward was to happen and everyone must leave their phones and any cameras." He opens a leaflet and points to the prices, and his 'quite reasonable' prices seems quite steep for a reporters salary, especially for the mask as it seems just watching costs more than being watched.

Trying to get her blush under control, Kara hands him her phone and drivers license "They are a good firm, Willis & sons I mean, my boss uses them almost exclusively so I went through their checks before I became her assistant."

What accessory does Kara reach for

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