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Chapter 2

Who’s at the door?

a new beginning part-2

“Oh, that must be her, She said was so excited to meet you!!” Crystal, practically jumping out of her seat and running to the door.

Jason on the other hand, his heart was in his mouth. Just a few minutes ago, he was having a meaningful conversation with his mom, and now here comes ‘mister mysterious girlfriend of his mom’ literally at his front door.

Crystal opened the door, and screamed in joy to see her girlfriend. “ It’s so good to see you here Jessie!!” she said jumping up to her significant other.

At that moment, Jason heard what his mom said and thought ‘Jessie? must be a weird coincidence’, but was brought back into reality when his mother called.

“Jason, come here and meet Jessie!!” he yell, echoing around the apartment.

Jason got up and walked straight to the front door, only to stop in his tracks at seeing his mom kissing a really tall, and slightly muscular lady in his doorway.

Jason was shocked, not by the kissing, but by whom was kissing whom.

“Honey, this is my son Jason. Isn’t he handsome, just like I told you?” she asked Jessie.

“Indeed he is babe” Jessie answered.

‘That voice?! No, it can’t be?!’ Jason thought to himself, until he felt a really strong hand grip his. His fears were put to rest when he looked up and saw what he feared.

“Je..Jessie?!” He said shocked by it all.

“You know her sweetheart?” Crystal asked.

“ He does, we were old friend back in high school but we haven’t seen each other since, until now” Jessie said with a smug grin on her face.

“Oh, Jason why didn’t you tell me you were close friends, with her?! This could have much smoother if you did” She said.

Jason was stuck in limbo, he always wanted to see Jessie again, but not like this!!!

“Speechless? I get that a lot. As you can see I started working after I turn 18, and had a massive growth spurt too” She said, while flexing her muscles.

“Girls like muscles you know. Maybe I could help train sometime, for old time sakes.” She said, still looking smug.

“I think that’s a wonderful ideas sweetie!! Oh, it’s so good to see you two getting along so well, wait here for a sec, I need my phone to take a picture of this moment!!” She said, hurry to the kitchen.

“ Jessie? Is that really you?” Jason asked, with a hint of fear.

“ I’m as real as these muscles ‘babe’, and yes I’m dating your mom now.” She said with pride.

“Why her?” He asked, desperately Wanting a clear answer.

“ Don’t you remember the last thing I said to you four year ago?” she asked him, and began leaning in closer until there nose where touching, and he could see was her still mesmerizing green eyes.

“That I’m gonna make you regret dumping me, by becoming your new ‘daddy’ for years to come.” She said right into his eyes.

He was dumbstruck, by Avoiding his potential fate of Jessie be dominant in ‘other ‘ways during there past relationship, he had doomed himself to an even worse one.

“I’m back” Crystal said.

Jessie moves away quickly and acted like she was hugging Jason, who was now six inches shorter than her. “ hey babe, me and Jason are just catching up and stuff.” She said.

“That’s so cool you two, come over here and get into the picture with me.” Crystal said quickly.

Moments after the picture, his mother asked him if she and Jessie could stay the night at his place. At first he was about to refuse, but the look on Jessie’s face told that he didn’t want to know what would happen he said no, so he agreed.

Before his mom went into his room, since he offered it to his mother, he saw Jessie slowly undress herself in the room. He was frozen at the sight her well toned body, she had a six pack, strong glutes, you name it. But what shocked him the most was her cock and balls, they gotten bigger over these four years, she was at least ten inches long and the girth had to be about three inches across. Her nuts were massive, the size of soft balls, and to make it worst not only was the scrotum covered in hair, but Jessie was full erect, and you knew for what.

“Like what you see babe, because I’ll make sure your mom will tonight and every night for the rest of your life. Maybe she’ll get pregnant, than we’ll be more than friends right ‘son’?” She said with a wicked grin.

You heard your mom coming up from behind you and rushed to warn her but she stopped you before you said anything and said “I know that you are still awkward about this but, give her a chance, I like her a lot and want to make this work. So please, for me son?” she said to you.

You bow your head in defeat and say “Yes mom, I will.....goodnight” and walked to the couch.

You watched as you mom walked into the room, you heard a gasp, a moan, then the door closed almost completely.

The “eventful” night

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