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Chapter 5 by neoas neoas

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You reluctantly agree

Chapter by thedude1


You paused for a moment, looking down at your sloppy form. Glancing back up at your eagerly waiting companions, you say, “Yeah….uh….sure. I guess I’ll do it.” A big wide smile appeared across Silverman’s face. He triumphantly thrust his arms into the air and nearly jumped for joy, causing his rotund belly to shake with delight. “Excellent! You’ve made a good call my boy! A fine decision!” he congratulated you. Sands stood beside him and beamed with delight as well. “Welcome to the team,” Sands said as she walked across the room and shook your hand tightly and smiled. Silverman spoke again, “Now of course Josh we can’t heal your body immediately; there’s nothing fake about your injuries, but I’m sure we can cook something up to speed the process and get you back home to your family safe and sound,” he declared with a broad smile, slapping you good-naturedly on the shoulder. This cause a jiggle in your body that served mostly to remind you all the more how foreign it was to you.

“Um…Dr. Silverman,” you said tentatively. “Yes, Josh?” he said with a smile. “Can we…um….get me a different body? This one…well…it’s….it’s…” you say as you wiggled around a little probing Mindy’s sloppy form. Silverman cut in with a flat tone, finishing your sentence, “fat and ugly?” he said. “Yeah,” you said quickly. Silverman chuckled a bit, “You’re not the first operative to have that complaint, Josh, and of course your job won’t involve taking over only the youngest and sexiest of bodies…but I think in this case we can find you something a bit….higher quality. It’ll be a good way for you to practice a little…be a great learning experience for you,” he said, “so follow me.” You stood quickly, eager to get a new body. With the bouncy red-head behind you and Dr. Silverman in front, you walked through the door into a hallway of sorts. The walls of the hallway were made of glass, and you looked down to a large room in which many people were milling about in an office-type setting. The people below wore professional attire and carried briefcases and files, which presumably contained information about all kinds of things.

Silverman stood to the side of you and put his hands on his hips as he gazed out with you. “Well?” he said as he motioned to the crowd below. “Uhmm…well what?” you replied, unsure what he meant. Silverman chuckled, “Well, Josh, which one do you want?” he asked. “Which…which body?” you asked, starting to get it. “Yes of course,” Silverman said. Sands walked up behind you and put her hands on your shoulders, leaning in close. “Pick any body you want,” she said to you, as if revealing a grand secret. “Well,” you began, glancing over the room full of busy workers. There were people down there of all shapes, sizes, races, etc, but one caught your eye. Over in the corner stood a young woman. Over in the corner by herself stood a young woman, probably no older than 25 or so. She had a dark complexion, not dark enough to be African-American, but she likely had one black parent and one white one. Her hair was long and straight, running all the way down to the middle of her back. She had a young, smooth, and pleasant face, and a set of nice white teeth that shone brightly when she smiled. This girl was tall…probably about 5 foot 8, and she had a toned body. Her legs and ass were nice and firm-looking, and a red skirt hugged her form tightly. From your perch, you could look down and see that the woman had quite a set of breasts on her, as indicated by the low-cut collar of her suit top. She was over at the corner of the room making copies in a frenzied manner. “Her,” you said, pointing your pudgy finger in her direction, “I want her,” you said excitedly. Dr. Silverman shifted his gaze to where you were pointing and squinted. “Oh good choice my boy…she’s a beauty!” he exclaimed. He looked at you and smiled. “Well….let’s go down and get you two acquainted,” he said as he led you to an elevator to take you to the lower level. Ms. Sands congratulated you again, then went off somewhere else to do something on her own.

You and Silverman rode the elevator down, with you squirming inside Mindy’s plump body and poking and prodding at the flab of her belly and chest. Silverman looked over at you and said, “Not to worry Josh, you won’t have to put up with a substandard body much longer.” The elevator let forth a pleasant tone, and the doors opened. At the other end of the room, you saw the young dark-skinned woman at the copier busying herself with files. You step from the elevator and Silverman puts his hands on your shoulders, like a dad getting his son ready to go up to bat during a baseball game or something. “Now Josh,” Silverman says encouragingly, “the thing you’ve got to remember is just to concentrate and make it quick. You don’t want the person you want to jump into to know she’s been targeted, so just walk up calmly and do something small—bump into her by accident, pat her on the arm, whatever—and concentrate as you do, and the transfer will happen.” “What will you do with….” you began, looking down at your current body, “with Mindy here?” “Not to worry; that’ll be handled,” Silverman says, “now off you go, and good luck,” he continued, pushing you a bit in the direction of your target.

You turn around slowly, feeling the sway of Mindy’s gargantuan boobs, to look pensively at Silverman. He smiles and gives you a thumbs-up sign, and you continue on. You walk slowly toward the woman, your eyes never leaving her as she looked down at the copier. As you near her, she drops a couple files, sending a few sheets of paper fluttering to the ground. You see you chance! “Here….let me help you,” you say in Mindy’s voice, kneeling down over the papers. “Oh thanks…I’m so clumsy sometimes,” the young woman said with a cute smile as she looked at her chubby helper. You gather up the papers and hand them to the smiling young woman. As she reaches out to take them, you lightly and quickly grab her by the wrist and concentrate…..

1) It works.

2) Nothing happens, in which case Josh needs a pep talk and to try again, either with this woman or another target.

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