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Chapter 3 by gspfan84 gspfan84

What do you do next?

You accept Buck's offer and head to the Flying Squirrel Cabaret.

You accept Buck's offer and head to the Flying Squirrel Cabaret.

The game turns out to be two jaded looking women mud wrestling. You recognize "the boys" as Joe Miller, Kyle Stone, and Jay Watson, three of Buck's linemen back from the day.

"Hey guys," Buck greets them as he heads up to the bar.

"About time you got away from that old nag. Who is this you brought with you?" asks Jay.

Buck grins widely, "Everyone, you remember Andy Ward. Andy very graciously offered to buy us a few rounds."

You had offered no such thing, but put on the spot you smile weakly and affirm Buck's offer. "Tonight is on me boys."

They holler and pound you on the back, affirming what a swell guy you've always been. Pretty soon they're taking turns drinking shots off the belly of one of the jaded looking Cabaret employees. Buck magnanimously buys you a lap dance by adding it to your growing tab. When you come down off the stage he slaps your butt like you'd just made a big play. Eventually the manager comes up to Buck and asks him if you and the boys, obvious high rollers that you are, would like to go back to the Champagne room.

"What's in the Champagne room?" demands the increasingly **** Buck. He wraps his arm around the manager's shoulder and leans forward in a violation of personal space. A drunk Buck apparently has a lot of issues respecting other people's boundaries. Its starting to feel pretty gay.

"Its a private room," the manager replies, not reacting to Buck's friendliness. "VIP treatment, some of our loveliest girls, and more premium drinks."

The Champagne room too is then added to your tab. Its the last place you would want to be. It is dimly lit and smells strongly of cigarette smoke, spilled drinks, and other smells. The pleather couches/seats feel sticky to your touch. The women (you swear you saw some of them out in the main bar earlier) make a more convincing effort of smiling and giving a shit. You gingerly sit down.

"The boys" and Buck immediately and loudly begin enjoying their newly acquired VIP status. Buck is sitting to one side of you and a woman named "Stella" on the other. Buck is so far gone at this point. He's a mess, first leaning on one guy's shoulder and bawling about how much he, "loves you man," then bawling about his failing marriage and how he just knows Heather is going to divorce him. You wouldn't blame her if she did.

Stella notices you morosely nursing your drink and asks you if there's anything she can do for you.

What do you do next?

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