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Chapter 2 by Dudespacebrp Dudespacebrp

Do you ask your mum to help you out?

Yes and she agrees.

"so.. mum, want to help me do this sawing a woman in half trick?" you ask as you stare into the centre of your mothers arse.

"why me hun? dont you need young beautiful assistants for that job?" she replies

"mum, come on, you're drop dead gorgeous" you respond confidently.

Your mum stands up as you say that and turns around and looks and you and simply smiles.

"ok hun, I'll give this a try, its all just illusions anyway" she responds.

You direct your mum into the table and lock her in.

"Honey, where are the fake legs?" your mum worryingly asks.

You just smile at her and grab the saw..

"Honey what are you doing with that thing?! stop!" she says as she struggles to get free.

You then lunge the saw into your mothers midsection, just above her belly button, perfectly on the curve.

"aaaah oh god! the pain! stop! what the fuck is wrong with you!" your mum screams as she is being sawn in half, feeling every inch.

"its going to be fine mum, you're going to be in two pieces very soon" you respond calmly trying to reassure her.

It didn't take long for you to saw through your mothers body. She felt intense pain while you sawed her which both upset you and turned you on.

Is your mum ? Or still fully awake?

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