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Chapter 2 by Phoenixdown1 Phoenixdown1

What should Steve do?

Whiskey or four

This wasn't an unusual occurrence in a sleaze dive like this one. Having observed Benny in the past, Steve knew he had no chance he would get knocked flat on his arse in seconds. The thought was there though, what if I did something.....

"what ya havin'?"

Steve snapped out of his thoughts, brought back to reality by the short stocky man behind the bar, cleaning glasses with what appeared to be the most rank cloth he had ever lied eyes on.


Unimpressed the barman gets out a shot glass and a bottle of whiskey, pouring the first. He slams it to the back of his throat, instantly warm.

Next minute the girl in the flower dress walks behind, straight for the door. Benny then proceeds to take a seat next to him, his veins almost ripping through his way to small t-shirt.

"fucking bitches...." looking at Steve as if to seek approval. "You know who that is?"

Steve pays no attention, instead to signal to pour his fourth shot.

"You don't talk much do ya?"

Steve still did not answer.

Anyway Benny still went on "That's Salma Hayek.... The things I would do to her" Licking his upper lip, you could tell Benny was up to something, necking the rest of his beer.

Steve leaves the pub a few minutes after him, as he leaves, straightening his jacket, he hears commotion from the parking lot, between two cars there's a struggle.

It was the girl in the flower dress, Benny trying to himself onto her before he's meet with a fist to the jawbone, straight to the floor.

"I just did that..." Steve a little tipsy blurted out, chuckling to himself before noticing the damsel in distress on the floor, her head between her legs sobbing.

"You okay miss?" Steve soon enough beside her, she had bruising to her arm.

He ended up walking her back to the hotel, hers was on the nice side of town, five star look and feel. They talked for what seemed like hours on their stroll back.

They came to the end of their walk back. Salma turns to Steve.... "Room 2303, ten minutes" she says her eyes beaming. Steve was in shock watching her drunk walk to the lift....

What does Steve do?

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