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Chapter 2

Before we get into the action: Who ARE you?

Warlock (Not That One)

You are not some analogue to the Messiah, nor a cyber intelligence mutant from another planet, your 'super name' is a literal descriptor:

From the Miriam-Webster Dictionary:
[Warlock (Noun):

1: a man practicing the black arts: A Sorcerer or Wizard.

2: a Conjurer (Q.V.)

Origin of WARLOCK

Middle English warloghe, from Old English wǣrloga one that breaks faith, from wǣr faith, troth + -loga (from lēogan to lie); akin to Old English wǣr true.
First Known Use: 14th century]

Thus your name has three meanings all of which describe you accurately:
1: A practitioner of Dark Magic, a Wizard turned to Evil.
2: A conjurer: one who summons beings and objects from apparent nothingness.
3: An Oath-Breaker, one who has betrayed their oaths to their faith and lord.

You cast your mind back over the long and winding road that led you here, to this name and this moment, and cannot help but smile a wicked grin.

You were not born to the name 'Warlock', your name was once something banal and dull James Henry Smith perhaps, or Mathew Luke Jones, you have no idea now, having sold your birth name to a demon right at the beginning of your rise into the rarefied circles of dark magic that you now occupy, but it was common and dull, always one of the crowd never standing above the mass of humanity that surrounded you.

You grew up in a town you scarce remember, another sacrifice in exchange for power, but it was one among thousands of suburbs of some minor city in the Midwest, Ohio you think, plebeian, dull, puffed up with self importance it in no way deserved, it's only real accomplishment to boast of being to have produced yourself.

To distinguish yourself from this banal beginning you took an interest in magic: not stage magic or so called 'witchcraft' but REAL magic, the type that those who pretend to it's power sometimes distinguish with an added 'k' at the end, the magic which can summon and bind daemons, and other spirits, and at need banish them again. By the end of your internment in the public school system you had been noticed by a true wizard, one of the rare breed who had slept away the age of mundanity which followed the 'renaissance' and the rise of technology until the beginning of the second Millennium A.D. and the return of True Magic to the Earth. He contacted you via spell and offered you an apprenticeship, your service navigating the complexities of the modern world in exchange for tutelage in the arts of True Magic, and you, who knew your feeble scrapings at the surface of The Art would never grant you the puissance you desired, accepted at once.

You moved in with him in an abandoned and mystically concealed mansion in Nicolet National Forest, where you slaved away for the next 9 years, teaching your teacher all about the modern world and slowly being initiated into the mysteries of The Art. As so often happens with old and overly cautious teachers who take on young and eager students, you grew dissatisfied with the pace of the advancement your master was willing to allow you, and plotted to seize his stores of books and tools for yourself. One night you slipped a few drops of a potent sleeping potion into his tea, and when he passed out him to consume the rest of the vial. You are bound by terrible magical oaths not to kill or enslave your teacher, but sleep is neither of those things, he hibernates in his bed in the mansion still so far as you know, and you check on him periodically.

You stayed in the mansion studying at a furious pace, and making DEALS with the lords of demon kind, who are ever so much more diverse and older than the poor benighted Christians believe them to be, until one day while out buying groceries and looking for a sacrifice for another summoning, you chanced upon two young girls, friends, sisters in all but blood, and saw their mothers as well. They were special, their native talent for The Art potent beyond all you had ever seen including your master and yourself, and you could tell from looking at their mothers and their young features that they both would be ravishing beauties of the obscure 'tubby librarian', kind that is for you the epitome of feminine charm.

You HAD to have them! You are no pedophile, but there would be time enough once they were adults in a few short years, and thanks to some of the deals you have made you had all the time in the world to wait, you will outlive most every person now alive. 6 years? Phagh! It took you almost that long to crack your master's cipher in which he kept his research notes, and you could easily keep the girls both contented and trapped, before you would reveal yourself to them and seduce them both to be your concubines and apprentices, ones you would train much faster and more thoroughly than YOUR Master did, in many fields, not all of them magical.

You appeared in their dreams in the guise of a monster from modern myth, the so called 'Slender Man' and convinced them to plot a , one you could use to control and dominate them when they were older, and it came so close, so very close, to succeeding! However they botched the job, the girl they attacked lived, and worse, they were caught by the forces of light and law!

You fled the mansion then, taking with you only those things that belonged solely to you, lest another of your oaths destroy you. You knew that with this information revealed some of the other mages that your master had spoken of over the years would be coming for you, realizing that if your master had not killed you already you had probably somehow wiggled out of your oaths to him and he was either dead or in need of rescue: and you knew, powerful as you had become they were stronger by half, and moreover outnumbered you ten to one!

You traveled around, dodging this way and that, terrified of your pursuers for months, but at last have decided to go to ground and hide. Millennium seems the perfect place, here even if you are revealed to have powers you will be one among hundreds, and your probing has revealed that the police here are corrupt as the day is long, with some exceptions.

You will hide in this city of marvels and continue your research and discovery, decoding the hundreds of books with copies of your masters notes in them, and learning all you can. In time you might even arrange to break the girls out of jail and bring them to you, they are 13 now and in 5 more years if they are still alive they will be ripe for you to seduce them and make them your willing servants, and being wanted by the law will bind them to you all the tighter... In the mean time you must find a way to remain hidden, build your power, and keep yourself occupied, daunting tasks for yours is a formidable mind and ego that will not long be content with obscurity and research...

What kind of situation begins your tale?

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