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Chapter 3 by Fuckboy Fuckboy

Who are you summoned to meet?


Following the knight you are led up a series of staircases until despite being in good shape you are almost panting for breath. Clearly the natives of the Rock are used to these sorts of climbs. However you are eventually led to what may have initially started out as a miner's elevator, but is now a carriage more fitting for a King. Ornate golden handrails and velvet seats line the sides of the elevator carriage that the knight guides you into. Once you are standing securely he pulls a lever that leads to a small bell ringing far below and the carriage lurches into motion heading upwards. Despite years on the deck of ships the unexpected and unfamiliar motion causes you to lurch to the side and grab the handrail. The smirk on the Lannister knight's face is obvious and causes you to flush for a second before you compose yourself. You should have expected that.

After a few minutes the carriage comes to a stop and the doors are opened. You are again escorted down an opulent hallway to a huge bronze studded door of impossibly rare and ancient weirwood where a dozen knights in full armour stand guard. One knocks on the door at your approach and when a bell answers the doors are opened.

Attempting to make a good impression you walk forward into a room dominated by a hugely ornate marble desk veined with real gold behind which sits a man who is famous throughout the entire Seven Kingdoms and beyond. Tywin Lannister. Former Hand of the King. Warden of the West. Lord of Casterly Rock. Lord Paramount of the Westerlands and probably a dozen more titles. A man who is probably the richest single individual alive. If anyone can help you he can.

Despite your title and rank you bow deeply towards the older man, recognizing your position as a supplicant. "Lord Lannister, you honour me with your time..."

Sitting back, steepling his long fingers in front of his face the Lion inclines his head slightly and speaks...

What does Tywin say?

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