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This can’t be real.

WRITERS NOTE: Hey guys sorry for not posting anything in awhile. I started school recently so I just have not had a lot of time for hobbies. I just wanted to post something to show that I haven’t left. I still plan on posting more but uploads will be few and far between. That being said please by all means if you stumble upon this weird story of mine and you want to add something of your own please do.


The early morning light began to seep through the blinds of Johns room, coating everything in a soft orange glow. The light beginning to bleed past Johns eyelids cause his eyes to slowly open up. John yawned, stretching his limbs out. He noticed how loose and relaxed his body felt. He hadn’t felt this good in a while. He laid in bed staring at the ceiling, the events of the night before playing out in his head. “Man that was some dream.” He thought to himself. “It was something alright, but not a dream.” John jumped a little when he heard a voice he didn’t recognize. He looked down where he heard the voice and was shocked to see a purple skin woman laying on her stomach, across his crotch with her feet in the air.

He was about to jump out of bed but before he could move the Imp put a hand up and her voice seemed to envelop Johns mind, “Still she said in a shockingly arousing way to John. He didn’t know if it was because of the shock or what but he found himself unable to move. He tried and tried but couldn’t twitch a muscle. “ There we go, John heard the woman say as she floated up closer to his face. Okay don’t freak out, I’m gonna release you but before I do I want to talk and show you I’m not to be feared. She exclaimed. My name is Violette, I’m a Succubus Imp, and if you stick it out with me, I can make even your craziest fantasies a reality. Now I know this next part is gonna sound bad but I promise you’ll enjoy it.”

Johns mind and heart were racing as the mischievous Imp explained what had happened last night and how she had used her parasite to take partial control of his body. “I can tell you’re freaking out but I promise I won’t hurt you, unless you’re into that sort of thing” she said while giving him a boop on the nose. “So that strange blowjob feeling was her last night?” John thought in his mind not really believing what was happening. “Yep that was me, Violette proclaimed. Johns attention snapped back to Violette who was smiling back at him. “Okay she said zipping up close to his face so she was staring at him in the eyes. I can tell you still don’t fully on board with what I’m saying, well let’s see how you feel after this.”

“Aroused” Violette softly spoke in that same seductive voice. Johns body temperature immediately rose as his heart picked up in pace. His body was wracked with a anxious arousal that he had no control over. John breathing heavily looked down when he felt movement between his legs, he watched in disbelief as his cock not only began to throb to the point of almost being uncomfortable but it wiggled itself around and maneuvered itself out of the hole in the front of his briefs and pajamas. His eyes wide John gazed at the monster he didn’t recognize that was now his cock. It stood at 10 inches high and 3 inches wide, it throbbed and pulsed like he could burst any second, and it took on a purple reddish hue.

“Pretty impressive right? Violette asked getting Johns attention. That little parasite I planted inside you did this in just one night. You were already a good size for humans but now… well you can thank me for the upgrade later.” She said with a wink. John groaned inside his head as his possessed cock throbbed. He wanted to cum so bad it hurt. His eyes shot down when he felt something touching his cock. Violette was walking around the base of his shaft softly trailing her fingers along as she did. “This is only a little bit of the pleasure I can give you if you embrace me John.” Violette continued to tease John, grinding her ass against him, giving his swollen dick soft kisses. But no matter how much she teased she wouldn’t let him cum just yet.

“I can feel your still a little hesitant but that’s okay, it’s understandable she said softly kissing up his shaft. But don’t worry I know how to convince you.” John noticed as she was talking her appearance began to change. She started to look see through with a purple hue. John was nervous, wondering what she was about to do. He didn’t have to wonder too long because Violette suddenly zipped up hovering over the tip of Johns cock. She giggled to herself before flying down and slamming against the slit at the head of Johns penis, her arms and head slipping in quickly spreading his urethra wide open. John heard a lewd SQUELCHING noise coming from his cock as Violette squirmed and pushed herself deeper down his shaft, her massive tits getting stuck momentarily before popping through with a wet THLICK sound. If John could, he would have thrown his head back in anxiety filled pleasure. As freaked out as he was watching this Imp crawl inside his urethra he couldn’t deny how amazing it felt. All John could do was watch as his cock swallowed more of the slime version of Violette as her bubble butt disappeared down his dick, afterward her legs easily slid inside and he watched as her feet disappeared with a slick wet POP and his Urethra closed leaving him paralyzed in bed in disbelief at seeing some unknown creature crawl inside his cock.

What does Violette do next?

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