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Chapter 3 by schweety schweety

Where did the noise come from?

The door

The door magically opened from a different spot on the wall each time the witch came. Thus Rapunzel had no idea where to even escape from, unless she jumped from the high window.

Rapunzel huddled on the bed as the door opened before her. Then the witch stood there. Rapunzel always thought it funny that this beautiful woman before her was a witch. She did not seem like the witches she read about in the books. Instead of an old hag with graying hair, a big nose, mole and wrinkles her witch was a young woman in her thirties with beautiful black hair and gray eyes. Her lips were rosy red and her nose small. Her captor wore a lovely red dress that was cut very low in the front exposing a pair of full breasts.

"How is my lovely captive today?" The witch came closer standing before Rapunzel.

"I am fine, my lady." Rapunzel refused to meet her eyes.

"Look at me, Rapunzel." The witch commanded.

Rapunzel immediately looked up and saw the witch was in a difference outfit now. Instead of the pretty red dress she was in all black. Rapunzel gasped as she saw that this gowns bodice was cut under the witch's breasts. The gown pushed her breasts together and up. The dress was cut very short as well so that the witch's ass was almost exposed.

"Yes, today we start the lessons that I told you about. You will learn much today. And soon you will have visitors that you will pleasure. I have important guests and they have needs. Now we will begin."

Where does the witch start?

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