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Chapter 4 by TheMouse TheMouse

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The bank Job

The Bank was giant, and it dominated the street with large pillars of stone scattered along the entrance. The road itself was barren, with no cars or people in sight, just a few street lamps that eliminated the night. You notice the faint glow of flashing blue and red lights from the police cars that blocked the road off in the distance.

The air felt wrong, and shivers run up your body. Your hand moved over the hilt of your blade out of reflex while you continue to look around "what's wrong," Raven asks. You weren't sure, but something felt off. Someone was watching you. This was a trap.

"We need to leave now." You say, turning to Raven, but Before she could question why, in the corner of your eye, you notice a bright flash comes from the roof of the BankBank, you don't know if Raven saw it and out of reflex, you jump, covering her as a huge blast sends you both hurling through the air.

The glass from the windows on the buildings shattered from the shockwave and rained down on top of you both. You feel a few pieces cut your back. They felt like sharp insect bites, but you covered Raven from most of the glass.

Jumping to your feet, the glass falls off your body. Your back itches likely from pieces still stuck "you alright?" you ask, Raven pulling her to her feet. She seems shocked at what you had just done, but something else draws your attention.

Standing on the edge of the creator that the blast caused were four figures. You couldn't tell if they were male or female. They were identical in shape and size, looking like display manikins with their black bodysuit covering every inch of skin.

"Who are you?" you ask calmly, but they don't respond; instead, they each in sync draw a blade, and it's at times like this you'd wish you had a gun.

"How do we play this?" you whisper to Raven, not taking your eyes off the slowly approaching threat.

Raven whispers into your ear, "They aren't friendly. We need to subdue them and see what they know."

You give a nod before diving towards the one on the far left, your fist slamming hard into its face sending it towards a nearby street light. The metal bent under the impact, and the creature fell onto the pavement, then the others rushed to retaliate. You drew your blade, preventing a downward slash. A glance behind you, and you see one more of those things charging towards you.

"Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" you hear Raven yell behind you before throwing all of them like rag dolls into the walls and floor. One of them jumped towards you. Your swords mirrored each other connecting with each blow.

"Know these guys?" you ask, keeping your attack at bay, "No, never seen them before," Raven yells.

You see an opening in its movements and give a kick to its gut, sending it back a few feet. But it's up again, instantly rushing towards you both, but something is wrong. They seemed to be letting you push them back, closer to the BankBank.

And then you see it—someone standing at the Bank's entrance.

You glance at Raven, who is hovering higher into the air and closing her legs and eyes. "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos!" You see a bluish/black glow emanating from the figure, "Raven!" you yell, ducking under a thrust. You try to get to her, but you're kept back by the four men whose attacks were now fine-tuned and harder to deflect. But it's too late. A beam fires from the figure, hitting Raven directly. Raven lets out a slight scream before her body falls to the floor.

You locked your eyes onto Raven as she lay motionless on the ground. An image floods your mind, a woman with black hair lay covered in blood on the floor. For a single moment, you feel yourself become cold, you slash downwards, shattering your enemies blade as he tries to block, you slice into his skin, and once you realise what you've done, you pull back.

You look at your blade, expecting to see crimson blood glossing the sliver, but something else covers it. A thick black viscous fluid drips in large globs from your blade. Looking at the one you cut, the same fluid is seeping out of it like sap.

You're now standing over Raven. She's breathing but passed out. The four figures creep closer towards you didn't move an inch, sanding over Raven like a protective dog. Your eyes flicked back to the figure on the stairs. Their aura is gone, and for a moment, your eyes lock.

"Stop", A voice calls out, and all four of them freeze like statues. The figure that fired the weird beam at Raven is now walking down towards you.

He was a large build with broad shoulders. A white mask covered his face with no facial features, but you could feel his eyes watching you.

"You are of no interest to us, boy. Hand over the girl, and we shall leave."

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