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Chapter 2 by cmc cmc

What happens to the nurse?

The Next Chapter

Sarah walked into John's hospital room, looking concerned. "Good morning, John. How are we feeling today?"

John replied, "I'm feeling restless and ready to leave doctor. I just want to go home."

Sarah sat down on the side of his bed and took his hand in hers. "I know you're feeling that way, John. But it's important that you stay here for a little while longer. Your vitals are still not where they need to be, and I want to make sure that you're fully recovered before you leave."

John argued, "But I feel fine, Sarah. I just want to go home."

Sarah replied, "I understand that, John. But it's my job to make sure you're safe and healthy. And right now, the best thing for you is to stay here and get the rest you need."

*thinking* “He is in no way ready, this is ridiculous,”

John was about to reply when he realized she had said nothing, he could read what she was thinking.

*thinking* What am I going to do with this patient? He wants to leave the hospital even though he's not ready. He doesn't understand how serious his condition is. He has sepsis, which can be fatal if not treated properly. He needs antibiotics and fluids to prevent any complications.

"Doc, please let me go. I feel fine. I don't want to stay here any longer."

*thinking* How can he feel fine? He had a high fever and pain just yesterday. He's lucky we caught it early and gave him the right medication. If he leaves now without my permission, he's putting himself at risk of harm or . And he'll have to sign a document stating that he's leaving against medical advice, which could affect his insurance coverage and legal rights.

"Come on, doc. You're exaggerating. It was just a little infection. I'm sure I'll be okay with some rest and over-the-counter meds."

“John, it was far more then a little infection” she told her patient.

*thinking* No, it was not just a little infection. It was sepsis, which is a severe response to an infection that can damage your organs and cause if not treated properly. He's not okay. He needs to stay for another day for observation and treatment.

Suddenly, John realized that he had the ability to read Sarah's thoughts and change them. He focused on making her believe that it was safe for him to leave the hospital and that she should give him her car.

"Please, doc. I have things to do at home. And I can't afford this hospital bill."

*thinking* I understand his frustration and financial concerns, but this is not about money or convenience. This is about his health and safety. I have to convince him to stay for his own good. But..maybe this isn’t anything important…

He continued to press.

*thinking* “Yeah, he’s right, it’s okay for him to leave”

“Okay okay John, you can leave immediately,” she told him smiling. She stood up and grabbed his cloths from the closet.

John unsteadily got up.

As John reached for the door, he noticed Sarah's wallet sitting on the counter. An idea suddenly sprang to mind, and he turned to her. "Sarah, can I have your wallet too?"

*thinking* What the hell is he thinking. Of course he can’t have my wallet.

“What?” she exclaimed, briefly non plussed.

Sarah considered his request for a moment, then she reached for her wallet and handed it to him. "Here you go, John. But please be careful with it and make sure to return it to me as soon as possible."

Continue with Dr. Sarah or move on

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