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Chapter 3 by Ultrasound7 Ultrasound7

Which Client will you Choose?

The Mysterious Dragon Sisters

(Author Notes: in case nobody knows the characters I introduce characters exclusive to the Queens Blade: Spiral Chaos Series. You can look them up if you prefer a visual aid.)

Upon deliberation you decide to go with these more mysterious clients. While you have nothing personal towards Queen Aldra, you know what she does to people who fail/turn on her and are not fond of the idea being apart of someone's amber encased menagerie. Your also not quite as **** to seek work from the Swamp Witch, knowing all too well how that bitch treats her servants not to mention she'll most likely have you work on for her for eternity if she can help it. So you answer the call of this unknown client who hopefully is the lesser of all evils before you.

They scheduled to meet with you personally at a remote, isolated forest in three days. No problem for you as you spread out your wings and flew to your destination. After waiting for several hours rehearsing your lines and making sure your suite was neat and clean. You know all to well the value and importance of first impressions, so you mentally and physically prepare yourself to slip into business mode as you have done in the past for a few centuries while keeping your senses sharp to detect your client or anything else that may come your way.

You are a little curious what exactly does this will entail, after all, your do have a high demand for many skills you have come to posses over the long years. Most of the time is as a companion or matchmaker, being an incubus your power and physical prowess has become legendary as a gentlemen caller, or even just arm-candy considering your killer looks that could disarm even some of the best beautiful fighters. Upon hearing of your various conquests and your natural abilities to gaze into peoples souls and even their dreams, many people have come to you willing to sell their souls if need be to use these powers to set them up with loves of their lives or people they have lusted for. While it certainly been a popular business, it can lead to all kinds of issues, mostly because of his own standards of working only for true love, and while his powers can alter perception and manipulate people he can't actually make people fall in love or make them give themselves over, much to the disappointment of some would-be clients. Still you have other uses than just as a lover, as out of necessity of being the last of your kind in a world full of monsters and warriors your are quite the fighter as you check your clawed gauntlets and ensured its mechanism were in working order so his ace was ready to use if need be, combined with his natural powers to create illusions, give people nightmares, and of course be lustfully attracted to you combined with your speed and flight allows you to fight even the Queen herself on even footing. Yet the battlefield is not your only place of combat, as your tongue and mind are sharp enough to cut through red tape and politics as a blade through paper, making you the most sought out fixer in all the continent as the great Lady Pope, as you can read and study people and the world and politics as well as your natural people skills and on a occasion spying and **** (more metaphorical than literal).

Suddenly your senses flare, and as you focus on your soulsight, you see four souls blazing. You see souls in shades of light and colors, that tell you much about a person, brightness shows how strong and/or powerful the person is while color tells indicates their dominate personalities, if you concentrated harder you could look deeper and see their entire being, though they were too far away and to that much and unfortunately you can only focus that much on one person at a time. The first one you looked at was curious as well, judging by the fading red you can tell that she is a vampire, but not like any vampire that you have ever seen, which is what's so curious as every vampire in the continent has dark corrupted souls yet she's seem rather unique it disturbs you thinking she is not of this world, a prospect that at the same time intrigues you. The other one was burning even brighter and with the dark purple you see, you can tell this to be a practitioner of the magic, a rare case of person to encounter as magic users such as wizards and witches were on the verge of extinction, a fate you share with them incedently enough by the same Crusade of the late Queen Rachel the Lion Roar. As strange as the first souls were, they were but sparks of light compared the other two. The most powerful souls you have come across seem to you as a blazing flame, these two are a twin bonfire. Judging by their unique symmetric shape and complimenting colors you suspect them to be close siblings but couldn't determine what they were, yet can tell their certainly not human, not at all.

You sensed them coming close enough to see so you open your eyes to get a better look at your approaching visitors. You immediately settle on the witch you sensed before clearly the tallest of the group, with a black headband in her hair, with skulls and golden ornamental pieces on it. She wears an open black provocative dress, with light grey ends. She wears a black cape behind her and black thigh-highs with shiny, knee-length boots. Not all that surprising, considering you've seen all kinds of outfits from beautiful fighters in the continent, even so between her outfit, her 92, 59,93 body proportions that you can tell from sight alone, her long maroon hair and piercing teal eyes she is certainly a beauty among beauties. Still something in the back of your mind is telling you should know from somewhere, but can't quite tell where, when or even why, which is odd, considering you rarely if ever forget a bodacious babe like her.

By her side is who you know to be the vampire, and she seems even more noticeable in comparison, with her small black hat with bat wings on it. She has purple puffy sleeves, with light purple cloth extending from it and on on her wrists she has small purple bracers with the same light purple cloth on it. On her torso, she has a thin purple breastplate, with a silver pentagonal piece in the middle. She has black wings on her lower back, and a purple garter with the leg pieces having a bat pattern going across them, and several bands with silver bats on them. Showing much more skin then the elder woman, and seemingly younger and less developed considering her 72, 48, 75 body, and childlike appearance, much like a late blooming teen, but considering she is a vampire, you suspect her to be much older than she appears.

Then you feast your eyes on the final two, and they were not like anything you expected, physically they appeared to be identical twins with even wearing the same clothes but with stark differences. For one the first sister is wearing a pink robe, with darker pink clothes underneath and pink bracelets, and even a pink hair and eyes to match. While the other girl wears the same outfit as her sister but blue, including her hair and eyes. Judgeing by their childlike appearance and their pointed ears longer than most elves, would leave most people to believe them to be Fae, but you know better to assume such as no fairy you've met had souls as bright and burning as these two. These two must be your new clients and it must be pretty serious for them to come to you, considering their somber, serious expression. Not to mention the way the vampire looking pouty with a frown with her arms crossed and avoiding eye contact clearly tells she isn't impressed with you in the least and probably thinks they don't need you, or perhaps it's that old rivalry between Vampires and Cubi species, its certainly real here in the continent, maybe it exist wherever she is from. The Witch seems to be sizing you up, seemingly more interested in you, to what extent though, well it's best to test it out.

Now the moment of truth. You present yourself at attention and give a formal bow to greet the group before you. "Greetings and salutations, am I correct in assuming you to be the ones to have called upon the services of Orion Adonis?", your present yourself with your signature charm and disarming smile.

The response was rather mixed to be sure, the vampire scoffed at you, the Witch gazed at you with a critical eye, one eyebrow raised in interest, while the sisters didn't so much as flinch. "We are", the sisters said in unison, giving a curt nod in response. "I am Ranshel", said the pink girl on the left, "and I am Sushel", said the other girl in blue, "and we seek the return of our sister", they both said at the same time.

Well this intrigues you quiet a bit, it certainly narrows your job parameters considerably. "Oh, do you require a dashing hero to rescue the damsel in distress, or perhaps a handsome and sly gentleman to sweep her off her feet and steal her away?", you ask with an eyebrow raised in interest. You see the Witch step forward towards you in from of everyone else, taking over the negotiations from here, you reason.

"Both actually, I am Dora, Witch of the Netherealm, and I'll be speaking on behalf of your clients the sisters", she said, her voice and tone as confident and commanding as her stance. It was at that moment that something in your mind suddenly clicked.

"Ah yes, I thought I recognized you, you made quite the reputation as the royal adviser and strategist of the Vance family many years ago only to have disappeared when the price on your head was posted by the very benefactors you served loyaly and diligently. No one knew for sure what became of you, and you were never seen or heard from again, thus presumed dead. It's an honor to meet you in the flesh, and I must confess Lady Dora, your wanted poster did not do you justice in the slightest", you said as you slowly approached her and took her hand in yours and politely kissed it. Then you looked at her dead in the eye and let her see your eyes convey the right amount of respect, admiration, adoration, and lust.

As she looks back at you, you see she is very interested in you, between the pride and curiosity you can taste her desire. As you take the time to look into her soul, realize she seeks to dominate you and make you her pet. Oh, you pulled so much effort to hide how aroused you became, relishing the challenge of this powerful women would bring if given the chance. Yet your desire nearly distracted you from the building jealously and resentment from the vampire, oh now there's a wild card in the deck, even more fun.

"Much as I appreciate your flattery, bussiness before pleasure", Dora replied, getting a hold of herself but only just. She extended her left hand and in a purple flash a book appeared in her palm, she opened it and handed it to you pointing at a passage for you to see. The page directed to contained a well made drawing of a young girl, most likley your objective. she wears a purple shirt with a red necktie with a hole in it, and two gold crosses attached to the bottom of her shirt. She also has a white small apron with a purple star and a red dress with white frills and small crosses on them. On her arms, she has black gloves that reach to her upper-arms, and maroon arm-guards. On her legs, she has black thigh-highs with garters and crosses attached to them, and maroon leg-guards with wings by the ankles. Between her outfit her pink hair and her burgundy eyes with star-shaped pupils you suspect her to be a member of nobility, albeit one with peculiar taste.

"Her name is Cute, apprentice warrior, she herself isn't quite significant but we know for a fact that their sisters soul is stuck inside her body so for the sisters to have their happy reunion we need to get to her", said Dora. "She's accompanied by her bodyguard on the next page" she continued, you notice her rolling her eyes and the vampire girl scoff at the word bodyguard. As you see the drawing on the next page you can see what they mean. It was a boy, probably around the girls age, and odd choice for a bodyguard for sure, he seems rather ordinary, brown hair black eyes, though he clearly shares his ladies odd taste in clothes, an orange overcoat with a white cross design on the front. On his arms he has light orange pauldrons that resemble a creature's head, and orange cloth bracers with white crosses upon them. On his legs, he has brown pants with light orange shin-guards and orange shoes. Cleary there's a whole kingdom somewhere where people seem to dress like this, you make a note to visit it sometime later to check out their lingerie and models.

Still you realize this seems too easy for you, especially with the sisters incredible power with Dora and the vampire, they shouldn't need him for such a task unless...

"Exactly what would you need me for?", you inquire, "If half of what I've heard about you is true Lady Dora you can take them both with one hand tied behind your back".

She smiles back at you, seemingly pleased at the flattery or perhaps she likes how your willing question her and compliment her at the same time. "Quite right, Lamica and myself are more than capable of handling those two, however it's not just those two anymore..." Dora said motioning to the vampire girl identified as Lamica.

"Yeah, now they've got an army of big titted bimbos to hide behind", Lamica interrupted with a scowl of anger and annoyance of the reminder of the fact.

Dora frowns at Lamica for the interruption while she in turn simply shrugs. As amused as this is you decide to turn the page of the book in your hand and see if it could enlighten you. Boy did it enlighten you, the next couple of pages had drawings of beautiful women armed with weapons and some with armor. You recognized most of them, all in fact happen to be Queens Blade candidates.

"Hmm, an army of Queen's Blade candidates? I can see your dilemma", you say bringing all attention back to you. "So now that we got the who, what, when where and why, all tthat's left to discuss is the how", you went on giving the book back to Dora with a curious and questioning look.

"You shall have complete impunity towards them", Rashel chimed in, taking back control of the negotiations which Dora respected by stepping back so you can give her and her twin your full attention. " You will be granted any resources or assistance you may require", joined Sashel, tilting her head slightly to indicate Dora and Laminar as apart of the resources and assistance he can take/use. Dora simply gave a curt nod of understanding and acknowledgment while Lamica just humphed and turned her nose from you. "All that we require is that our sister and her vessel returned to us unharmed and intact", they finished together. While intrigued at the freedom your giving in handling so many Beautiful fighters, a serious challange even for your skills and abilities, you can't help but wonder what else they have up and thier sleeve that you can use to your advantage and delight. Still best ask that once you take the job, after all there's still one last matter to settle before anything can start.

"Well I am very intrigued at this assignment and quite relish the challange, however you should be advised that my services won't come cheap, and the difficulty of the job increases the price", you say in a calm gentle manner so as not to offend anyone but neither give in to thier demands.

Both Dora and Lamica smirked at this, this tells you your clients are not use to others demand but thier own, which considering that the legendary Dora and a Vampire are working for them are very powerful. Of course you knew that already and with your hands behind your back were prepared take evasive actions in case this negotiations went south, which seems to be leaning that way until the sisters spoke to the women's surprise.

"We are aware of your cost", said Ranshel. "As well as your insatiable desires", said Sushel. "Yet we can give you what you desire most" the duo said together, as they both lifted a hand and in a small flash small golden object appeared. "This is a piece of the Kings Key", Ranshel continued. "With it, you and your family can travel to wherever you wish", Rushel chimed in. "We even have a place in mind for you", they finished together.

You were barley able to hide your shock, and eagerness at this offer. It was indeed what you have been searching for, for quite some time. Still it does sound too good to be true, so you simply keep your cool and raise your eyebrow in interest and curiosity.

"The Kings Key?" You replied, "I have heard about it how even a piece of it will allow one to control where they travel to through the legendary Queens Gate, a magic and technological door to other worlds and dimensional planes and arrive there safely. l was lead to believe such things while fascinating, are purely myth".

It was then you felt thier power surge to extraordinary levels to the point you can taste thier power, and as you looked closer the fire of thier souls took the form of Dragons. It was then it became all too clear that neither were they what they appeared to be, nor were they of this world. They knew that little display would be all it would take to convince you of the legitimacy of thier claims and rewards. It would be quiet foolish and rude to turn them down at this point, so you give a bow and agreed.

"What resources and assistance do you have exactly?", you eagerly ask.

What do the Sisters present you?

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