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Chapter 4 by ESchorcho ESchorcho

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The Mad Hatter Learns More and More About the New World He Finds Himself In

With a dreamy voice Sue told Jervis about the new world he found himself in. He mentioned that earlier that day, Sue had mentioned that she and Reed had super powers and asked for a demonstration. The blonde, hypnotized heroine stared straight ahead at him and nodded her head and instantly vanished from sight. Jervis was surprised and couldn’t contain himself.

“Alice, where did you go?” he called out in amazement.

Sue immediately returned to view and laughed lightly at his comment, “Jervis, it is Sue, not Alice.”

She then explained that she had the powers of invisibility and was also able to create ‘**** fields’ that were sometimes used for self-defense. Jervis’ mind was a whirl at what he had just seen. Sue's Cheshire Cat-like powers of invisibility were truly astonishing, as was her beauty. His eyes darted madly to the side as his warped mind thought of the dizzying possibilities of having such a woman on his side, under his spell.

She continued to explain that she has been a part of a superhero team with her husband, her brother, Johnny, and their friend, Ben Grimm for some time. She then went on about how they had all received their powers and that they were the world’s most famous, and possibly most respected superhero team on the planet.

“Well, I must say I am quite impressed,” Jervis said with a wide smile. He was practically giddy thinking of how delicious it will be to flip it all on its head and make Sue and the others totally corrupt and depraved. Pushing that out of his mind for the moment, he continued, “To be saved by none other than the Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic? I am certainly one lucky fellow!”

Sue then went onto say that the Fantastic Four were not alone as far as people with powers or extraordinary abilities came. She told him about the Avengers and of the mutant X-Men, as well as other famous individual heroes. She even told him about some villains they had come across in the past, and how not all people with powers used them for good.

“My, my,” Jervis gasped, “What a truly WONDERful world I’ve fallen into. Not so dissimilar to my own, but far, far brighter. More cheerful. My world was so dark and the creatures that called it home. The stuff of nightmares I tell you! But this. All of this is like something out of the merriest of dreams!”

“I’m glad you found your way here, Jervis,” Sue spoke in her daze.

For a good, decent person from Gotham City to fall through the inter-dimensional rabbit hole, finding their way to the Fantastic Four would have truly been a dream come true. However, Jervis Tetch, the Mad Hatter, was far from a good, decent person. He was a wicked, demented villain and rather than be accepted by this new world and society he found himself in, he instantly wanted to take it and twist it so it fit his own warped world-view. To make it his very own, personal Wonderland!

And what would Wonderland be without its very own Alice? The Hatter’s cock twitched to life inside his trousers as he imagined twisting the beautiful Sue into his mad little accomplice? His perfect Alice! He had always searched for her in Gotham but had never found anyone who fit the bill the way that she did. And for her to have superpowers was just the icing on the cake.

He wondered if she would prove to be a suitable subject for his mind warping and corrupting techniques? It was clear that hypnosis was working on her, so things were certainly looking up. He gave Sue a long look and thought about everything she had said about her life as a heroine. He could only imagine how many lives she had saved and the charitable and community work she would have done without having a secret identity. She seemed so virtuous, so angelic, so noble. Goosebumps formed on the back of his neck when he thought about how even the most good-hearted souls have a dark side that they worked to keep hidden away.

And even if she didn’t, he thought of how much fun it would be to create one with her!

She continued to tell him all about his new world for well over an hour until Tetch finally decided he had enough. He placed his watch back in his pocket and then excused her. But like his watch, his mind kept turning and grinding with his diabolical schemes…


Over the next few days, Jervis had met Johnny Storm, Ben Grimm and the hulking hero’s blind girlfriend, Alicia Masters. He observed their goings-ons in the Baxter Building. Reed had been kept busy with whatever the hero known as Iron Man had called him about, and Ben had taken on the role of eyeing the newcomer with suspicion. Sue's brother, Johnny, however, seemed to be bored and disinterested in him. Not that Jervis cared in the slightest of what the Human Torch thought of him.

Yet all of this played into his favor. Reed being called away, Ben being his gruff, untrustworthy self and Johnny being a bit of a flake pushed Sue into a position of Jervis’ caregiver by default. He had to be careful, since Ben seemed to always be watching, but he was actually able to use whatever charm he could muster and played the poor helpless newcomer to perfection. He was able to naturally gain Sue's trust, which came as something of a surprise to him. She had told him that they were slowly detoxing his body of all the **** and whatever was polluting it and he sheepishly thanked her.

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, Jervis,” Sue had said, “The monsters in the stories you have told. I don’t blame you one bit for dealing with these terrors through narcotics in your world. All I ask is that you refrain from using in this world. I know it will be hard, but I can help you. Refer you to a support group perhaps.”

“I...I may like that,” Jervis nodded solemnly. Inside his twisted mind, he raged. Sue knew nothing about ****, but she will! He then turned to her with big, sad eyes and said, “You really are too kind, Sue.”

As his time in the Baxter Building wore on, he realized that very soon he would have to get out of there. This perfect place of familial bliss was driving him crazy. Ben’s boring relationship with Alicia and the large rock-man constantly watching. Reed working on some sort of project down in his lab. Johnny being very much the stereotypical playboy, very much like that dimwit, Bruce Wayne from his own world. He needed to be medically cleared to leave, or he just knew he would be even madder than he actually was!

Luckily for him, Sue entered the medical area and asked how he was doing. He tried to play it cool, but he instead nearly exclaimed that he felt fine. This startled her, but she read his vitals and she agreed that he was healthy and was clean of any diseases he may have transported with him from the wormhole. He would be ready to leave that morning. She smiled at him and asked if he would enjoy a tour of the city. She explained that they would need to make a quick stop at Fantastic Four Inc, where she served as CEO. He gladly accepted her offer and they were soon off.

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