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Chapter 4 by foxloversi foxloversi

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The Experiment - Day 2

"Ugh," Julie groaned, covering her mouth with a hand and checking her breath the moment she awoke early in the morning. She couldn't believe it but the stale taste of smoke somehow still lingered on her tongue a bit - or was it just in her head? She drank some juice from the mini bar and it helped get rid of the taste, but it didn't help her mind.

She paced around the hotel suite, her thoughts racing. How could she continue with this? Was it even worth it? She imagined her family, their faces filled with disbelief if they saw her smoking - the look of disappointment on George's face and the disgust in her children's eyes. Yet, she couldn't deny the financial benefits this study would provide for them.

"Pull yourself together, Julie," she whispered to herself, rubbing her temples. "It's already the second day, it will be over in no time. Remember, you're unstoppable."

As much as she tried to rationalize her decision, the idea of continuing the experiment left her feeling uneasy. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, and her reflection seemed to ask the same question: was it worth sacrificing her own principles? Deliberately poisoning her own body?

"Maybe I can find a way to make this work without losing myself," Julie mused, trying to come up with a reasonable consolation for her fears. "After all, it's just smoking for a mere month, right? Some people do it for most of their life. "

But even as she uttered the words, a small voice inside her couldn't help but wonder if it was worth the price she'd pay.

"God, this fucking room is driving me insane. I can't just lay on this damn couch and read books all day. I need to be occupied, dammit!" Julie couldn't handle having so much free time thrust upon her all at once. She was a woman of action but there was no trace of action at all, just tons of free time which she wasn't used to. Three hours passed since she awoke and it frustrated her that she did nothing useful during all that time. And then there was that horrible smoking experience that she had to endure each day. At least Mark seemed nice to talk to, the only highlight of this bizarre study so far.

As she paced around the room, trying to calm her nerves and mentally prepare herself for another day of doing completely nothing but smoke two stinking cigarettes, she heard a knock on the door. Mark had returned to check in on her progress. Before opening the door, she took a deep breath, exhaling slowly to steady herself.

"Morning, Julie," Mark greeted her with a warm smile, entering the suite. "How are you holding up?"

"Truthfully? I'm not thrilled about this, but I'm trying my best to cope," Julie admitted, her hands fidgeting restlessly.

"I understand. It's definitely an adjustment," he said sympathetically. As they spoke, he pulled out his own pack of cigarettes and lit one up, seemingly oblivious to Julie's discomfort.

Her nose wrinkled as the pungent smell filled the room once again, a stark reminder of what she was about to subject herself. She tried to focus on their conversation, but the scent was overwhelming at first. However, as Mark proved to be an engaging conversationalist, she gradually found herself ignoring the smell and becoming more invested in their chat.

"So, aside from this experiment, what do you like to do in your free time?" Mark asked, genuinely curious.

"Actually, I love going to the gym. I find it helps me unwind and manage stress," Julie replied, momentarily forgetting about the cigarette burning between his fingers.

"You're in luck then. This hotel has a great gym, you're free to use it during your daily leave time," Mark smiled warmly.

"Really? That's great! I'll go check it out later," Julie marveled, overjoyed she'll be able to fruitfully spend at least some part of this eternity.

They continued to discuss their hobbies and interests, providing a brief respite from the task at hand.

Eventually, though, the moment of truth arrived. Mark handed Julie her first cigarette of the day, a small flicker of concern in his eyes. "Ready for your first cigarette of the day?"

Julie hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. But this time, she braced herself for the taste and sensation of the smoke. With shaky hands, she brought the cigarette to her lips and lit it, steeling herself for the familiar burn.

As she took her first drag, she noticed that the experience wasn't as horrible as the day before. Perhaps it was because she knew what to expect, or maybe she was growing slightly more accustomed to it. Regardless, she found the smoke easier to tolerate, though still miles away from being pleasant.

"See? You're getting the hang of it," Mark encouraged her, his eyes locked on her face, studying her reactions.

Julie nodded, inwardly grateful for the small victory but dreading the remaining cigarette of the day. She blew out the smoke, watching it dissipate into the air and wondering if she'd ever truly come to terms with this experiment. But for now, she pressed on, reminding herself of the reasons she had chosen to participate in the first place.

She attempted to imitate the smokers she had observed in movies and on the street. Her inexperience was evident in her clumsy grip and the uncertainty with which she brought the slender stick to her lips. As she took a slightly stronger drag, her eyes watered from the smoke's sting, her body instinctively rejecting the foreign substance.

"Easy, don't **** yourself. Try to hold the smoke in your mouth for a moment before exhaling," Mark instructed, jotting down notes on his clipboard. "That way, you'll get used to the sensation gradually."

Julie hesitated, her thoughts racing. She was disgusted by the idea, but, at the same time, knew it was a necessary step in the experiment. Taking a deep breath, she mustered her resolve and followed Mark's suggestion. The taste of the smoke lingered on her tongue, making her grimace, but she obediently held it in her mouth before blowing it out hastily.

"Good job," Mark praised her, though his voice held a hint of sympathy for her discomfort. "Remember, try to relax, you're doing fine."

"Easy for you to say," Julie chuckled bitterly, forcing herself to take another drag. Her muscles tensed as she struggled to suppress her gag reflex. "Just one more today after this," she reminded herself, seeking solace in the thought.

"Alright, I think that's enough for now," Mark said, as Julie stubbed out the remnants of the cigarette in the ashtray. He glanced at the half-empty pack beside it. "I'll be back later this afternoon to teach you how to inhale properly. It may be difficult at first, but it'll make the experience... uhm, less unpleasant for you in the long run."

"Less unpleasant? What a consolation prize," Julie thought sardonically, but she managed a weak smile and nodded. "Thanks, Mark. See you then."

As soon as the door clicked shut behind him, Julie slumped onto the couch, her body still reeling from the experience. She massaged her temples and wondered how she would fare later when she had to face the next level: inhaling.

The hotel gym was a sanctuary for Julie, a place where she could escape the suffocating confines of her suite and its lingering smoky stench. She stepped onto the treadmill, cranking up the speed and incline as sweat began to bead on her brow. Her breath came in short, determined gasps as her body moved fluidly, her muscles straining against the relentless pace she set for herself. In her mind, each step purified her lungs, expelling the toxins that had invaded them earlier.

"Come on, Julie, you can do this," she muttered under her breath, urging herself onward. The rhythmic thud of her sneakers against the treadmill drowned out the quiet hum of other few gym visitors going about their workouts. "Just a little longer."

Her hour of freedom was drawing to a close, but she pushed herself to finish one last sprint before slowing down and stepping off the treadmill. As she wiped the sweat from her face, she took a deep, cleansing breath, feeling her lungs expand with fresh air.

"Alright, time to head back," Julie thought, swallowing hard at the prospect of facing another cigarette. The mere idea of inhaling made her stomach churn.

As she exited the gym, Julie caught sight of a young woman standing just outside the hotel entrance. Blonde, tall and elegant, the woman bore a striking resemblance to Julie herself. But what truly captivated Julie's attention was the slim, white cigarette held delicately between the woman's fingers.

Julie observed her from inside, noticing how she handled the cigarette with grace and elegance. A handsome man approached her with a smile, engaging her in conversation. Julie couldn't hear them but she detected how her demeanor changed as she interacted with him. She raised her cigarette up in the air with a bent elbow, making eye contact as she took a slow drag. As she removed the cigarette, she left her mouth slightly open, allowing the smoke to linger before inhaling it in one swift motion. Then, she tilted her head back slightly and exhaled a long stream of smoke into the air. Julie was fascinated by how effortlessly alluring and even sexy her smoking had become since the man joined her. It was almost as if she was flirting back with her smoking style.

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"I've heard people say smoking can be sexy... yeah, I see what they meant," she thought to herself.

Before anyone noticed her staring at the couple, she hastily turned to the elevator. Maybe, with enough practice, she could find a way to make this experience more tolerable and interesting, she thought. Action driven as she was, she just gave herself another subconscious challenge.

"Time to face the music," Julie whispered to herself, steeling her resolve as she prepared for Mark's return and her next lesson in smoking as she walked into the shower.

Mark's knock on the suite door snapped Julie out of her thoughts. Opening the door, she noticed Mark's confident smile and the pack of cigarettes he held in his hand.

"Had a good workout?" he asked, stepping inside.

"Oh, it was amazing, just what I needed. Thanks again for suggesting it," she said.

"Don't mention it. It's good seeing you in a good mood. Are you ready for our next lesson?"

"Let's get this over with," Julie playfully replied, trying to hide her slightly wavering voice.

"This time we're going to focus on inhaling the smoke," Mark said, pulling a cigarette from the pack and handing it to her. His tone was matter-of-fact, but there was a hint of warmth that made the task seem less daunting.

Julie eyed the cigarette with trepidation, remembering her earlier struggles. But the image of the elegant woman she had seen outside the hotel also came to mind, giving her a newfound determination to master the technique.

"First, let me show you," Mark said, lighting up a cigarette of his own. He took a slow drag, allowing the smoke to fill his mouth before effortlessly drawing it down into his lungs. "Your turn."

Julie hesitated, her fingers trembling as she brought the unlit cigarette to her lips. Mark lit it for her, and she took a small, tentative drag, filling her mouth with the acrid taste of the smoke.

"Good, now just breathe in slowly, letting the smoke travel down into your lungs," Mark instructed, watching her intently.

With a nervous gulp, Julie inhaled, feeling the smoke snake its way down her throat and into her lungs that felt invaded by the smoke. Her throat burned like hot embers, catching her off guard and causing her to cough violently.

"Easy, easy," Mark said, patting her back gently. "It takes some time getting used to, but you'll get the hang of it."

Julie took a moment to steady herself, wiping away the tears that had sprung to her eyes. She couldn't believe she was doing this – subjecting her body to such poison in the name of science.

"Try again," Mark encouraged. "And remember to inhale slowly."

With a deep breath, Julie brought the cigarette back to her lips, taking another small drag. This time, she focused on controlling her breath as she inhaled the smoke, allowing it to travel down her throat at a more comfortable pace. The burning sensation was still there, but it was less intense, and she managed to suppress the urge to cough. Nicotine started working on her, making her dizzy a bit.

"See? You're getting better already. Take you time between drags, you don't want yourself to get sick," Mark said, grinning at her progress.

As Julie slowly took a few more drags, she found herself growing accustomed to the sensation of the smoke entering her lungs. It was still far from enjoyable, but the unique sensation of fullness wasn't completely bad. As the dizzying buzz from the nicotine softened, she even felt a slight thrill from it's soothing effect, calming her nerves and providing a momentary relief from the stress of the whole situation.

As the last cloud of smoke escaped her lips, Julie was struck by an unexpected wave of warmth that seemed to radiate from within. Her heart rate quickened, and her body felt suddenly alive with a tingling sensation she couldn't quite put her finger on. As the nicotine coursed through her veins, her initial repulsion toward smoking began to waver ever so slightly.

"Huh...," she whispered, feeling a strange sense of calm wash over her. "That was new. I never thought I'd say this, but that actually wasn't... so bad."

Mark chuckled, his eyes filled with understanding. "The nicotine can have that effect on people. It's part of what makes smoking addictive for some."

Julie furrowed her brow, contemplating Mark's words as she studied the now extinguished cigarette in the ashtray. She couldn't deny the fleeting satisfaction it had brought her, but she didn't see how it would make her want more. Was she really in danger of getting addicted to this? Granted, the effects of the inhaled smoke were... tolerable, but she didn't see how she could get addicted to smoking. She rationalized that any possible addiction would be easily dealt with later as she wasn't enjoying smoking and you can't get addicted to something you don't like, right?

"Alright, I think we're done for today," Mark said, gathering his notes and preparing to leave. "Remember, just take it one day at a time. You're doing great so far."

"Thanks," Julie replied, still lost in thought as she watched him walk out the door. Once alone, she shook off her lingering doubts and focused on ridding herself of the residual smoke smell that clung to her clothes and hair.

After a thorough scrubbing of her hands, Julie fervently brushed her teeth, the minty toothpaste a welcome respite from the acrid taste of tobacco that still lingered in her mouth. As she stared at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel a small sense of pride swelling within her. She had faced her fears head-on and come out the other side relatively unscathed.

"Two days down and no vomiting or anything," she mused, rinsing her mouth with a flourish. "I can handle this. I just have to stay focused and remember why I'm doing it."

With renewed determination, Julie began preparing for bed, her thoughts drifting to the elegant woman she had seen smoking outside the hotel earlier. "It looked nice how she smoked," she thought as sleep claimed her.

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