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Chapter 4 by cphi cphi

Beth's job situation....

Her Job...

{if Career = 0
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{if Formation = 2
} Despite her partying,{elseif Formation = 4
}Despite the bad influences of her various degenerate boyfriends, {elseif Formation =5
} Amazingly, in spite of her nonstop sexcapades, {else
} Beth had payed attention in class enough to graduate with the skills required to eventually land a job as a legal secretary for a moderately sized law firm{if Upbringing = 3
}, which had puzzled her anti-establishment, pseudo-anarchist parents{elseif Upbringing = 2
}, which seemed to please her conservative father{else
} August would mark three years at the firm, but she was really more interested in trying to write a book: {if Formation > 1
} a fictionalized, semi-autobiographical work about a young girl's sexual awakening loosely based on her youth. {else
} a fantasy fiction novel about a secret clan of vampire hunters in modern times. {endif
}Casual Friday meant no pencil skirt and blouse today, for which Beth was always grateful, but she would still have to start getting ready herself soon. {elseif Career = 1
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College had been fun, but she hadn't been too interested in the academic side of things{if Formation =5
}; too much time spent on her knees, she noted to herself with a smile.{else
} Instead, she had developed some prospects in the modeling world after a chance meeting on campus with a photographer who had been scouting college girls for a magazine. She'd done a few small shoots already, mostly generic stuff, but her dream was to break into fashion, or possibly even land some acting roles. She had done a shoe commercial, and done some community theater stuff in college too. At 26, she knew her window was closing. In the modeling and acting world, youth was a commodity. But the few gigs she did land didn't pay the bills, so waiting tables at a semi-fancy Italian restaurant frequented by well-heeled businessmen was both a necessity for living and a possible avenue to network. {if Formation = 5
} Sometimes, though, her inner slut made unwholesome suggestions about how to "network." {endif
}She had to work at 3:30 PM, though her feet were still sore from the previous night's shift. {elseif Career = 2
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Beth had always been a good student{if Formation > 2
}: she wouldn't have graduated if she hadn't been, given all the extra-curricular activities of her college days.{else
} She had also always had a passion for music, especially piano, which she played well enough to teach on a basic level. So after college, tutoring, subbing and piano lessons had kept her in rent and food while she tried to figure out what she wanted long-term. Full time teaching was a thought, but the prospects were slim and the experiences subbing kept her dubious about her ability to deal with the difficulties.
She had a piano lesson at 11 AM within walking distance of their townhouse, so she was in no rush to get out of bed just yet.{elseif Career = 3
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Beth hadn't really pursued much in the way of academics in college, and graduated without a lot of direction, but she'd always been good with her hands, and decided to get a certification as a massage therapist. She worked at a professional therapy clinic, as well as freelancing. Although the money was tempting, she had never given "extras," as some clients assumed she would give. She was a legitimate therapist! {if Formation =2
}She couldn't deny, however, that the craft gave her an outlet for her enjoyment of sensual touch, even if it never went further than professional. {endif
}Brian would sometimes vaguely hint that he thought she might do extras when he was drunk, especially if she had a particularly lucrative week. He always took it back when he sobered up though. {if Formation = 5
}She was trying not to be that girl anymore, though she wondered if her choice of work was a recipe for disaster, given her predilections.{endif
She was off from the clinic today, but had a private session at 10:30 AM a short drive away, so she was in no hurry.{elseif Career =4
}Please log in to view the image
Beth was between jobs at the moment. She had been a bit directionless after college, bouncing from waiting tables, to retail, to temping in an office. She had finally found a nice little job at a local restaurant, until circumstances had her to quit, leaving her unemployed again with a wedding to plan for. Brian was supportive, and between his salary and her savings, they would be alright until she found something new, but she still didn't know what she wanted long term, even at 26.
She was supposed to meet her ex-roommate, Lindsay, for lunch at noon, but she was in no hurry to get out of bed. {elseif Career = 5
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Beth had started dancing in clubs secretly the year she turned 18{if Upbringing = 2
}, keeping it hidden from her parents.{elseif Upbringing = 0
}, doing her best to keep it under wraps from her family.{else}.{endif
} She had started just as a way to make money, but she did enjoy the attention{if Formation = 5
}, and it definitely fueled her nymphomaniac tendencies.{else
} By the time college was over, she had attracted the attention of adult photographers and websites who approached her to do nude modeling. She loved that: same thrill, less hard on the knees, ankles and feet. She had been...encouraged to break into actual porn, but she never took that plunge{if Formation = 5
}, though she had given "extras" to high paying clients at the club a few times. {else
She had actually met Brian while dancing: he had been there for the bachelor party of his best friend, Mason, and he had seemed uncomfortable to be there...until she started dancing for him. Within a few months, they had started dating. Brian often mentioned that he would prefer if she did something else, that they wouldn't need the money when he made partner, and had made her promise to quit when that happened. But in her heart of hearts...she still liked the attention, and especially now that Brian was always working or tired.
She intended to head in at 7 PM and dance until she met her goals, but she was meeting her ex-roommate, Lindsay for lunch at noon. She had time to relax yet.{else
You'd best turn on that story mode, reader, or else there's not going to be anything to see up there!{endif
The sounds of the water cut off, and after a minute or two, Beth turned onto her side to watch Brian emerge from the bathroom...

What's next?

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