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Chapter 2

Which ring do they go to?

Some Background (For Writers)

If you want more information on the background of the story and how to add to it effectively you have come to the right place.

Elaborations on the submission Guidelines:

Two of the rules for submitting new content are actually a bit more extensive than I felt comfortable shoe horning into the guidelines that come up with every new page: rules 3 & 4, here is the expanded text with the extra information which ALMOST but not quite goes without saying, as well as a note on the exact intent of rule 8.

The Courtesy Rule
3: Don't muck up other people's SLs without their permission: but feel free to add to any thread that is not the latest in a string. Killing off significant characters, especially the protagonists, is particularly frowned upon, that said feel free to add to the story where you will: EXCEPT: on the latest thread in a string which is not your own without permission, and any page created by the owner, Simon_Silver: the first is forbidden while the second you always have permission, since If I don't want you to do it I just will deny the thread. Denying established content, at least illogically, is also very bad form.

The Genre Rule
4: This story is filed under the 'Sci-fi' part of 'sci-fi and fantasy', so no sorcery, demons, psionics ETC, unless you discuss it with the owner and it is to be later revealed that it was all technological chicanery, like 'telekinesis' accomplished with gravity manipulation devices or 'demons' that are just genetically engineered creatures and so on.

The Extra Rule
"8: Other than that? Anything goes." This isn't in the submission guidelines, but it almost doesn't need to be mentioned: When I say 'Other than that? Anything goes!' in rule 8, I mean it, outside the 8 rules and the two elaborations above I will consider ANYTHING, even things that don't match up with the established content and ones which would require more rings than the ship is described as having in the first thread. While I will hold people to that number of rings existing in any one SL, there can be more SLs with it's own unique take on a ring than the ship would have, we are here to celebrate a concept not create a self contained universe.

Established Rings:

As of this writing there are 4 rings which have been started or will be expanded upon shortly:

The Blossom Land
This ring is the first one in the first thread. It is based on feudal Japan and will be a kung-fu 'sword & planet' type tale.

Yagdrasil's Child
This tale is going to be more about the difficulties of dealing with the natives in a society and biology which is totally outside human experience: one that has developed in zero-G for hundreds of years, and which is largely trans-human... It will be hard to write for because most people, the Owner Included, cannot properly conceive of life without gravity.

This ring takes the Sci-Fi concept of the tale and stretches it to the breaking point. This story is about one of the broken rings which were vented into space: and the society of rogue robots which took it over, moat of whom are now fourth and fifth generation replacements and no longer know that they are not the Magi-technological champions they claim to be, as well as their human slaves who think they are living inside a slumbering mechanical god. What will happen when the protagonists upset the delicate balance between slavery and freedom, ignorance and enlightenment, truth and lies, which sustains this culture and allows it to thrive?

The Land of Nod
This tale is about the 'African' ring, where 'sorcerers' rule the population with technological chicanery and scare tactics, and our protagonists must spark a rebellion against people with 'magic powers' that are all too real in their effects though not actually 'magical' at all in their sources.

What areas would you like more information on?

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